information. what does the u.s. need to do right now to keep russia from moving forward with that kind of propaganda campaign again? >> we have two reports that have been published, one is a classified and other is a nonclassify the. i've read both. the classified has more information how we got the information but the unclassified for individuals that want to really get into it, it's available, about 30 pages or so. in the report it makes it very clear that russia did everything they could to use the same approach they did before the int internet came along. they used propaganda and put out misinformation and all sorts of tools back then. in a lot of cases it was publications and tv and so forth. now they are using the internet and what they are also doing, they figured out if they really want to get those internet articles in front of more people, they will play the game of increasing the number of reads thus making it a more popular item and being picked up by the media. they've done that.