people acted upon that message because it said this is not a drill. you were just listening to one account. this was repeated over and over across the island for 38 agonizing minutes, people were not given an official response to say this was done in error. sara sidner has been speaking to the governor of hawaii. what did you get? >> so the question to him was how did this happen and that is what everybody wants to know. he always did mention that not only was a text sent out, but there were those -- and we're all familiar with that when the television and the radio beeps out that sound that this is an emergency alert, that also happened. and so he is saying look, i'm down at the emergency management area where this all happened, there was a shift change the governor said, and during that shift change, it was a routine shift change, someone accidently -- and this is how he put it -- pressed the wrong

Related Keywords

Drill ,People ,Message ,Response ,Island ,Account ,One ,38 ,State Of Hawaii ,Terror ,Question ,Governor ,Everybody ,Sara Sidner ,Text ,Emergency Alert ,Sound ,Radio Beeps ,Television ,Mention ,Sent Out ,Someone ,Area ,Emergency Management ,Wrong Button ,Shift ,Shift Change ,Change ,

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