communities across our country. >> even though it's not conservative orthodoxy, i think what they did in 2008 was the right thing to do to save the economy, and i think they probably did prevent a wipeout of a tremendous number of people and a second great depression. >> good evening, i'm dan harris. president bush made his final trip to iraq today, one last opportunity to thank the troops and meet with iraqi leaders. and while the president was cheered by u.s. forces, the trip will almost surely be remembered for these pictures of an iraqi reporter throwing his shoes at the president. >> this is the worst thing you can do to a human being in the arab world. shoes are the dirtiest thing. i think it's just an indication of how so many iraqis felt. >> there was evidence all over the arab world of what low regard they had for him. this is a man who, in his heart, really wanted to improve the conditions of arabs by bringing democracy.

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President Bush ,Country ,People ,Economy ,Number ,Thing ,Trip ,Communities ,Wipeout ,Iraq Today ,Orthodoxy ,Great Depression ,Dan Harris ,One ,2008 ,Iraq ,President ,Troops ,Opportunity ,Pictures ,Forces ,United States ,Leaders ,Shoes ,Reporter ,Arab World ,Iraqis ,Human Being ,Indication ,Oman ,Democracy ,Conditions ,Heart ,World ,Who ,Arabs ,Evidence ,

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