diversion. >> that's why i don't think they can -- >> say with a straight face that that's the real story. the collection has nothing to do with the fbi investigation and senate into russian contacts with trump campaign officials and russian -- >> that's what last week has been. >> so it worked. >> stop talking about rush why and talk about the election. >> what time did he go in, was the sun up, this is a week of not talking about the one issue the white house didn't want it talk about. >> david, have you a good understanding why the hearing today was cancelled? >> i don't think we have a good understanding. spz what is the actual explanation? >> there was no clearer explanation other than that nunes clearly did not want it move forward with it. that was there. the why, i leave it to -- >> and sally yates wanted to testify. it wasn't as if she was hiding behind saying she didn't want to