courage to stand an american story and joins us now. i understand you are going to make a decision shortly whether you are going to run. >> that's right, bill. >> bill: what i'm interested in tonight is i don't i don't want to talk about president obama and the economy because that can change in two years. i mean and it's going to but, putting the economy aside what do you think his main vulnerability is? say you have to debate president obama, where are you going. >> there are big issues that will lurk beyond the moment. one is the ponzi scheme and the federal government and spending patterns and his lack of urgency and sense of seriousness about that to tackle it boldly concerns me a great deal. >> bill: he told me he was. you saw the interyou have a. he told me he was very serious. >> bill, he proposed 400 billion over 10 years in cuts. that's 40 billion a year. they year spent it by 1.5 trillion last year with trillion-dollar deficits as far as the eye can see. that's not serious. >> bill: but, you know, that's a macroissue that a lot of people say okay, so you are spending a lot of money. how does that affect me?