but you can look at a road and see 20, 30, maybe sometimes 40 horse trailers backed up like a caravan. it will move you. i don't care who you are. you just look, and you just love humanity when you see that. and it's inspiring to see that. there's a lot of people out there working hard. and the first responders are beyond words incredibly heroic people. >> beyond words, the first responders, the firefighters. i was talking to this one incredible nurse yesterday, and people like you, you know, saving horses, dogs, i read about cats and pigs and everything that they possibly can in the midst of this madness. thank you so much for all you're doing. bless you for that. and good to talk to you. thank you. >> caller: thank you very much. a stunning new twist in the deadly lion airplane crash. cnn has learned that pilots were reportedly kept in the dark by boeing about potential hazards. we'll have that for you. and the first lady of the united states publicly calling for the firing of a top national