republicans, that they will approach it with the seriousness that it deserves. we should never forget, this investigation began because the russians, in a systematic and sweeping way, attacked our democracy. that ought to be a concern to everyone, republican and democrat alike, independent. so i hope this hearing will give the american people an understanding of the seriousness of this attack and the serious effort that the president made to stop the investigation. >> they'll get it, but that's going to create reaction formation. because people are going to say, i kind of knew this was already big, now i know even more. but where the hell aren't republicans and democrats do anything about it? i hear from republicans and democrats, interference mattered, except you haven't done anything about it. >> we passed legislation to respond to this, to prevent it from happening in the future. >> in the house. but there are no laws. >> we didn't get any help from the republicans on that bill, but we have to, of course, do everything that we can. we just passed additional legislation last week to secure our elections. that has to be our first priority. to make sure that the american people decide who will be our president, without any