you know, and getting -- and harm ensuing. second thing is we also need assurances that there wasn't some sort of foul play going on and we don't know. so we're super careful in this regard. but i will say that the text, the language in the text, should have never been written. and the last line, right, this is not a drill, is the last line of the attack on pearl harbor, the alert that went out which of course was not a drill, which people from hawaii are well aware of. so that -- so i want to see someone tell us. it's been too long. i mean, at this stage it's ridiculous if it was a mistake. >> elyse, you told us that it was pacific command that came out. i would have expected -- i mean i know pacific command militarily at least from the navy's perspective and otherwise oversees that region, but i would have thought maybe the

Related Keywords

Thing ,Wasn T ,Assurances ,Foul Play ,Drill ,Course ,Language ,Alarm Alert ,Text ,Regard ,Line ,Attack On Pearl Harbor ,Mistake ,People ,Someone ,United States ,Stage ,Hawaii ,Pacific ,Us Pacific Command ,Perspective ,Region ,Navy ,Elyse ,

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