secondly, that -- >> what do they have to be upset about? >> what is interesting, this is the mood and tone and device of that in europe. just as the european leaders are trying to get a handle on spending data, just, blinded them and corrupted and blind-sided the governments, along comes the president of the united states saying no, no. go back to what you were doing. >> well, first, they're further along the crisis curve than we are by far. part because they don't have a currency that is the world's reserve currency. we make the mistakes and people keep wanting our currency. >> neil: no, they spent their way to a problem and it cradled to grave, social mentality. they are paying the early board. the president says well, maybe not socialist but the spending part of it was okay. keep doing it. >> he's not saying that. you and your friend charles are reading too much into it. >> neil: did you read the letter? it's on the website. don't spot the spigot too soon, keep stimulation

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