for a rockette to be considered for an event, they must voluntarily sign up and are never told they have to perform at a particular event including the inaugural. >> i want to bring in bill carter. you have been covering all things not just entertainment but donald trump for a long time. what's your reaction to all this? >> it is obvious there is an issue between trump and the major entertainment industry figures. clearly, he sent out feelers to some of the bigger names. they have all said no. it kind of is of a peace with this whole election, which was a scorched election the whole time. it is continuing. i don't think there is a place in america that is more opposed probably to trump than hollywood. they didn't like him before the election. they don't like him now. probably a lot of the entertainers that might be thinking it would be worth doing for the exposure don't want to be subjected to the criticism they might face in hollywood for