because that stuff is substantial and it's worth talking about. >> well, i'm not sure that some of that is worth talking about. i mean gossipy stuff, salacious stuff, i'm not sure that has a bearing on who the next president should be. hillary clinton or donald trump. even if you believe that, i think it's important for voters to have that judgment informed by the fact that this is a foreign intelligence operation being run against the united states of america. so, all of those e-mails, whether you agree with them or not. whether they affect your vote or not, all of them should come with a cautionary asterisk. russia has done this in estonia and ukraine and they not only release these documents, but doctor these documents. i think voters should be advised of that. >> this morning you're 100% certain that russia is behind this? >> not only am i 100% certain, but the president of the united states has said that russia is behind this. if you don't believe him, the