covering the story for us with amber lyons. how is it going, amber? >> well, wolf, out here, i get the feeling among the local fishermen, and shrimpers it is optimistic, and right now feinberg is inside of the town hall giving a speech to standing-room-only group of people and we were able to grab one of the shrimpers out here, and glenn, how are you doing today and what did you think about the first time that since the oil blew that no oil is leaking into the gulf? >> i feel like i can get back to a little bit of normal and i don't have to roll and no sleep at night. and it is a big relief off of a lot of people and shrimpers, and it is a big relief off of their chest. >> i see you are wearing a super bowl champion shirt and it feels like the saints won the super bowl. >> to me, it feels like the night the saints won the super bowl. it is a great feeling. >> and can you breathe a