trillion dollars worth of waste is in the federal government budget, let us please get after that first, before we start talking about cutting entitlement. what politician. >> chris: that is where the money is and it may be a typical political question, but that is where the money is, it is in medicare and social security. we have got the baby boomers coming and there will be a huge explosion of entitlement spending and you call it a political question when i asked you to name one single entitlement expenditure you are willing to cut. >> chris, i believe that to deal with entitlement reform which we must deal with we ought to put every possible solution up on the table. except we should be very clear that we are not going to cut benefits to those nearing right. or those in retirement. but, having said all of that, for years and years, career politicians, frankly of both parties, have said oh, no, the only way to cut spending is to deal with entitlement, the political third rail and never