she's talked about in public and private is the same. she's talked about ending the loophole, what we need to do on shadow banking, she's talked about income inequality and the need to address that to wall street. she said that publicly and said that privately. and i think that's why what you saw from senator sanders yesterday, he thought what she said was fine, she agrees we need to be tougher >> adam hodges, thanks for being with us. >> thanks for coming in. we want to catch you up on the deadly storm that's weakening off the east coast. matthew is no longer a hurricane, but the potential for more flooding makes it just as dangerous. the coast guard rescued eight people from rooftops in pine tops, north carolina. >> so far, matthew has produced record-breaking floods and claimed at least 17 lives in four states. nearly 900 people had to be rescued from the storm in north

Related Keywords

Wall Street ,Same ,Need ,Shadow Banking ,Income Inequality ,Loophole ,Fine ,Senator Sanders ,Storm ,America ,Thanks ,Hurricane ,Hurricane Matthew ,Flooding ,Potential ,Adam Hodges ,Weakening ,East Coast ,People ,States ,Floods ,Rooftops ,North Carolina ,Pine Tops ,Coast Guard ,Eight ,17 ,900 ,Four ,

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