make sense? does it jive with things that we've seen before? and to what extent is he backed up by other evidence? we've gotten a sense of that in the opening statement, the checks, the other records and documents that he's brought up. and remember, this is just an opening statement. we're just getting started. there's going to be a whole lot more coming out today. >> garrett graff, i want to warn you we may have to interrupt you when we see the president and kim jong-un together for the first time. that may nap a minute we're told. but in the meantime, remember, as we all do, that explosive buzzfeed story that said that the president had directed michael cohen to lie to congress. that will come up today. and, in fact, he is going to address it. he is -- this is what he's going to say. mr. trump did not directly tell know lie to congress, that's not how he operates. in conversations we had in the campaign at the same time i was actively negotiating with russia for him he would look me in the eye and tell me there's no

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