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Hi there. What are you doing way back there . Come up here. [laughs] thats better. I am glad you dropped by, i have a little story. It is about a fourlegged friend of mine. No i dont mean copper back there. This happened back in the in mounting country of new mexico in the Lincoln National forest. It was may time on the capital and, dry and hot but peaceful and all of the animals in the forest were having a grand old time in the sunshine of spring. There was one little three month old fella in particular who did not have a care in the world. He was spending his time having owlin and aprowlin and ascratchin. Dids right, that bear cub not have a care in the world, but somebody got careless. Somebody, a twolegged somebody, got careless. It took several hundred men five days to lick that fire. 17,000 acres of timber were destroyed, timber that could have been used for homes and furniture, along with the mills that could have turned it out. A lot of wild animals lost their homes. Many lost their lives. But there was one little fella who somehow survived that terrible fire. Cub camelittle bear through and was found clinging to what was left of a small tree. Rushedicos game warden the frightened cub to the newest nearest Animal Hospital biplane by plane. Warden bell saw to it he was given the best of care. His feet responded to treatment, his hair grew back and with a belly full of food, he grew fat and sassy. They named him Little Smokey, and another plane took him on another trip by air. This time, it was clear across the country, over americas farms, factories and cities. Planeittle smokey and his landed in washington, our nationsapital capital. Here, along with his official escort, the new mexico game warden, Little Smokey was byeted in the rain enthusiastic company. The chief forrester accepted the smokey as a gift to the Forest Service from the new Mexico Department of game and fish. For our little hero, that welcome in the rain was only the beginning of a new and worthwhile life. On the first sunny day, Little Smokey was presented to the national zoo in washington and became a living symbol of forest fire prevention. The kids went to the whole idea like a bear to honey and Little Smokey seemed to like the set up, too. Occasion. Lly a big the senator from new mexico was there to welcome the new constituent to his home in the zoo. State forresters joint to dedicating the life of Little Smokey to the schoolchildren of america to serve as an honesttogoodness reminder of the dangers of forest fighter forest fires and the need to from destruction of fire. Youre probably wondering if Little Smokey lived up to all of what was planned for him. You can take my word for it, he has. You see, i had a personal invitation to visit with him a while back. Of course, he is kind of a big smokey now. A year or so will do that to a bear. I was excited to visit him and i was not the only one. That smokey is a famous character, all right. I sure liked the oranges brought him, but i would do that for any force fighting pal. Fires worse than all of the diamondback rattlesnakes in the world. Thats why try to do my little bit in preventing them. I guess thats why the forrester boys were on hand too and gave me a certificate making me an honorary forest firter. Honorary forrester. It put me right on smokeys team. Smokey had to check the document to see it was genuine and to scratch his seal of approval. On that trip, i learned just how much good smokey has done in preventing manmade forest fires, mostly as a model for those posters you see everywhere. Messagend his important sure get around. On mail trucks around the city buses and trolley cars, in the woods. The en in a songis a school schoolchildren can take to heart. Bear, smokey the bear prowling and growling and sniffing the air he can find a fire before it starts to flame thats why they call him smokey that was how he got his name you can take a tip from smokey that theres nothing like a tree because theyre good for kids to climb in and they are beautiful to see you just have to look around you and youll see its not a joke to see what youll be missing if they all went up in smoke bear, smokey the bear prowling and growling and sniffing the air he can find a fire before it starts to flame thats why they call him smokey smokey the bear, a living reminder that we need to protect our forest from wildfires in the future. That is the story of smokey bear, your friend and mine. Lets all be careful of fires in the forest. Remember, only we, you and i, can prevent forest fires. So long for now, partners

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