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This 2020 president ial election. We have a keen interest in that and we think a lot of American People do, as well, and we want to call attention to our efforts to communicate with the department of justice and attorney general barr to have him include us in the information that hes ostensibly, appears to be, anyway, that theyre investigating, but weve seen none and im want sure anyone in america has. We will hear from several of our members today. The first one well hear from is congressman ralph norman from South Carolina. Raff ralph . Thank you, chairman. I thank all of you for coming out. The bedrock of our republic is open, transparent, Fair Elections and thats what as andy alluded to, we are encouraging the doj and were encouraging an open transition of examining everything and where theres smoke theres fire and immediately after november 3rd, the press started calling for the president to concede and basically anoint biden. These things take time and al gore got 37 days in one state and all were asking for is theres evidence of impropriety that you examine it. I have a list the other day of examples of one Balance Sheet that had the name and had p. O. Box apartment. That takes time to investigate and for that, for the question that it never it is want enough to overturn the election, that needs to be seen. So were calling for and all of our Freedom Caucus members have an open transparent review of all of the records. If we can get it in 2000 we ought to be able to get it now and never as important as it is today. Thank you for coming. Thanks, ralph. Ill add comments to the discussion that attorney general barr indicated earlier that and it was reported widely that he said there was no evidence of widespread fraud in the 2020 election that would actually change the outcome. Ironically, the same the same day, a little later on there was a statement put out by the doj that said that that report was incorrect. The department has concluded its investigation has not concluded an investigations of Election Fraud nor was it announced in the affirmative finding in the election. There were mixed signals going on there and to be frank with you, those of us who called on the doj to be actually conducting an investigation into the elections, i think i was surprised at the first statement by the attorney and i was more surprised of the walkback of that statement, and so we want the transparency and is an investigation going on and what kind of investigation . What are we looking for . We had hearings in arizona, where evidence was alluded to more than 6,000 ballots that were cast and another 2,000 ballots had been cast when there was no address or indication of residents of those ballots and in a state of 3. 3 million votes cast and about 10,400 votes separating the two parties, you can imagine when you Start Talking about evidence like that that it narrows this thing considerably as well as additional evidence and investigations that are going on in arizona. The doj is investigating and they certainly have not let it out and weve seen whats happened with everything from the durham investigation where ostensibly an investigation is going on and we hear about thing, but nothing is produced. Theres no finished product and thats part of what were trying to get at now. So im going to announce our next member of the house Freedom Caucus who is going to speak is the gentleman from texas, the gentleman from texas, mr. Michael kly. There is nothing more important than ensuring free and Fair Elections in our republic. Its important to understand in context where many of the American People are at when it comes to this elections. Thinking how did we get here . If we go back and think, okay, weve seen the irs targeting of conservatives. Weve seen the intelligence agencies and weaponized against this president and weve seen fisa court abuse. Weve seen a congress fraudulently have impeachment at the taxpayers expense. Weve seen the media be intentionally biased against this president. Weve seen social media hypocrisy in censoring conservatives, but not terrorists or communists, and the list goes on and on, and so we come all of that is before one vote is even taken. So we come to the point postelection where we have eyewitness testimonies and we have discrepancies that are highly improbable and that should cause our curiosity to wander and indeed, a recent survey has come out to believe that half of americans believe that there were votes either stolen or destroyed votes were stolen or destroyed ballots to ensure a biden win. That 75 of republicans and 30 of democrats believe that according to this one survey that came out, and so we need to ensure that the trust of the American Election process is restored and so americans have questions about the election and legitimate questions about this elections and i can tell you whats not going restore the confidence is what weve seen in the theres nothing to see here mantra by the media and even by the department of justice and its only natural, i think, at this point for americans to have suspicion and when you are presented with two sets of facts who are americans supposed to believe at this point . Are they supposed to believe the institutions that have lied to them for the last four years . Are they supposed to look at the evidence . The questions are real. Theyre of real concern and its important that we do the Due Diligence in our roles in the oversight capacities that we have and also the department of justice and certainly the media to look into these allegations to really give it the effort that its worth. We have eyewitness testimonies and we have whistle blowers coming out saying that improprieties have happened and this is the American People. This is their country and we should certainly give them the Due Diligence to look into those allegations and to see what is true and what is not in this election and theres been a lot of talk about trying to overturn an election. Let me tell you, nobody wants to overturn an election. What we want to do is reveal whats true in the election. We want to make sure that our elections are secure, that our elections are accurate and that the right person is elected to this office and the person that the people want to serve in that office, and so thank you for being here today, thank you for this concern. We do urge the attorney general to be if theyre working on this, please let us know. Please let us know the Due Diligence that weve seen and the concerns of the Durham Report being delayed and were concerned that were running out the clock on this, as well. Thanks, representative cloud. Next well hear from the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. Scott perry after which the gentleman from texas, randy webber. Thank you, mr. Chairman and thank you all for being here. Im concerned among other things that i hear elected officials and people in authority and certainly people at the Justice Department saying well, if theres fraud or not, thats not enough to overturn the election. Its not enough to make a difference. Ladies and gentlemen, i dont understand if theres criminal activity present or fraud thats criminal activity why we dont look at that . Why is it okay . Right . If somebody is murdered we dont let the perpetrator get away with murder because we cant change the result, right . We cant bring the person back to life, but we dont let somebody get away with murder. If someone attempts murder, they didnt get away with it so its all good or attempted robbery or attempted arson. We pursue that because its a crime. On behalf of everyone, we pursue that, and so you know, i agree with my colleagues where theres smoke theres fire. You have to start somewhere and theres credible evidence. Theres credible testimony that there are problems here and ladies and gentlemen, this is about the free and Fair Election in the United States of america and if the american citizens are going to trust their country and trust their elections and want to take part in their representative republic in these elections they have to know that theyre fair and if nothing else that these machines were not connected to the internet and i remind everybody, not that i should have to, that for the last four years, we said, you said, this town said that the russians helped donald trump win the election and they hacked it and so on and so forth with no evidence whatsoever. Now sitting under a mountain of evidence, no one wants to take a look. No one can be bothered. Ladies and gentlemen, this is urgent. We cant wait for a year for durham or the attorney general to get to the answer. The American People need to know right now. We have an election in georgia next month. We need to know right now whether we can trust it. We call on the attorney general to get in there, do a Forensic Audit and find the evidence and let us know if this has been a Fair Election. Thank you. Good job, scott. Well, thank you, scott. And let me fix something that my colleague from corpus christi, texas, said, mr. Cloud, my good friend saying that nobodys trying to overturn an election. Today thats true, but for the last four years it wasnt true. You had the lying fake media, fake news and the social media and the democrats with the fake impeachment that has been talked about. They, indeed, were trying to overturn an election. Its just that simple and now theyre trying to accuse us of doing it. The hypocrisy is unbelievable. There is nothing more sacred than americans right to vote and this right must be protected by our great republic. We are given the charge to protect that right. Unfortunately, the lack of voting i. D. And the harvesting and now the mass, masser mess of mailin ballots, we have seen it highly, highly compromised, but never more so than in november 23, 2020 election. Never have i seen it like that. Both republicans and democrats alike have lost faith in the very election process. Even more troubling is the lack of action thats been cited to pursue the numerous claims of 2020 voter fraud and the delay in preserving the potential evidence in voter fraud. The Justice Department was quick to initiate an unsubstantiated investigation into donald j. Trump administration during the 2016 election. How quick were they . Yet with 545, count them, sworn declaration, and im not talking about hide behind the curtains whistle blowers. Im talking about 545 sworn affidavits, 14,200 incident reports filed in the states, pennsylvania, georgia, michigan, nevada, wisconsin, the doj appears to be distancing itself from these legitimate claims. Sworn affidavits. Sworn affidavits. Attorney general barr has stated that the department of justice remains open to investigating voter fraud. Great. Whats he actually doing . I have to ask myself. Why are election materials and Voting Machines not being gathered and preserved for the investigation and lets seal off some areas and lets get the evidence in our possession and lets make sure we have it substantiated and documented and preserving evidence and thoroughly investigating all legitimate claims of voter fraud is a bare absolute bare minimum. We are obligated, the department of justice is obligated, attorney general barr is obligated it ensure a trustworthy electoral process in order to regain the trust of the citizens in the integrity of their very own ballots. We must collect all those facts and all of the evidence and leave no stone unturned. Folks, this is not a hill to die on. This is the hill to die on. If we dont do the right thing and thoroughly investigate all claims of voter fraud, our citizens will never, ever, ever feel secure again in our elections. This is our highest priority, mr. Attorney general. Bar none. I yield now to the gentleman of ohio, mr. Davison. Thank you all for paying attention to this very important issue. Collectively we represent millions of americans who do not have confidence in the outcome of this election and not because of the declared winner, but because of irregularities in the voting process. There are concerns and sworn statements of fraudulent activity, criminal activity in the statement, in this election and they deserve to be investigated and the department of justice exists to do that to ensure the American Public that the country represents justice, that justice will be done. I remember recently when a nascar racer rightly had fears that there was a racially motivated threat conveyed to him the department of justice acted swiftly and launched a very public investigation so that the world knew, they took this seriously and here, the same level of response is warranted and were on a defined clock. December 14th is when the Electoral College meets and if theyre going to meet, the electors have to be seated. It is incredibly consequential because it can change the outcome of the election and for the American People, they deserve to know whether the fraud that happened will change the outcome or wont, but one thing is for sure, if its never thoroughly investigated its not going to change anything and most importantly, it will not give the American Public the confidence that they need to engage and participate in our election. The reality is this election represents something tremendous and it would be the highest Voter Participation of any election in recent memory which is great news for the health of our society if its factually accurate. Its a great thing when the public engages in that. But whats going on right now is the department of justice and others are effectively engaging in willful Voter Suppression by discouraging people from participating and nearly half of the country feels that their vote may be diluted or stolen because of fraud in an election. That cannot stand in our department of justice if it truly represents justice must act and they must act publicly and they must act swiftly. Its time, mr. Attorney general. Please do your duty. Thanks, warren. Just to just to add on or buckle on to what mr. Davison just said because it is so critical. It doesnt matter necessarily who the next president is if their election will be viewed as one of illegitimacy through voter fraud. It doesnt matter if its biden or President Trump. Weve just seen four years of attacks on President Trump, all with this notion that he was an illegitimate president. The left went after him and said he was an illegitimate president and filed impeachment the day after he was elected in november 2016. It is important as my colleagues have said that this attorney general conduct this investigation and it needs to be open and it needs to be public in the sense that we know something is happening because if he doesnt there say good half of this country that will always view this election as being as having an illegitimate result. No one can really govern under that. It minimizes the future of this country and the institutions that have made us the envy of the world and so again, i join my colleagues in calling on attorney general barr to immediately let us know what hes doing. With that, im going to turn some time over to my friend the gentleman from texas, mr. Gohmert. Thank you. Appreciate you being here. Were coming down to the wire and we have not had a proper job done by the department of justice and certainly not by the fbi and when i read that our attorney general had said he had seen no evidence of fraud in this election, then i flashback to meetings with Jeff Sessions and telling him about a case where we had a witness that had a stack of documents, some of which were down, and he, in my presence directed the fbi there in his office to go out and investigate. Well, they waited until the last minute and they ordered this witness, the fbi agents did to come forward, but do not bring in any of your documents or ordering her not to bring the evidence and then turned around and told attorney general sessions that she didnt have anything, was there nothing there, theres no case, theres no nothing. Well, thats what i was reminded of when i read that that attorney general barr had said. Look, it appears pretty obvious to some of us by now that wrist offer wray took his figurative instructions and has instructions to sweep things under the carpet. He hasnt cleaned things up, and it may be that attorney general barr needs to use stop using people like durham or problems here in washington, but get either fbi agents outside of washington that can be trusted or or use the u. S. Marshals that can be trusted. But theres evidence thats got to be gathered. Weve been trying to bring this to the Justice Departments attention to do something to protect the integrity of the 2020 election. There was evidence of fraud in dallas county, in the 2018 primary and general election and they did nothing. The attorney general in texas was apparently otherwise occupied when he should have been pursuing this. And then we didnt get any work out of this Justice Department and so theres widespread evidence of fraud because people havent done their jobs. Durham and barr will deserve a big notation in history whenits written of the rise and fall of the United States if they dont clean up this mess, clean up the fraud. Do your jobs and save this little experiment in selfgovernment. Thats our challenge to the people at the top of the Justice Department. Thank you. Thank you, ill turn time over to the mr. Harris. Theres a saying that a picture is worth 1,000 words. The picture that should be engrained in the mind of every american is, is that Vote Counting Center where the transparent class glass is bein covered over by large sheets. Most americans know theres only one reason to do that, its because you want to conceal a crime on the other side of that glass. Ladies and gentlemen, its very possible that criminal ballot fraud was being committed on the other side of that glass. The only way were going to know is by the attorney using federal investigators to find out whats going on. Every american knows a vote should never be counted in secret. You can just believe your lying eyes. The fact of the matter is, votes were counted in secret and americans deserve to know why. And now i yield to the gentleman from florida. Thank you, andy. Hello, everybody. This goes out to attorney general barr. We implore you to work on this as fast as you can. Not just for the american citizens and the elections, but ameri our republican around since 1789. If we cant do elections right in this country, how are we to promote, you know, our form of government anywhere else in the world. Its imperative that you act properly, you act fast because the evidence of the fraudulence that went on is pretty blaring and it needs to be investigated, and, again, not just for the american citizens. As important as that is, weve had 45 president s and weve always had a peaceful transfer of power and we will again. If we dont do this properly, i think of these other countries around the world that are being challenged by china, offering a different form of government and theyre looking at america saying, do you really want that kind of government . And so its our duty as americans, its your duty as the attorney general of this country, to investigate thoroughly, rapidly, so that we can pass on regardless of the results and youve heard everybody here. Well accept the results but not until the fraud has been taken out of that. And i yield back. Again, thank you to all of you for being here. And i just conclude by saying this election took place6xxknj when this election was concluded, at least on that november 3rd day, and there began to be questions about the integrity of that election, there were a number of us who caucus, called on the department of justice to begin looking and investigating and going through the claims that were arising and Going Forward throughout this country. And as votes were being counted post election day, those claims continued and we urged the attorney general to investigate, to make sure that we can all rely on the integrity of the election. In a republic there is nothing more detrimental than to not trust your institutions which are created by those who have the ultimate power. We dont have any power as members of congress. It is the people of this country from which our authority is derived. Because they delegate it to us. And we began calling upon the department of justice to look into these allegations, these claims and now a month has gone by and we are running out of clock. Theres not much runway left to land the plane. And that plane that has to be landed is one of voter and election integrity. Theres nothing more important right now than for mr. Barr and the doj and the fbi and Christopher Wray than to eliminate false claims of fraud and verify the veracity of claims. And then we will know, then we will know. Otherwise, im afraid for the future of this republic. With that, i thank my members of the Freedom Caucus for being here. We have time for a question or two. Reporter obviously attorney general bill barr is was appointed by the president. Do you have confidence in the president s attorney general to investigate these types of voter fraud . Do you have confidence in him and his department of justice. I feel that hes been missing in action. I feel like, you know, the reality is, hes capable, hes qualified, and hes got a adopt of capable, qualified individuals. We need them in action from a month ago. Were running out of time. He needs to get them going. Reporter thank you, congressman. Any plans for you or other members of the caucus to object to the certification of electoral votes on january 6th . Well have to see what happens on january 6th. Reporter what happens after this if barr doesnt come back to the table and say that there is widespread fraud each of these states that weve mentioned, theres seven states that are really battleground states where theres all the allegations that are taking place. In each of those states, theyre continuing investigations and there are lawsuits pending but we need the doj. Reporter theyre not doing enough to highlight whats going on. Were wondering what message have you got for the gop and for the republican state legislat e legislatures of what you think they should be doing . Each state has a different method of resolving these electoral issues. My advice and i dont want to speak for the entire caucus, because everybody up here probably has a different point of view on that. You have to keep pursuing every avenue, lets resolve every issue. Lets count every legal ballot. Lets discount every ballot and make sure we can get this process done right and completed appropriately. If i may, what you said about the criticism is the gop hasnt been doing enough to highlight this, thats why were here today. Its exactly why were here today. Hold on a second. We have been highlighting. Where have you folks been . If you turn on mainstream media, youre not seeing of this. Were doing our part. Were standing here. We need everybody else doing their part to tell both sides of the story. Yes. Reporter mayor giuliani saying they havent interviewed any witnesses. Have you talked to the legal team about whats going on . Ive been in contact with the legal team and im not going to dispute what mr. Giuliani says because i dont know of any evidence that the doj has been following through any of the leads that are out there, any of the public testimony where people have come forward and said what theyve observed, these witnesses. I dont know of any that have been approached by the doj. Last question. Reporter can you name the seven states and tell me which of the seven have you seen evidence that you believe the problems are wide enough to overturn the current result in those states . All seven and which of the seven do you have evidence we used to call that a compound question when i practice law. The seven states, georgia, pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, nevada, arizona. Am i missing one . So its the six states. I will speak to my state because i know whats going on there. You have a 10,400 vote separation between President Trump and joe biden. You have a witness that was testimony that was given a week ago monday of 8,000 total votes where people not on ballot not on the rolls cast allegedly cast ballots. You had residence that in dispute or not properly noterized acknowledged. You also had 1. 9 million early ballots and the question about those early ballots is, were they properly authenticed, where the affidavits there . That would more than compensate. I can tell you another event im going to go to in just a minute, were going to talk about whats happened in arizona where the sample showed a 3 error rate. The followup sample of a larger sample had a smaller error rate, but still had an error rate. Both of those, the first the 3 error rate would result in over 100,000 ballots changing hands. Thats enough to overthrow the election or change the election result in arizona, overturn the election result. The next one, if you reduce that even, its about 17,000 ballots that would be overturned. Which would also change the election outcome in arizona. I do not understand how the Republican Leaders in that state and the democrat leaders in that state when 30 of polled democrats in this country said that they believe that there was something that went on amiss. I dont understand in arizona why theyre not conducting a full Forensic Audit. Ill be talking about that more later. Each one of the states has similar issues going on and almost every one of them, they would have enough ballots and votes to overturn the election. With that, thank you for being here. Appreciate it. One more question. Im with the Atlanta Journalconstitution and you mentioned that georgia is one of the six states on your list and georgia also has the Senate Special the senate runoff. Theres a lot of concern that the criticism of the election is diminishing confidence in the turnout and depressing turnout of voters in a way that causes loeffler and purdue to lose. Im concerned about that. Im concerned about weeknights this month, were featuring American History tv programs to preview whats available every weekend on cspan3. Tonight, two bestselling authors on how they use research in their work. Watch beginning at 8 00 p. M. Eastern and enjoy American History tv every weekend on cspan3. South South Carolina senator tim scott discussed policing, his criminal Justice Reform bill, and working across the aisle with his democratic colleagues. Senator scott sat down for a conversation hosted by the manhattan institute. This is 20 minutes. Welcome to the manhattan institutes event cast. Im james copeland, director of legal policy for the institute. Todays event cast is sponsored with the manhattan institutes new policing and Public Safety initiative and were pleased to welcome senator tim scott, republican of South Carolina, to discuss with us federal criminal Justice Reform

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