♪ that thing you do, i'm crazy for you, baby ♪ oh, yeah ♪ you got me yummy. >> adam, adam. >> bill, don't look so disgusted, please? >> bill: here is my problem. this is why it is so dumb. the first time i saw it i thought it was a milk ad. what's it an ad for? >> i'm just going to leave it it's for a domain service. >> bill: domain service. did you get that from that? >> no, i didn't. but guess what in the united states here we are talking about it so this domain service was brilliant. it was banned by -- >> bill: australian tv, we are on it they run all kinds of crazy stuff and they don't want to run. this how come? >> it was feminist bloggers. they are mad because they look more like louie anderson than pamela anderson. >> bill: feminist bloggers said this was anti-woman? >> it was a little -- come on, it's a little sexual. >> bill: more than a little. >> a celebration of women.