people, a lot of independents, you know, take it as you can't trust this president on anything, why should i trust him here or or on iran or anything else. that's one of the reasons he's running 13 points behind joe biden at this stage of the campaign. there are an awful lot of people who are going to reject this. >> that's fair. >> yeah, whether his fortunes will improve or not i think depends somewhat on the economy. i think it depends a lot on the economy. i think we know now who this president is and when he lies and he lies often. just go back to this other question about whether he would take foreign intelligence. he once again is carving out a great big loophole. he says if we think it's important we would call the fbi. yet we know in previous conversations he would never call the fbi. we know what his predisposition is up front and that is i wouldn't call them. he's now saying maybe i would call them. that doesn't solve anything. it continues to be an invitation to other countries, bring us