i think that the u.s. congress should investigate npr and consider cutting off their money. i think the whole idea that if you honestly say how you feel about islam and about what he said was very balanced. people should read what he actually said. the idea that that is the excuse for national public radio to sense or juan williams i think is an outrage, and every listener to npr should be enraged that there is this kind of by as against an american. jenna: it looks like a lot of thank yous from our viewers through our chat and email. mr. speaker i hope you're okay, it's dry out there in phoenix. jon: he's going to have to get his voice back. jenna: it wasn't too hot, right the hot seat? it was all right. you'd come back into the hot seat. >> reporter: we'll come back and do it again. you have my word. jenna: thank you so much. >> reporter: thank you. jon: right now a hearing on capitol hill, one-time pay czar ken feinberg is in the political