up. they are the people just graduating from colleges and universities and they were promised a better life and right now they are not experiencing it. it is definitely a younger movement. >> geraldo: an average annual income of $1,800 a year. >> yeah. >> geraldo: you can't live on that. >> it is difficult to live that way. it is virtually impossible. the thing is again the people who are taking the streets aren't just the poor people. it is across the board. a lot of my friends are upper income people and they are out there wanting the chaness to be chance to be free. >> i know you are comedian and i want you to come back and give us one of your jokes but regards to your family hopefully they are able too watch and good luck to you. thanks for being on. >> thank you. >> geraldo: judy miller formerly of the new york times, fox news contributor. you say it is impossible for the muslim brotherhood, the radical 10% to take over. >> i want to stop saying impossible but let's say very