companies can operate if a marketplace where the government says you have to take all-comers and you can't limit anything. law of unintended consequence of the bill everybody where any insurance is insured by the government. the second one is there will be two classes of medical care. i want to say this, so you understand. two classes. one con see yerj care for -- concierge care for people who can afford what they want. the other class of care is for poor people in the country will have. when i hear about universal coverage, you will have it, but you will line up and wait long periods of time. i'll explain why. doctors now under the new rules will be forced to take a payment set by the federal government, forced to give a service determined by the federal government. the problem is many physicians worked very hard, they owe a lot of money for medical school, and they will have a market-based choice. they can work for the plans that the government allows and creates and be limited,

Related Keywords

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