and democrats. so where does that leave us? they make the point that without a quick reaction force, for instance, one of the recommendations following the security view, once again, the national guard won't be able to get there within minutes. it will take them hours to get. there we saw the consequences of that on january 6th. >> there has to be reconsideration on how protection is given up on the hill. i don't think we'll see the capitol open for the public any time soon. we're asking too few people to do too many things. along with not only protecting the building, the capitol itself and the buildings, but protection of the members around the country where we know the threats against them are increasing. the capitol police don't have time to reenergize and train and get better and work with other departments that can work together. but there are other areas of improvement that can be done. >> that -- you mentioned there, the safety of members in their

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One ,Point ,Instance ,Democratic ,National Guard Won T ,Recommendations ,Reaction Force ,Security View ,Leave ,People ,Protection ,January 6th Insurrection ,Public ,Consequences ,The Hill ,Capitol Open ,6 ,January 6th ,Country ,Things ,Threats ,Members ,Capitol ,Buildings ,Building ,Capitol Police Don T ,Departments ,Areas ,Safety ,Train ,Improvement ,

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