that's something we have to own up to in this country. it's the biggest part of the debt crisis in the future. it's something we have to deal with. the point is i think these reforms are better. i like the idea of saying to a future senior, if you like the traditional medicare plan, you can keep that but if you want to choose from a list that's comprehensive that are guaranteed benefits like federal employees have, you should be able to choose that, too. >> if you like your plan, you can keep your plan. >> that's what premium support is. nice. yeah. all right, got ya. >> that active choice in competition is proven to -- you know, you're going to hear this theme, it's proven to drive down cost because it makes those insurers compete against each other for our business. >> we'll take a very quick break. up next, russia's hacking of the u.s. election. what will congress do about it? that and much more ahead with speaker paul ryan. we're live from the george washington university. stay with us. (vo) the holidays may be over