marrying somebody that you're not in love with, it's the soulmate is not the most practical decision, we'll explain. >> i said it's like your safety on your list. >> first, first we have breaking news, it's an incredibly good ending. here is a fox news alert. that missing 12-year-old from virginia has been found alive in san francisco. an eagle-eyed shopper tipped off authorities at a local grocery store shortly after police then swooped in and saved her. this is brittany mae smith reported missing after mother tina was found dead in their whom a week ago. the alleged kidnapper is the more's boyfriend. he was the suspect in the homicide investigation back in virginia and this morning we're happy to report he's in custody and brittany has been in touch with her family and expected to be back together by tomorrow. a live report on that reunion and what her family is saying coming up for you.