i want to get his thoughts after. also with us, republican consultant debate coach and communications strategist, bret o'donnell, and our chief political analyst, gloria borger. gloria, with paul ryan saying what he has said, is this just a sign he thinks it's impossible for donald trump to become president? >> i think it is. i think he's taking a look at the polls and you don't have to be a rocket scientist or speaker of the house to understand that this is all heading in a really bad direction for donald trump. and what he is doing and has been doing, quite frankly, is giving members permission to go their own way. because he doesn't want to lose control of the house, nor does he want republicans to lose control of the entire congress. and he got a little bit of push back on that from congressman in ruby red states, who feel like it's really in their benefit to be on the trump train, but i think it was very clear from what he was saying, it was like, each man for himself, here. you've got to do what you've got to do in order to save your own skin.