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Robots taking over all jobs . How many of you are actually afraid of that . Can i see a bigger show of hands . So how many of you have heard about it on the news all the time that youre not going to have a job because robots are taking all of you really seriously . And how many of you are of that, that it might actually happen happen . Okay. About three quarters of you maybe kind of sort of a little bit. Well, lets start off by just dispelling the myth. So this is a graph that shows us the Employment Level in the United States from january 1948 to march 2023. And were taking a look at the thousands of persons employed. And when we take a look at the long term picture of the Employment Level in the United States, you can see that the Employment Level the United States has always increasing. Yes, its true. Our has been increasing as well. But so have jobs and so has the Employment Level in the United States. These shaded represent recessions and as you are aware during recessions though we do see an increase in the unemployment rate. So its important for us to stay focused and whats going on in the long run as opposed to whats going on during these short term disruptions in our economy. So hopefully this helps you feel a little bit about that. But you know, the fact that we have seen an increase in Employment Levels over time and do expect to continue to see an increase in these Employment Levels over time as well. When you think about all the changes that we have experienced in our economy from the 1950s to the nineties sixties, this is about when computers were being started to be used by businesses in communications to the 1970s and the 1980s. So heres where people started relying on personal computers 1990s, 2000s, or we start relying on the complex mobile phones that we have. And yet you continue to see the number of people employed in our country increase. So we should not think about computers and robots as substitutes for human skills. Rather, we should think about them as complements to human skills. And this graph does show us what has happened to the percent of in the Manufacturing Sector. As you can tell over here we have seen a decrease in jobs in the manufacturing. Well we take a look at the percent who are employed in the sector between january 70 to january 2012. You notice how about a quarter or slightly more than a quarter of our labor force was employed in the manufacture sector in early 1970s and we see a steep significant decrease of in the manufacturing to about 10 or so by the end of this period in 2012. So total employment has increased. There has been a shift in the types of jobs that people working in our economy today, as you can tell right here, the Manufacturing Sector has been shrinking and this is where a lot of those middle class jobs are, when you think about this, these jobs many of these jobs are in the midwest. Midwest, like michigan, perhaps. And you know, in the midwest, we have seen a decrease in employment within the Manufacturing Sector, but we have seen increases in employment in other sectors. So in the next graph, im going to show you what has happened to employment in selected sectors. So got this graph from the st louis federal reserves website or its pretty easy to go out and graph out a lot of the data from the bureau of labor statistics, for example and i put some specific sectors in our economy such as construction leisure and hospitality, retail trade, professional and business services, financial activities, private education, Health Services, transportation, warehousing and manufacturing, and in this graph, i went back all the way to 1940 to today, the latest data that i could find. In march 2023. So top line over here shows is all employees in the Manufacturing Sector. So what was going on in the Manufacturing Sector was until up to about the mid 1940s or so. We saw an increase in employment in the Manufacturing Sector after which it stayed pretty much stable pretty much steady. And then we have started to see a drop or a decrease in the more recent decades. But were seeing jobs in other sectors opening up. For example, this right this line right over here, you see a steady growth. Growth, you see a steady growth and jobs jobs with sectors this this. Is private, private education and Health Services and theres a few others as well. So because im interested in the shift that has been happening more recently, i decided to just go break this graph just so we could take a closer look at whats happening more recently and start this graph. From january 1970 and it where we were ending in the previous graph in march of 2023. So you know, you can continue to see the trend of a decrease in employment in the manufacturing. We do see a deep decrease during recessions the shaded areas in this graph are recessions such as the 2020 covid recession. But these are short term decreases and eventually you know, we go back up to r all levels. So when you look at these graphs, i want you to focus on whats been on in the long run, whats been going on over a ten year period, 20 year period, over a decades or even over a century. And as billy mentioned over there the private education and Health Service sector has been growing, what are some of the sectors that have been growing . Yes, the professional services, professional and business services. Instead, the second line on their professional and business services. Yes, i think so. Yes. So this has been growing and which one is this over here . Because it seems like its been growing as well. Right. How has it been growing . Oh, well, maybe not. Yeah, i think thats been a long term trend of growth. And this one. So which one is this one . Yes, its leisure and hospitality. Leisure and hospitality. But its really interesting to take a look at what happened during the recession, during the covid disruption, when a lot of businesses were shut down. We saw a really deep drop in the leisure and hospitality industry. But in the long term we are seeing a long term increase and that as well. And then theres some level here that i just pretty much steady right and you maybe theyve been growing by a little bit but its pretty much just you know, pretty steady. So what are these sectors here. Yeah, its like construction, transportation and warehousing and activities, construction and transportation and warehousing. Finance, all activities. So, no, they seem steady. So its important for us to understand that while some sectors, as the Manufacturing Sector has been shrinking, it has been decreasing. That does not mean that other sectors, theyre going to be Jobs Available in other sectors. You do see this shift thats taking place in our economy with the types of jobs that are available in our economy. So whats really going on in our economy over time over the last few decades has been structural changes in the labor markets. These early structural long term changes in our labor market there has been different types of jobs that are being created. Were seeing growth in certain industries, but were also seeing other industries and these rapidly changing labor markets are due to two things technological progress. And heres where you youre all concerned about computers taking over jobs. But i want you to think about the types of jobs in the Manufacturing Sector. What are the types of jobs in that sector that so easy for us to to to for example, to have a computer take over or to program a computer to do. Yes, Like Assembly or organizational tasks, Like Assembly, organizational tasks. Why do we think those kinds of jobs are easier for us to get to do . Yes, theyre very routine. So you get a computer to like. Do that pretty easily. Perfect their routine. So, you know, jobs that are really routine, you can really easily Program Computers do all right. To give them rules. Do this then do that. Then you do that and you do that. And its very easy for a computer to take over. Now its these types of jobs that can also be outsourced to cheaper wage countries, because these are types of jobs that we can specific rules to worker in these countries and they can just those rules very routine rules that theyre going to be following and and complete the tasks. So given that these jobs are disappear in our economy, the job is in the past in our economy are going to be very different from types of jobs in the future. And since these jobs are going to be we are going to require a different a different set of skills from humans in todays labor market as well as in future labor markets. Were seeing some labor market polarized zation where the types of jobs that we find cannot be substitute suited by technology or computers or cannot be outsourced are either the very low skilled jobs or the very high skilled jobs. And many of these middle skill jobs been automated or theyve been sent abroad. And we expect this pattern to continue in the future. What we need today is we need skills that complement technology or skills that computers cannot substitute for. So lets think about what computers can do and what computers cannot do. How many of you tried out that Robot Cleaner . Oh yeah. What do you think about it . I think convenient. Like the kind that goes around and does its thing. Like you kind of like its very hands off, which i think is good if youre, like, busy. Yeah, its really convenient. Its really fast. It really helpful. Were busy. We dont have to worry about it. So thats why i love it. I bought one last year. I was like, oh, i a busy person. Im just going to have no time vacuum my house. Im just going to turn on the robot vacuum cleaner and it swallowed up my phone charger, swallowed it up. It didnt even stop. Kept going and going, going till the end. Now lets think about how human would have been different once you see phone charger and sometimes you do accidentally vacuum by the phone charger. But once you see that something is happening with it and the vacuum cleaner is swallowing up your phone charger, you stop. You pull out the wire right and youre pretty much you. Youre going to try to find a solution to a situation is unfamiliar to you and that youve never that youve never been in before. Thats something that robots cannot do because know robots are being programed based on information thats available so lets think about you know computers and robots can do and what they cannot do. So computers, as you mentioned speed and accuracy. And i make mistakes sometimes when im tired. I mean, sometimes its sitting around a cat i figure out what two times two is because im tired. But, you know, the computer can be going on all and you know, its pretty accurate. Its going to continue to be accurate. But heres the weakness of the computer. It can only process. They are given and they make inferences based on commands. So there needs to be some kind information thats been given to them and then based on that information, its going to follow specific command or a specific rule on what to do next. So the computer executes rules. Computers are programed with series of rules that specify an action for each contingency. You have to tell a computer what to do, and there needs to be Information Available for the computer to be able to execute rules. Humans, on the other hand, we process information cognitive poorly. Then we decide what to do next. So our brains are capable of analyzing new and unfamiliar situations in a way that computers cant, our brains are very flexible and or able to adapt to new situations. We can also draw upon our past experiences and then use past information and that information based the situation were currently facing and come up with what might be the best solution for it. So lot of the information that we are going to talking about in the next few slides come from a paper titled with robots humans skills computerized work by levy and rain in their work, they discuss how the types of jobs and the types of skills that required in economy has changed over time. Lets go back to discussing computers what computers can and cannot do. Computers can substitute for human in performing a particular task. Two conditions are satisfied. The first condition is information condition. The computer to have some preexisting information, a computer needs to have the information necessary to carry out a task. The second condition is the processing. That information has to be processed in. A specific set of rules for the computer to be able to execute it. The information or rules could be deductive or the ones are the ones that were all familiar with because this is just rules based logic or its a logical step by step instruction. Thats programed into a computer. This is pretty easy to computerize and, to outsource a good. Can you think about any examples where were just programing the computer step by step to follow a specific set of rules. Yeah i like the way you program like thermostats a house movie so i guess i was you want to keep like just the temperature above below a certain threshold its oh yeah so computer its all the computer i want it at 70 degrees so on my home at 70 degrees so if the temperature in the house is above 70 degrees, thats a very good example. Thank you. If the temperature in the house is about degrees, then then the ac turns. If its below 70 degrees, the ac does not turn. So now thats where were giving the computer computers specific rule by rule, step by, step procedure to follow. But rules could also be inductive. Inductive rules would be Something Like pattern recognition, where the information process cant be articulated. A series of logical steps with petrushka mission, we could use statistical modeling to look for patterns in, data and based on these patterns, data from the past, we could then try to fosee and we could then try to predict a solution for something that has not happened before. Right. When you think about a. I. And all that and, you know, writing the essays and so on, the teachers are concerned about with, you know, plugging in a write an essay. The economics of education. I actually tried that out. I got a bunch of junk. Try it out one day. But what the computer does is it goes out, you know, and it takes out information that is already in the internet on the on the specific topic. And then it processes information and it spits out something based on what it thinks we want. Its not always correct. You know, thats a little bit harder to program, but thats something that where theyre using their theyre trying to use information from the past, processing that information, and trying to come up with something brand new or what i like to call maybe new output perhaps. But what tried it out. I found that it was not able to process those words into deeper meaning. Doesnt have that ability to be able to get to that point yet. So thats something that computers are unable to do and inductive rules are a little bit harder for us to program computer to do some of it. We have figured out how to do but theres still you you know a lot of it the computers at least at this point or in the near future might not be able to do so. Here are some uniquely human brain strengths, flexibility. We have the ability to process and to integrate many kinds of information to perform a complex task. We can solve problems for which theres no standard operating procedures. We can work with new information. We can sense of it. So if you already do the same thing and i asked you to write an essay on the economy of education, your output will be very of course, you will go online. You could take a look at the internet and youre using it as a complement to your learning and then you will process all information in a deeper you would make sense of it and youll communicate it effectively in a way that answers the prompt that i wanted. And dont forget, we have common sense. We know when to stop with when you know, with when your vacuum cleaner is swallowing up the structure. So, you know, these are some things that that computer do noe yet. And this is a table that i did also borrow from the work by a morning and theyre talk about the varieties of computer information process it theres rules based logic as we mentioned before those deductive rules and with deductive rules its pretty easy to program computer to do such as calculating basic income taxes turbotax anybody use turbotax. Yeah its very just plug in the information step your w2 whats your income step to your step three did you have any savings . Its a rule by rule thing. You savings . Yes. Enter in the information. No move on to the next step. So that will be an example of rules based logic or issuing a boarding pass. In the past, you would have to go up to the Airline Attendant lineup, give your passport or your id to the attendant and the attendant would plug things into the computer and issue a boarding pass. Today, you could just get your credit card, stick it at one of those computers and the computer, your name to their system and issue a boarding pass if the computers to match your name to the system, then youll get a message that says, go see the attendant. So these are the types of jobs that are very easy for us to program those with these step by step to deductive rules. And these are the types jobs that are easily replaced by and will continue to be replaced computers. And then as we move here, increasingly difficult program will be pattern recognition. We cant it is possible for us to Program Computers up to a certain point with these inductor rules such as speech recognition on siri. Everybody has a slightly different accent and you know, lets say that were asking. So your question series programed we can program to recognize these words that are pronounced slightly differently across different people but it is it is not easy as the deductive rules that we are programing to computers predicting a Mortgage Rate with predicting a mortgage default rate. If a bank would like to predict whether a customer default on the mortgage, what they would do is will get information about the customer such as, you know, maybe the customers credit score. How much money the customer owes people, the assets that the customer has. And then they will compare it based on the data of previous customers, they might have a data set with your thousand. So tens of thousands of millions of customers in the past. And take a look at the likelihood of a customer with a similar profile defaulting on the loan. Right. So thats a little bit more Information Processing takes place as pattern recognition, but were able to Program Computers to do that. But there are certain things, at least as of now, that remains human work rules that cannot be articulate it. And if the infamous portion necessary cannot be obtained. An example would be a writing a convincing legal brief. Lets say that there is somebody that you suspect committed a crime and you suspect that this person broke into the house. Perhaps at midnight, ran it, and i dont know, stole some food from the fridge or Something Like that. Right. So you its your job to go out and try to find that information to connect the pieces of the dots together based on the evidence that out there. And this is not something the computers are able to do, just. Moving furniture into a third floor apartment. Why cant . We get a computer to move furniture into a third floor apartment. What do you think the computers going to do . What do you think . Reason behind why we cant get a computer to do that. Yes. I mean, its a lot of like this. Theres like a unique set of stairs, a spiraling or like it wasnt exactly know how to navigate like that exact apartment where you wanted the furniture to be. All these, like, complexities of a robot might not be able to do so. You said its complex and its so its not routine. Its not routine. So its not something that we easily program a robot to do. So those are the kinds of jobs that are going to continue to be human work. So thats five types of workplace tasks. The two tests that are listed in, this slide shows us the tests can very easily be replaced computer so that can be outsourced. The first routine manual tasks, these are physical tasks that can be described using deductive or inductive rules such as inserting windshields on automobile bodies. Thats pretty easy to program a computer to do it. As you know, you do have to be careful about the placement of car, the placement of the robot, the placement of all these parts. But its pretty once everything is in place to program a computer to to conduct this task, these tasks can be performed very precisely by computers because its these repeated movements thats thats been repeated over and over. And these are the tasks that are, you know, have been computerized or have been outsourced. And then we have this routine Cognitive Tasks. These are mental tests that are well described by deductive or inductive rules, for example, accepting bank deposits. The past you used to have to line up at bank, you used to have to give the teller your cash or a check and then the teller would enter into your bank account, type in the amount of money that youre going to be depositing, and then add it up based the balance that you have in your cart and give you deposit slip today, you just go to an atm or you can even do it on your phone and want to have the app on your phone. Can scan the computer. You know. So this is a pretty routine Cognitive Task that we can very easily Program Computers to do or that can also be outsourced to other countries. Now, theres three types of tests, though, that of now computers are unable to do. The first is solving an unstructured we call these nonroutine, analytical tasks, problems that lack space solutions. An example is a plumber fixing a complicated plumbing problem in an old house and yes, its possible that plumber might want some youtube videos. Its possible that the plumber might go online and use the technology a complement. But the plumber still needs to put all this information together to try to solve this new problem that has, you know, that does not have a preexisting solution. So in this example, computers cannot replace human work in these tests, but they do complement work by making information more readily available, such as you know when the plumber uses the internet to find a source or to find some videos as to what the and what they think might be an issue with the plumbing in the house the other job at that type of task or the other type of skills that cannot be easily by computers is working with information. And you could think about these as nonroutine enterprises, those skills or you acquiring new information and youre making sense of this new information and youre using this new information either for problem solving or for communicating to others an. Example could be what im doing today. Perhaps any economics professor explaining the evolution of skills required for jobs. So i had to take all that information that was out, put it together and come up with new information based on based on existing information to help me understand whats going on in our economy with respect to the jobs, the change in the labor and the of skills that have been required in our economy. So this is another example that where we do still need that cognitive thinking skills and the flexibility skills that human brains have that computer dont have and nonroutine manual tasks as you mentioned before, moving furniture up the third floor. Ill have an apartment. So these are physical tests that cannot be well described rules because they require optical and find muscle control and theyre difficult to progress. And thats why you see that increase in health care, in the health care sector, because Home Health Care workers, many of them are conducting these nonroutine manual tests. Theyre going into the house, theyre taking look at what the patient needs. Theyre helping. The patient is specific to each patient and think about the janitor, the janitor as well. The janitor is is has a non manual task because the janitor has to go perhaps into the classrooms, into the building, into the bathrooms. Take a look at which bathrooms need to be cleaned, try to take a look at what specific issue is in each bathroom stall. So its not a routine task. Its not a repetitive task, but its a non routine task. And for this computers do not even complement human effort in carrying out these tasks. Rather will continue to need humans to be able to do these tasks in this non routine tasks computerization should have little effect on the percentage of, the workforce thats engaged in these. So in this graph we can take a look at the changing work tasks in the us economy from 1960 to approximately 2009, and its broken up those five different types of tasks that i describe to you earlier. As you can see, these two over here have been increasing since. The 1970s and what are these two . What kinds of tasks are we seeing that theres been an increased demand in in the labor market . Yes, the new information in those structural problems, working with the information and solving unstructured problems and which one is this one right here that has been decreasing. The manual tasks and the routine economy . So yeah we see the routine manual to us up here and the routine cognitive tests. Remember, those are like turbotax and so on that have been decreasing over time. Well, we end this line over here represents the nonroutine manual tasks. I will continue to see jobs that require these types of skills. So what weve seen is that jobs that require routine cognitive and routine manual tasks are being eliminated in our country and the future of human work and the us economy based on the changes that we have seen the past, we cant predict that will be within these 3 to 2 jobs nonroutine manual tasks like moving furniture. So of these to us are low skilled jobs and solving unstructured problems such as the car repair, the plumber working with you and determining a customers internet problem calling up. You know, when a customer calls up cable tv for example or you know their Internet Provider and tells them that their internet is not working, then you have to get information from them to try to figure out whats going on and to try to diagnose the problem accurately. So we we do anticipate that these are the three types of tasks are the three types of skills that we would need moving into the future based on how weve seen the skill sets are acquired in jobs in the labor market changing over time. So lets think about whether robots taking over the world now. How do we feel about it now . So how many of you think that robots are going to take over all jobs . Theres going to be no jobs for you. None of know how we went 100 to 0 of the classroom. That wasnt a pretty convincing all that data there and seeing all the information so lets think about these five tasks figures and i want you help me. I want you to help me classify these into this task categories. Remember solving unstructured problems with new information, routine cognitive tests, routine manual tasks and nonroutine tests. The first two are the ones that are going to be growing right the soup and the night. And so the last one, the nonroutine mental test and then the other two are going to be shrinking the rc, t and the r empty safely driving a truck through Downtown Boston. I cant even drive my car through Downtown Boston. Well, what do you think . Safely driving a truck through Downtown Boston . Yes, id say its a nonroutine manual task. You would say its a nonroutine manual y because like things like traffic and like i dont know, there could be crazy drivers sometimes its not the same every time, but it is like you are kind of doing the same general thing each time. And it is manual because you have to be sitting behind the wheel and driving and paying attention all that. But there could be a kid running across the or you know, that could be something that you were unable to program computer to do its very different from on the highway driving on the interstate 70 miles an hour on a straight road or like that. Right. So, yes, i agree with you. Adopter diagnosing an illness, strange symptoms. You go to the doctor, youre like i have a boil and. Well, which one do you think that is . I think its worth personal information because you can identify the symptoms at a moment. So it kind of are given the new information so it could be working with the information. But what else do you think it could be. What is the you know, the doctor have a computer that the doctor use to look up, which know nowadays when you do go see your doctor and you have an issue, you know what they do. Try to look it up and lets say you have a bottle they put it boil lets say you did this at home. I have a bottle. Then you look at this stuff. Oh, my gosh, i have cancer. But thats not it. Right . And thats why we still need a doctor who has those skills and those experience, diagnose you properly. So what else do you think it could be . Lets assume that you know, that information is out there. Yes, it could be a routine Cognitive Tasks. It could be routine Cognitive Task. But i like to argue it might actually be solving unstructured problem. Why would i say that it might be solving an unstructured problem. This because if it is strange and strange symptoms, it might lack like a concrete definite solution. It might be something kind of new. But youll have to deduce just from that. Yeah. So could be similar to the plumber who was trying to solve that unstructured, wasnt really sure what was going on. Looks things up on the internet anyway. So yeah. How about calculating tax from information about earnings and family composition. Routine Cognitive Task . How do we agree with her . Yes. Okay. How about a mechanic repairing an automobile problem . Not describe in the factory manual. So its a little tricky. I will pry before you plug this under solving an unstructured problem too, because you know, when theres a problem with a car. There are these right now that you can you know that can put the car through, that can diagnose things. But at the same time, theres certain things that the computer is unable to diagnose. So its ill call this an unstructured problem. Aha how about this . A manager motivating the people whose work she supervises is. Remember, communication and all that. Yeah, ive been working with newman for that will be working with you information. Thats where those communication skills coming in a lawyer writing of legal brief. I would argue solving an unstructured problem probably as well so an engineer why a new design for . A Video Streaming Service is an advance over designs. Oh, she has something for us working with new information working with new information. Why did you choose option . Because have to communicate the new information about the streaming service which is like more like cognitive and nonroutine and like analyzing the new information to yeah. Communicate it perfect thank you. Assembling book orders. An amazon warehouse. Yeah. I feel like thats a manual. It thats a pretty routine manual task. A chef creating, a new dish from ingredients that are fresh in the market that morning, the chef went out. They bought a bunch of, you know, things that were available in the market comes back tries to create a new dish now which one do we think this will be . Oh probably go with solving unstructured problem. Testing samples of newly computer chips. Yeah. And routine manual task. I have a couple more counting packing pills into containers. Routine manual test. Thank you. And last but not least, cleaning up building. Nonroutine mental tests. So, you know, youre starting to get the gist of ts here. So. Given that weve spoken about how certain jobs that require certain skills are going to be growing over time and certain are going to be shrinking. Lets take a look. The occupations with the most projected job growth. And i want you to think about all those types skills that we discussed before we expect to see employee fit. And this shows us the employment in 2021 and the projected employment in 2031. And we do expect to see employment, home health and personal care aides, increasing cooks and restaurants increasing. So health and personal care aides. What kinds of tests are these are they doing. Someone is ill, right. Unable to make it to the bed, to the wheelchair. So you have to live them up, help them out. Yeah. Is tough. This like non routine manual but also this all so yeah so theres a lot of non routine manual tasks here involved and also some of the solving unstructured problems that are also involved right here like with the personal care aides cooks in restaurants, as i mentioned, thats. Solving unstructured software, develop or is coming up withew things right fast food counter worker as general d Operations Manager is waiters and waitresses. So youre going to see that a lot of these skills are needed in these positions. Financial managers, assistance, it goes on and on, maids and housekeeping cleaners. So want you to understand that its not just the very high skill jobs that were going to see an increase and employment for, but theres also low skilled jobs that cannot replaced by computers and, cannot be outsourced that will continue to see a demand for. This graph right here just shows us the annual earnings of full time. Year round workers from 25 to 34 by education attainment. And whats interesting is we do that. There is definitely a premium for education as in those more education and a higher level of education to make more income that. Top line over here shows you the median annual earnings of those with a masters degree or higher. The to top bachelors degree the third to Top Associates degree. And then we have some colleagues degree and so on. Now we do see that wage gap between the two, but we do see how theres also going to be ending. We see how recently theres been an increase in the demand for those with an Associates Degree. Does anyone know what an Associates Degree is. Yeah, two year degree, right . Its a two year degree and a lot these two year degrees equip people with Technical Skills for maybe a dental hygienist or Web Developer or, you know, could be a Community College degree as well. And these kinds of jobs are also, you know, we need with these types of skills, basic knowledge. So a couple of things that we can about moving into the future is skills the future. We do see a new economic normal. Weve seen structural, economic changes brought by globalization and technological progress. And theres a growth in both skilled and low skilled. However, we do see a shrinking middle class and, you know, this has been because of the structural that weve been seeing in our economy, how, you know, theres been a shift in the types of jobs and the types of skills that are required in our economy. So i want you to remember, though, that growing economy is always making transitions. So think about the Industrial Revolution and think about the types of jobs that were available before the Industrial Revolution. Lets think about some agricultural jobs farming, for example. You want it to plow the land, you might use a horse or a donkey to pull the plow and you want fertilize your crops. You would either go out and fertilize it yourself or use people and use some labor to fertilize the crops. But once machines were invented, we see a shift and a change in the types of jobs in our economy as well. We want to fertilize our crops now as you know, a plane with fertilizer dont need as much labor anymore to be working in the farms. So this is just to show you what were going through right now. We have gone through before in the past. We have seen such a shift like this during the Industrial Revolution. They also transition towards new production and new manufacturing processes. It began around 1750 in england and it spread worldwide. And this transition lasted about 100 years. And during this, there was also a change and a shift in labor markets and the types of jobs that were available. So lets think about what weve been seeing recently, something similar. I would like to with the computer revolution. So with the computer revolution and about the 1960s or so, we started using computers in businesses and communications, personal computers. We started using at home in the 1980s or so, the internet around the 1990, as we all were becoming really familiar with the internet and then the modern mobile phones we have today in the 1990s and in the 2000. So this is all new technology that hasnt existed before. And with the computer revolution, we are seeing that the types of of jobs are changing the past. Who another example will be secretarial work you need a letter to read and now you have your write a letter for you today you have computer. Its so much easier to just get on the computer. Open up one of your programs and type your own letter in so the computer revolution that started about the 1960s, 1980s could also last 100 years. If i were to predict based on the past and is just shifting and changing the structure of our economy and the types of jobs and types of skills that are necessary in our economy. Some of these skills can be automated by technology. Those routine skills manual tasks, such Assembly Line and routine tests such as accounting and human work in. The future will center around these three kinds of work solving problems, working with the information in and carrying out nonroutine manual tests. And this is part of natural transition that a growing economy through every time that we, you know, a technological change such as this, it does have a structural effect on our economy and it does an impact on our economy. That being said, we need to prepare our labor force with the new types of skills that are needed for any of them manufacturing workers who have been laid off and the midwest the jobs they might not have the skills necessary to compete in these jobs that are opening up today. So there is a need for us to rethink our Education System because the skills that were providing with our students today are not going to be the same types of skills that are going to be needed in, the future. So when we think the skills for the future, its pretty important for us to refocus our Education System, to prepare young people to do the jobs. Computers cannot do. Everybody does need those basic foundational skills, though that the teacher and school said this literacy, numeracy, just be fully functioning citizens of the country. But beyond that different students will need different learning experiences. Its not just cookie cutter anymore because a lot of those cookie cutter routine tasks and jobs that weve our workers to do in the past are no longer there. Theyve all been either outsourced or theyve been replaced by computers. So here are some of the skills that are needed. The future, those analytical skills, Critical Thinking and problems. We spoke about how theres only so much that the computer can do with this the deep thinking skills we should fostered in School Communication skills. Thats Something Else thats going to be, as youve seen with the change in the types of jobs in our economy and the change in the types of tasks that are required in our economy, strong interpersonal and character skills to be able to to be effectively communicate it because we could find so much information out there today that people could find in the past, just go do a google search. Right . But the question is, how are we putting that information together and how we effectively communicating that information to others. Thats something that computers are still unable to do and flexibility as well as adaptive ness, something that we can do is, you know, we can come up with new solutions or do things that didnt exist before. We can adapt to new environments and we can adapt to unfamiliar, unfamiliar situations and we need to be able to make sure that were training our students to be successful in the future job markets by providing them with these skills that are necessary as. I mentioned before, its not about everybody just going to college and getting a masters degree, getting, you know, a really high level of education because those kinds of are necessary. Those kinds of jobs are growing. But we also have other types of jobs in our economy as well its i mentioned, those low skilled jobs and whats going to eventually happen in the labor market, hopefully because whats been happening recently is weve seen increases in inequalities with, you know, the middle class jobs being eliminated and a lot of the increase inequality that we have seen has been due to these structural changes weve seen in our economy. But also want you to think about the difference between the United States and maybe some of those european theyve similar structural changes. Theyve seen i know similar. Increases in technology, but they havent seen increases in the level of inequality that weve seen in our country. So what do you think is Something Else might differ . Something else that we could tackle other than just providing our students the skills that they might need in the future to be successful in the new types of labor markets . What is Something Else that you could think about that might help us with this problem that were seeing with increasing inequalities. Our country. So the of jobs, high skill, low skills, right. What do you need to get one of those high skilled jobs. What are you here for . Yeah, education so i want you to think about the lines of that that. The access to educational technology. So access educational technology. Access to Educational Resources and just to good quality education. So, you know, when we think it, there is a need for us to be able to expand the access to education. And we also have to, of course also be changing the types of skills that were providing trusted. So a lot of it is centered within the education teachers today. If theyre continuing to teach the same way that they did in the past, they are not theyre not providing our students with the skills that are necessary to compete and the new types of labor market. So in addition to being able to teach and provide students with the skills that are necessary to compete in the new type of labor market. We also need to make sure that there has, you know, access to education and provided as well. So do you have any questions or anything that you would like to talk about. Test test test test test test test test test test test test e education and Health Services like group together in that one now one slide thats a really good im really not sure why was grouped together in the one slide and it was just something that i pulled out from the bureau of labor statistics and they have those sectors grouped together but it would be nice to be able to see that sector separate so we could investigate more as to whats been happening within that sector. And i would suspect that a lot it has to do with the health care, with whats going on with the health care sector, but the sector, too, you know, has the private education sector, too, has been growing as well. When you think about today, we have so many more people, a large percentage of our population college today than in the past. Any other questions

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