covered budgets come exactly true. but the president is in a delicate balance. he's got to show he cares about the deficit, but cutting back on spending when the economy is still hurting is not a great idea. so he's got to balance those proposals to create jobs with his showing his care for bringing the deficit down. >> i love how you break it down in simple terms. the lunch money example was perfect. hey, i may need to borrow some lunch money from you in five years. you now are the host of "state of the union" on sunday mornings. congratulations. >> thank you. i'm excited. it's going to be fun, i think. >> no doubt. looking forward to it. i want to let everyone at home know that, again, candy crowley is the new anchor of "state of the union." it's on sunday at 9:00 a.m. eastern, of course, right here on cnn. we are all very thrilled about that. congratulations to candy. in the meantime, though, 600,000 jobs, that's how many the white house says were funded by the stimulus in the latest report.