after six days with her attorney, she went on the record with "the new yorker." christine and dave. >> jessica, thank you. >> let's bring in writer phil wegmann. >> happy monday. >> jessica finishes with interesting lines from the magazine piece. the woman who says after six days of carefully assessing her memory. you say this could be a bombshell, but no one to light a fuse? >> i think obviously the allegations here are serious. they are disgusting. like the allegations that were brought by ford against kavanaugh, they're unverified. if you look at what ramirez said. there is no one to corroborate the story. "the new yorker" came out and said in the tenth paragraph of that piece they could not confirm that kavanaugh was in the room when the alleged incident took place.

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The New Yorker ,Record ,Memory ,Dave Briggs ,Attorney ,Christine Blasey Ford ,Jessica Schneider ,Six ,Woman ,Magazine Piece ,Phil Wegmann ,Lines ,Brett Kavanaugh ,Allegations ,Ford ,One ,Bombshell ,Fuse ,Unverified ,Room ,Story ,Incident ,Paragraph ,Piece ,What Ramirez ,

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