there's a lot that will happen between now and then. we expect that opponents of the death penalty will file lawsuits about these protocols. the federal government is adopting the drugs and protocols that states have been using, in georgia, texas, others states, that have been blessed, including by the supreme court, to carry out the death penalty on a state level. so we'll see if though excuses happen as planned. >> thank you, even. >> thanks. is this moving the country forward, amanda? >> i just question the timing of why now? what's the justification for moving on this? the only thing i can think of is maybe trump wants to pick a fight about the death penalty for 2020, given the firm opposition by so many presidential candidates. if that's the reason for moving on this, i mean, that's really, really unsettling. we should always be leery. i support the death penalty in some cases, but it should only