to the third century and some bear the likeness of a little-known general who ruled britain. one of the largest finds made in britain. the coins are valued at about $1 million. crisp says he'll split that money with the landowner where the coins were found. congratulations to both of them. like winning the lottery. he has a winning streak that las vegas would envy. picking soccer winners from his home in germany. he is not a person. he is an octopus. thanks to the world cup, he's now world famous. here's cnn's jeanne moos. >> reporter: he's an octopus who doesn't realize his goal is to predict world cup winners. >> the oracle ok tu pulse. >> psychic -- >> he's gotten famous. >> reporter: paul lives at the sea life aquarium in germany where they lower two boxes labeled with the flags of competing teams. each box contains mussels, one

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