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In appreciation of the stylists of america who work in lines, forms and textures and colors to give to us beauty, charm and elegance in the conveniences, comforts and necessities of daily living. As a tribute to men and women who design. Through the arts and crafts of the american stylists, the things about us are made to express our own free spirits and desires for the colorful things that spell sheer fun. Improved styling constantly adds to the ease and gaeity of american living. The things we have are ever changing. The stylists pour through a neverending flow of service and artistry. Lines, planes, forms and substances in colors. On come the developments of ideas in pace with the emphatic decisions of the American People as to what they want. In the shapes of utility and in the manner of their own everimproving good taste. For our home life, the stylists are creating new expressions of utility, convenience and beauty in the everyday things that serve us. Wondrous possessions who have new grace and glamour often are the American People. American pe. Homes have more of the new plans. They have new patterns for lifrg made attractive by luxurious interiors. Living space is enhanced by new materials and accented by subtleties of color selection. By the way things look as well as the way they perform, our homes acquire new grace, new glamour, new accommodations. Expressing not only the american love of beauty, but also the basic freedom of the American People, which is the freedom of individual choice. In form, proportion, rhythm and variety, the stylists leave their unmistakable marks on everyday conveniences, in flowing lines and graceful shapes, which we, as americans, may enjoy. Women and men alike are increasingly interested in the look of things. They give their attention to whats new and beautiful and advanced. Modern packaging does more than hold and wrap and seal. Stunning in color, ingenious in design. It brings festivity to the marketplace, tempting, hinting and revealing. Those who dream and design are always contributing to our ways of work. Working situations benefit from a new kind of layout, bright, open and inviting. The modern designer creates beauty through simplicity, bringing to active business a look of casualness, a look of luxury combining to create a new look to american efficiency. The designers influence is reflected in our work, adding new style and new appeal to the variety of Outdoor Equipment that serves us in so many ways. Engineering the shape and look of machines that change the shape and look of the land itself. There is a fresh look to fun in america today. Stylists have added new zest to recreation by bringing an exciting look to the large variety of things which make leisure hours more pleasurable. Modern fashion has the active look. The casual look. The family at home is enjoying the convenience and the functional beauty of walls of glass, merging room with room, blending inside with outside. Modern american architecture has a boldness, a functional beauty. The look of america expressed in materials old and new. As the stylists surround our lives with functional forms of beauty, so they surround themselves in an atmosphere of aesthetic challenge. For the studio of design is an inspiration in itself where men and women representing a variety of talents join their efforts and materialize their dreams. To give us a better understanding of the basic elements which go to make up the american look, let us look at an example of how styles and designs are created and developed. Working in an artistic at months fe atmosphere, men and women of taste come together to take on a task with a design that will express the american look. To every stylist, engineer, draftsmen and clay modeler, as well as the fabrics and metals, the creation of a new design is a complex process and a tremendous challenge, worthy of their most exhaustive effort. And because the new designs must be kept confidential until just the right moment, the stylists work in rooms that are constantly locked. And here the dream begins. As the basic concepts of the design problem are defined and outlined. In the broadest terms, the objectives are stated and clarified, appraised and evaluated. And, thus, a design theme, an imaginative but practical goal, is established and agreed upon. Now there is only the stylists creativity, his courage to dream, his knowledge and his experience to bring forth a beginning, a starting point, a place of departure. And from such dreamwork of individual stylists, there emerged finally a number of concepts which, although vary greatly in specific treatment, they conform to the symmetry of the overall design theme. Now the choice narrows down to one or two concepts which combine the best styling features from all the other efforts. With a basic concept established, the design must now undergo an intensive period of improvement, refinement, changes and revisions. Emerging at last as the culmination of ideas developed in many minds through many months. The stylists convert the smaller sketches into fullsized renderings and line drawings which once again develop and refine the design theme. New dimensions now are added to a line to translate the stylists concept from drawings to fullbodied forms. To model the detailing for the finished design, a pliable material is needed. And the form is sculptured into a faithful, bodily expression of the fullsize line drawing. Contours are established and held true to the exact templates which accurately transfer the dimensions for conforming surfaces. At the same time the individual art forms of decorations are sculptured in clay for a continued development of the threedimensional theme. Now the dreams are presented for approval. Only a short step behind the exterior concept is the design theme of the interior, and its concepts of complement in color. Textures must harmonize with colors and fabrics must be durable as well as artistically compatible with the overall interior theme. Each design concept, exterior as well as interior, is now translated from clay to plaster, from plaster to fiberglass. Thus, the ideas, the concepts and the dreams of the stylists come to life in the form of fullscale components modeled in fiberglass. To give us the blend of functional beauty, now comes the final transformation into metal, glass, fibers and fabrics. Modern technology has supplied the american stylist with new materials of intriguing likeness and great strength. The distinguishing marks of the new american look are in art forms, in colors and in the expressive changes of surface, which bring out the new textures and the interplay of materials. Designs in straight, delicate lines, designs in graceful curves, designs of strength without bulk. Beauty of function as well as beauty of form. Indoors or outdoors, wherever we go or wherever we stay, now and in the future, we can all depend on the stylist to beautify everything we need. From the eye appeal and swift effectiveness of the smallest utensils in the kitchen of the future. To the serene grandeur of our structures. The hand of the stylist is ever designing changes to improve our life of the future. Thanks to the american stylist. Yes, thanks to the men and women who design. Weeknights this month we feature American History tv programs to preview whats available every weekend on cspan3. Tonight we look at the American Revolution with historian John Buchanan and his book the road to charleston nathaneal greene. His Southern Campaign reversed a series of losses and ultimately led to the defeat of the british in south carolina. Watch beginning at 8 00 p. M. Eastern and enjoy American History tv every weekend on cspan3. Tonight on the communicators, chief policy officer for parler, amy peikoff. We believe it is the best approach when youre talking about hit speech, socalled misinformation, anything else, to address those problems with more speech, not with any types of content restrictions. And we act accordingly. Watch the communicators tonight at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan3. Youre watch withing American History tv. Every weekend on cspan3, explore our nations past. Cspan3, created by americas Cable Television companies as a Public Service and brought to you today by your television provider. Now, on lectures in history, its James Madison University Professor evan friss. He teaches a class about the evolution of suburbs from the early 1900s to present day and talks about how home loan policies, the mass production of houses and the rise of automobiles helped create an alternative to urban living. His class is about an hour. So today were talking about the suburbs. How many of you grew up in the suburbs . Okay. Almost all of you. And what kind of adjectives would you use to describe the suburbs

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