breeding confusion at airports. sean spicer is defending the roll-out, and calling the criticism overblown. >> if we announce this a lot earlier, it would have given people plenty of time to flood into the country who could have done us harm. that's not exactly a sound strategy, right? so the people that needed to be kept in the looked were kept in the looked. >> trump also tweeting if the ban were announced with a one week notice, the bad would rush in. a lot of bad dudes out there, but the refugee process often drags on for more than a year. even visas can take weeks for approval. the uncertainly drew a shark rebuke from many reps. senators john mccain and lindsey graham warned the travel ban could alienate muslim allies saying we ultimately fear this will become a self-inflicted wound. trump swiped back on twitter calling them weak on immigration, saying they're always looking to start word war iii.

Related Keywords

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