Transcripts For CSPAN3 Presidential Debates 1960 Presidential Debate - John F. Kennedy Richard... 20240712

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We can half after the first televised debate, john f. Kennedy Richard Nixon debated for second time. They took questions about cuba, soviet union, and civil rights. This is frank mcgee, nbc news in washington. This is the second of a series of programs. Never have so many people see the major candidates for the president of the United States at the same time. Never until this time of americans see the candidates face to face. Tonight the candidates have agreed to devote a full hour and answering questions on any question. Here tonight are the republican candidate, Vice President richard and nixon and a democratic candidate senator john f. Kennedy. Now representatives and of all the raz radio and Television Networks have agreed on this network rules. Either candidate each will be questioned intern. It will have an opportunity to comment on the answer of the other, each reporter will ask only one question in turn. He is free to ask any question he chooses. Neither candidate knows which question will be asked and all of the clock will determine who will be asked the last question. These programs representing a president opportunity for the candidates to present their philosophy and programs directly for the people to compare the candidates. Before reporters on Tonights Panel include a newspaper man and a wire service representative. These two were selected by a lot by the press secretaries of the candidates from among the reporters traveling with the candidates. Broadcasting representatives were selected by the respective companies. The reporters are paul nevis of cbs, Edward P Morgan of abc, i havent seen of an United Press International and horror harold errol levy. The first question is from mr. Navy and is for Vice President nixon. Mister Vice President , he said last night that the Administration Must take responsibility would you compare the validity that statement to the validity of your own statement the Previous Campaign and the Previous Administration responsible for the loss of . First of all i dont agree with senator kennedy win this in ministration came into power in 1963. I believe were feeling finding the right course. A courses difficult which under the circumstances, we only proper one which will let people get a chance to realize their aspirations through freedom. If they get that, with our cooperation with the other organization of the states. Now senator kennedy has made some very strong criticism of my part or alleged part in what is happening in cuba. He points the fact that i visited cuba while a castro was in power there. If we are only in a judge the administration in turn of our attitude towards dictators, were glad to have a comparison of the Previous Administration. There were 11 dictators in south america and in Central America when we came in in 1953. Today there are only three left including the one in cuba. We think thats pretty good record. Senator kennedy also said regards to cuba that i have made a mistake when i went to cuba and not calling for free elections. I am very surprised that mr. Kennedy who is on the Foreign Relations kennedy wouldve made such a statement of this kind. As a matter of fact, in his book a strategy for peace he took the position that United States has a treaty, treaty with all the organizations of the americas which parnas aarian privates us from interfering in internal affairs of all other states or sovereign nations. In direct opposition to that treaty. Now with regards to cuba, let me makes one thing very clear. There isnt any question whether we will defend our rights. There isnt any question that we will defend onetime normal. There also isnt any question that the free people, the people want to free in cuba are going to be supported and that they will obtain their freedom. No, cuba is not lost. I dont think this kind of defeat us look by senator kennedy helps the situation one. Bit senator candy would you care to comment . The first place i never suggested the cube was lost. Last night i, i suggested the cube when they were again would be free. But ive been critical of the administrations policy and when i criticize mr. Nixon was because in a conference in ahead of an in 1955, he praised the confidence competence instability of that dictatorship. That dictatorship that killed over 20,000 cubans in seven years. Secondly, i did not criticizing him for calling for free elections what i criticize was a failure of the administration, that used its great influence to persuade the cuban government to hold free elections, particularly in 1957 1958. Thirdly, Arthur Gardner earl smith, republican ambassador and succession, both have indicated in the past six weeks that they reported to washington, a marxist, the rail castro was a communist and that they got no effective result. It was this teased it was in effect, and we never used our influence, and today cuba is lost to freedom. I hope someday it will rise, i dont think it will rise if we continue the same policies toward cuba as well as we did in recent years, and towards all of latin america. We almost ignored the needs of latin america, not a single voice of the American Program and all of latin america, in the last eight years, except for three months of the hungarian revolution. Mr. Morgan with a question for senator kennedy. Senator, last may in oregon, you discuss the possibility of printing apologies or regrets to crush f over the need to think now that that wouldve done any good, or did you think so . Them organized suggested that if the United States felt it could save hell be good for us to express regret. In my judgment, that statement has been distorted by mr. Nixon and others. There are deep in their debates and discussions. He said that if the was ever the case we dont have a lot on our side, you two flights were proper from protecting our security but they were not in accordance with international law. When i said that i felt it was a law if, rather than indicated the flights would continue, i believe mr. Nixon said himself on may 15th, mr. Hurd tested before the foreign Senate Foreign committee. The sun is useful and i believe it. Is the point is always love to the fact that we addressed grants to cast draw this winter, we aggressed regret the eisenhower information, we arrest to grant to flight over russia in 1950, eight made rescue grant flight over germany 1958. So the union over the bering sea. Chinese communists express regret to us over plane into 1956. That is accepted procedure among nations. My judgment is we should fill fall and maintain a strong position but also speak softly. I believe in those cases where International Falls to the expression of regret that wouldve kept the summit going and my judgment its not, soft i believe we should be stronger than we now are. I believe we should have a stronger military force, i believe we should increase our strength all over the world. I dont confuse words with strength. My judgment as the summit issue that wouldve brought peace, rather than the lies that we sold and the response to all people afterward and far better than us to follow the common diplomatic procedure and then try to move on. Mister Vice President. I think senator kennedy is wrong and three counts. First of all, hes wrong thinking or even suggesting that mr. Crew chef mightve attended the conference if we had its best regrets. He knew these fights were going on long before that was recently broke up the conference. Second, hes wrong in the analogy that he made. United states is a strong country. Whenever we do anything straw, we can express regrets. When the president of the United States is doing something thats right, something that is the purpose of defending the security of this country against the he can, never extracts regrets or apologize to anybody excluding mr. Crews chef. Mr. Kennedy is a criticize the president of not expressing regret because he allow this fight to take place while the summit conference or immediately before the summit conference occurred. This seems to me his criticism is wrong in his we all remember pearl harbor. We lost 3000 american lives. We cannot afford this, i just want to make my position absolutely clear with regard to getting intelligence information. I dont intend to see to it that the United States is ever in a position where while were negotiating with the soviet union that we discontinue or intelligence act, and i dont intend to express regret too brezhnev if i am doing something that has the support of the congress for the purpose of protecting the security of the United States. The question for Vice President nixon. You have accused kennedy of avoiding the civil rights issue when he went to the south and he is accused of the same thing. Both north and south watching, would you sum up your own intentions. My intentions in the field of silver rights is spelled out on the republican platform. I think we have to make Progress First and there we would get statutory ability to the government contracts which is an effective way of getting real process, one order of every four jobs is held by and allotted by people of government contracts. I think we all agree, with anybody has a government contract, certainly the money that theyre spending on that contract should be dispersed equally without regard to race or creed or color of the individual. Second to the field of schools, we believe that there should be provisions were by the federal government gives assistance to those districts to do want to integrate their schools. That was rejected, in which and then as far as other areas of concern, i think we have to look at the president ial leadership. When i speak of president ial leadership, i refer for example in our attitude of sitins. Here we have a situation which bothers all of us. All of us are concerned because of the denial of the rights of people to the quality that should belong to everyone. I have talked to black mothers, ive heard them try to explain how they tell their children how they can go into a store and buy a loaf of bread but then cant go into that store and sit at the counter. This is wrong. And we have to do something about it. Under the circumstances, what do we do . What we do is what the attorney general of the u. S. And the president ial direction, call in the owners of chain stores and get them to take action. There are other places where this could work. Let me sum up icing, why do i not because i am preaching to the people of the south, this is not just a southern problem, it is a northern problem, a western problem. I do it because of the responsibility of leadership. I do it because we have to solve this problem together. I do it at this time particularly because we have brezhnev, a man who is in slave many, slaughtered many, you cannot continue to have a situation where he points the finger at the u. S. And says that we are denying rights to our citizens. And so i say, both the candidates and the Vice President ial candidates, including president johnson should talk on this issue at every opportunity. Nixon hasnt discuss the basic questions. What is going to be done and what will be his policy on implementing this . Giving aid to schools that are trying to carry out the provisions is not the right question. What is he going to do the provides he is the head of committee of government contracts that carried out two cases, both in the district of columbia. Fair Employment Practices around the country. If everyone could get a job, regardless of the racial color. Or has he indicated that he will support title three . Which will give the 20 general additional powers to protect Constitutional Rights . These are the great questions. Quality of education in schools, 200 of white people, 10 over colored, 60 70 of our color children do not finish high school. These are the questions, these areas whether its a north, south, easter west need to know. What will be the leadership of the president providing a quality of opportunity. That could be done in all housing by a stroke of a president s hand. It could be done to provide quality of education in all sections of the United States. Those are the question which the president should establish for moral leadership. I sure you, if im elected president i will do so. On the same subject, in the past you have emphasized the president s responsibility as a moral leader as well as an executive on civil rights. What specifically might the next president do in the event of a current like little rock or the lunch counter sitins . I think the president should operate in many different ways. There is legislative, as i just said i believe the title three, give their attorney general to protect Constitutional Rights in those cases where its not possible for the person involved to bring a suit. As an executive. There has been six cases brought by the attorney general under the voting bill passed in 1957 and the one passed in 1960, the rate vote is basic. Those bills which represent the will of the majority of congress on two occasions, currently i do not believe the contract everyone who does business with the government should have the opportunity to make sure that they did not practice discrimination when theyre hiring. That is all sections of the United States. And fourth lee, as a moral leader. There is a very strong moral leader, quality before the law. I dont think a quality before the law but the quality of opportunity. Were in a different time. We need all the talent we can get. We sit on it conspicuous stage, we are a Goldfish Bowl before the world. We have practice what we preach. We set a High Standard for ourselves. Communism, they set a low standard of materialism. We preach the declaration of instant pendants and the state of our greatest leaders, we preach High Standards. If we are not going to be charged, if we have to meet those standards. The president of the United States should be that. Lastly i believe in, i would hope the president in the United States would indicate clearly that this decision was going to be carried out. Under the handling of the case it was not. I think the president was responsible and those involved he should make it clear, the springboard decision is going to be carried out in a way that the Supreme Court plant. Then in my judgment, i believe we can make progress. The President Administration the president has never indicated what he thought of the 1954 decision. And if he doesnt speak, the country doesnt speak. The presidency of the United States is a place of moral leadership and i believe on this great moral leadership you should speak out and give your views clearly. Mister Vice President . Senator kennedy has some high hopes and hopes which all american share, progress in this area. Lets look at the performance. Selected as Vice President ial running mate, you selected a man who had ordered against most of these proposals and a man who opposes them at the present time. Let me also look at what i did, i selected a man who stands with me in this field and who will talk with me and work with me. The senator referred to the committee and government contracts, and yet, that very committee of which i am chairman has been handicap for the fact that we have not had adequate funds, we had not have advocate powers. In a special session of congress, and also in the session proceeding, the Democratic Congress in which there is a two to one majority was asked by the president to give us the power to do a job. And they did nothing at all. And in a special session, kennedy was calling the signals. They turned it down and he himself voted against it. Despite the fact that the bill had already been considered and the Congress Already knew what it had. All i can say is this, what we need here is not just high hopes. What we need is action. And in the field of executive leadership i can say, i believe it is essential that the president of the United States not only sets the tone but he also must lead, he must act as he talks. Mister Vice President , in your speeches you emphasize that the United States is doing basically well in the cold war. Can you square that statement with a considerable bipartisan reports and studies including one participated in by rockefeller, which almost unanimous that we are not doing so well as we say. No matter how well we are doing in the cold war, we are not doing as well as we should. That will always be the case as long as the communist are on the international scene. And the tendencies that they currently hold. As far as the present situation, i think it is time that we nail a few of these distortions of the u. S. That have been put out. First of all, we hear that our prestige is at an alltime low. Senator kennedy has hitting that point over and over again. I would suggest that after brezhnev law and eisenhowers speech, that the president find communist prestige is also at an alltime low an American Press each is at an alltime high. That is just one fact when we look at the vote on the. Congo, we were on one side and they were on the other side. What happened . There were 70 votes for our position and then for them. Look at the vote in the un over the last couple of years, that suggest prestige. Every time the u. S. Gets on one side and they are on the other side, our position has been held. Looking to what we ought to do the future, in this cold war we have to recognize where means what. And we have to develop programs to deal with it. It is being fought primarily in asia, africa and in latin america. What do we need . What tools do we need . What we need for example economic assistance, Technical Assistance, exchange, we need programs of diplomatic and other characters that will be effective in that area. Senator kennedy referred to the fact that there was not an adequate vote for america in latin america. I would like to point out that last six years the Democratic Congress which hes been a member have cut 20 Million Dollars off the north American Program. Theyve also cut four billion off Social Security in last six years. Theyve cut two billion dollars off of but they talk about our record, it is well that they recognize that they have to stand up for the record record. Let me semis basing this, i am not satisfied with what they are doing the cold war because i believe we have to step up our activities and launch inoffensive for the minds and hearts and souls of men. It must be economic, technological, above all it must be ideological. But we have to get help from congress to do it. That is totally inaccurate when he says congress is not providing more funds that the president recommended. 1953 we try to put it appropriation of 5 Million Dollars tore defenses, i was responsible for the amendment. Congress of the United States appropriated 677 Million Dollars more and was unused up to a week ago. Permission about the united nations, we all know the vote held this week and it was generally regarded up, clearly 1952 other seven votes that took up the red china into the un. You will see a strengthening of that position, we have not been in opposition. The gallup polls taken in february of this year asking eight out of Nine Countries and people who they think would be ahead by 1970, militarily and scientifically. The majority said the soviet union. Rockefeller has been more critical of our position in the world that i have been, various reports of congressional committees, that the relative strength of the u. S. , militarily, politically, psychologically, scientifically cant compare to the soviet union and china and has deteriorated in the last eight years. We should know it, the American People need to know the facts. Senator, following this, how would you go about without wrecking or economy . We have been very different to latin america. The program was broke off. Do it was done because we wanted to get through the beatings, the condemnation through russian. Therefore we we really have looked at but in america, we have associated ourselves. Secondly, i believe that it is far better for the u. S. Instead of concentrating on the underdeveloped worlds, on surplus military equipment. For 300 Million Dollars, surplus military equipment. We paid more military aid in the layoffs did any country in the world. We know now that layoffs in the direction of communists. I believe instead of doing that we should concentrate our aid in long term loans. These people can pay these back, either in money or local currency. This permits them to maintain their self respect, it permits us to make sure that our projects are going to produce well. I believe in cases an african latin america, this is how it should be. We try to do that. We try to provide appropriation of 5 million a half of long term loan leases. Unless we are able to carry out programs like that, this battle of economic survival that we are waging is going to be lost. I believe that the balanced color can move against us. I think the u. S. Can afford to do these things. I think we cannot afford to not to them. Disclose towards our survival. Here in a country that is developing its cockamamie, in my judgment we dont have the resources for a military. What i believe it is essential that we do it, because the next ten years the balance of power is going to begin to move in one direction or another. It is either towards us or the communists. Lets begin to identify ourselves not justice anti communist. These people are going to begin to turn. I believe we can do it. If we did our economy the way we should. Senator kennedy is put a great deal zest on economic help, this is important. But it is also tremendously important to bear in mind when you pour in money without pouring in Technical Assistance as well, that you have a disaster situation. We need to step up exchange, we need to step up Technical Assistance that trained people in these countries can operate the economy. We also have to have in mind Something Else to this whole situation. That is, as america moves forward, we not only must think in terms of fighting but also primarily in terms of the interest of these countries, we must associate are selves with their aspirations, we must let them know that the Great American ideals and is the independence in the right to be free. These are ideals that belong to us alone but to everyone. This we must get across to the world. If we cant do it, we cant do it unless we have adequate funds were information. Adequate funds protect us. The other point i would make with regards to economic assistance, the United States must not rest its case here alone. This is primarily an ideological thought. The battle for the minds, hearts and souls. We must not beats the communist purely in material, we must stand farai ideals. A question for the Vice President. The Labor Department today has five more Industrial Centers that have a substantial unemployment. As president you said he would use the full power of the government to combat unemployment, specifically what would you advocate and at what point . Employment, we must first concern ourselves with a major areas, the socalled depressed areas. In the last congress, there was a bill, won by the president , won by senator kennedy, the bill that the president submitted would have provided more aid for those areas that truly need it. Areas like scranton, areas of west virginia. And the one senator kennedy submitted. And the bill got into legislative problems and no action was taken. 0. 1, the highest priority we musket a bill for the depressed areas through the next congress. Ive made recommendations. And i have discussed than previously. The and i will to discuss them further in the campaign. We consider this problem with unemployment, we have to realize where it is, analyzing the figures we will find that our unemployment exists among the older citizens, also among those who are inadequately trained. Those who do not have an education. The if youre going to combat unemployment, we have to do a better job in these areas. Education, programs, equal Job Opportunities and one that also deals with more education. When it regards to the whole problem with, we must use the full resources them i do not believe we are going into a recession, i believe this economy is sound and we are moving up. And Second Addition to that, if we do get into a recession, we should move on that part of the economy which is represented by the private sector. Stipulate that part of the economy that is going to create jobs. The private sector of the economy. Tax reform, and if necessary, tax cuts. That will stimulate more jobs. I favor that. Rather than a federal Spending Program which will come into effect log after you pass the recession. We must use all of these for the purpose of the recession, if the comes, which i do not think it will. Im very familiar with this. I was the poor manager. We passed far more effective bills on two occasions, the president voted no both times. We passed the bill again this year and it died in the lowest committee of the house of representatives. Lets make this very clear, it did not mention this, it was far more effective are deal. It was far more effective to stimulate the economy. Now i still do not understand why this administration and mr. Nixon are not focused on our opted. I think we should step up and getting people back to work. Five cents a day. For three, i believe we should stimulate the economy, we shouldnt carry out a high Interest Rate policy. I think things may slow down. If we move into a recession in 61, that i would agree, we have to put all money into the economy. This could be done by either one of us. Or we could do programs, for education, make a judgment on the fastest programs. inaudible i understood that this was Eisenhower Nixon administration. The question is what are we going to do in the future . Thats typical of this administration, this president , and we discuss that we could go on the stage. I believe our power in the last eight years has declined. So what are we going to do the future . Nixon believes that moving ahead and that we are not going into recession, he thinks that our power and prestige was stronger than it ever was, we are moving ahead. I disagree. I think the American People have to make the choice. Whether we have to move ahead faster. What we are doing it right now is not faster. What is our greatest strength . That is the great issue. President eisenhower, that is the debates. The American People have to make their judgment. I think it is important then any since 1932. We can disagree very fundamentally on the issues of the United States. And if you prevail, and thats going to bring important results, but i think we have to do more than. We have to make an international effort. The president of brazil called on castro because he thought it was important. United states has been ignored. They gave more scholarships to the congo them. We have a very clear idea, but finally this administration has lost the responsibility in last eight years. We are facing a very hectic time unless the u. S. Begins to move. Unless we start to move ahead, i dont believe that we are going to beat our responsibilities to our people. The choice is clear. First of all, i think senator kennedy should make up his mind to my responsibility. Our first debate he indicated that i did not have experience, at least had not participated making the decisions. Im glad here tonight that he does think i do have experience. Ive made my position clear. I have participated in discussions in this administration, im proud of the record. I do not stand on it because it is not something to stand on, it is to build on. If we look at kennedys credentials, he says he will move america faster than i will. But what does he offer . He offers programs that fail. Ice a bit to you that if you look at his program for example, the pet federal reserve, printing money, low Interest Rates. The ban on the economic field on a programs that have been tried during the truman administration. When we compare the economic progress between true bed versus eisenhower, we find that it every industry there have been a great deal more performance and progress. I say that programs and leaderships, is not the program and releadership that the u. S. Needs now. The American People do not want to go back to his policies. Senator kennedy disagrees, but he believes should indicate which once he wants to keep. Assured him there would be summit conference next year. Have you given any thoughts the . And you consider to be desirable or even possible to have a summit with mr. Brezhnev and the conditions hes laid out . That would not be appropriate for me to do so. The president will still be the next president for the next four months and he is the only one who can commit this country. As far as a summit conference is concerned, i want to make my position player. I would be willing to sit down with any world leader, i would not be willing to meet with them unless they were preparations for that time which would give us some reasonable certainty, reasonable certainty, that youre going to have some success. We must not build up the hopes of the world and then dash them. He came to that conference looking to break it up, he wanted to get his way and on the other key matters with which he was concerned at that conference. If we are going to have another summit conference, it must be dissociated at the diplomatic level, ambassador, secretaries of state, and others of that level, prior to that level which will mitigate the issues and which will prepare the way for progress. Otherwise, we find a heads of state meeting and not making progress, we will find that the cause of peace will be hurt rather than helped. A lot of the circumstances, i therefore, strongly hold if i have the opportunity. Lee any summit conference will be drawn into and only after mr. Khrushchev, after his disgraceful conduct, after his disgraceful behavior, that he will give some insurance that he really wants to come down and talk and not just. Im in disagreement with the Vice President. Ive used to say mason let me say theres only one point i would add. Before we go into the summit, before we ever meet again, i think its important that the United States build strength, built its military strength as well as its own a cannot make. Strength if we negotiate from a position where the prior balance away, its extremely difficult to reach a decision on berlin ability other question. Now the next president of the United States is going to be confronted our commitment to berlin. Its gonna be a test of our nerve and will you, can be a test of our strength. As far as were gonna move in 61 into, partly because we have not maintained our strength, i believe up before we meet a crisis, the next president of the United States should send a message to Congress Asking for revitalization of our military strength. So it comes bring, or late in the winter were gonna be face to face with the most serious crisis since 1950. Because of the summit, i will not say to mr. Meet with crew chef less or some level or useful exchange of ideas. Mr. Levy for a question for senator kennedy. Senator in your acceptance piece, you said that you can pain would not be based on what he intended to offer the American People but, what intend to ask them. Well, since that time youve only made vague references to sacrifice in self denial. A year or so ago i believe you said the would not recommend a tax increase unless it was absolutely necessary. Is this what you have . Unlike well i dont think that in the winter of 61 in the present economic conditions, a tax increase would be desirable, in fact will be deflationary or delay in employment or slowdown in our economy. If it ever becomes necessary, an essential to our security, i would suggest a tax increase or any other policy, which would descend the United States. Ive talked in every speech that the fact these are going to be very difficult times and it we are going to have to meet our responsibility as citizens. Im talking about a national move, im talking about our willingness, in order to maintain an or to made our freedom around the globe. We dont know what the future is going to bring, i would not want anyone to elect me as president of the United States under the expectation that life will be easy. Now many of the programs that im talking about, Economic Growth development over natural resources, fill the strength of the United States. Thats how the United States began to prepare for a great actions in world war ii and the post war period. If were moving ahead, if we are providing a viable economy, and sufficient resources a people can consume what we produced, in this countrys on the. Moved and were stronger. I will settle better exact example for the world. We dont have the problem just of only building our own military strength and spending our foresees foreign policies abroad, weve to do a job at home. So i believe that the policies that i recommend committed to the general heading of strength for the United States. We cant consume what were able to produce at a time when the soviet union is all i say is i dont know what the sixties will bring, whether they will bring hard times i, i hope we can move ahead im confident that we can do a far better job mobilizing our economy and resources in the United States. I merely say that electing my president , i will do my best to carry the United States through a difficult period. I would not want people to elect me if i promised them an easy, soft life. Im saying itll be difficult, but im confident will be able to get through this. Mister Vice President . I think we should be under no illusions whatever about what the responsibilities of the American People should be. Our expenditures for defense, our expenditures for mutual security, our expenditures for economic, and Technical Assistance does not help. That will be greater. I think it may be necessary if we have more taxes. I hope not, i hope we can economize elsewhere so we dont have to. But i would have no hesitation to ask the american taxes to pay the taxes even in 1961 if necessary to maintain a sound economy and also to maintain because when you do not tax and tax enough, you pay for your outgoing, you pay it many times over in higher prices in inflation. I simply will not do that. I think i should add that is for sanity candidates proposals are concerned, if he intends to carry out his platform that he proposed in los angeles, its impossible for him to make it in those promises without raising taxes or without having rising prices or both. The platform suggests that everything can be done for an Economic Growth but it can be done in a mere, you cant have billions of dollars to our expenditures and, after all it isnt paid for with my money, it isnt paid for with his. Mr. Nevermore the question for Vice President. Nixon mister Vice President you have said it president kennedy should talk about as well as about we were at war with the Prime Minister define a responsibility to talk about i did and eyes ive pointed out in 1952 i made it very clear that as far as the queen war was concerned, i felt the decision to go into the war in korea was right and necessary. What i criticized was the policies that made it necessary. Incidentally, i should pointed out that senator kennedy set a policy that led to defeat and retreat. I would like to know where we have been defeated. In the truman administration, 600 Million People went behind the iron curtain, the satellite countries in Eastern Europe in communist china. Yes administration we stop the man in the china, stop them in lebanon and stop than in other parts of the world. I would also like to point out that is far senator kennedys comments are concerned, i think he has a perfect right and responsibility to criticize this Administration Whenever he thinks we are wrong but he has a responsibility to be accurate and optimistic. I dont think he should say that our alltime low thickets harmful because its wrong. I dont think it was helpful and im glad hes corrected this to an extent the 17 Million People go to bed hungry every night. Now this just wasnt true. Now there are people who go to bed hungry, far last incidentally then used to go to bed when we took power after the truman administration. But the fact is less people go to bed hungry in the United States than any major country in the. World where the best fat, or the best clothes, we have better distribution of goods to our people than any other place in history. Now im pointing out things that are wrong, i think we should america i emphasize american strength. Its not necessary to run america down in order to build her up. Senator kennedy must criticize or one she is wrong. Hes doing a very effective job of that. But on the other hand he has a responsibility to be accurate, as i have a responsibility to correct him every time he misstates the facts. I can to continued to do so. Well this president nixon, ill just given the testimony of george shaken, ranking minority member of the former chairman of the Senate Agricultural Committee Testing vying in 1959 saying there were 26 million americans who did not have the income to afford a decent diet. Mr. Testifying on the Food Stamp Program in 1957 singer 26 million americans who could not afford a good diet. Now i have seen a good many hundreds of thousands of people who are if not adequately fed. You cant tell me that the surplus distribution of food, and nearly 6 million americans receiving that is adequate. Her 25 million of them according to mr. Roy. I believe that we should not compare what our figures to some other country, but remember that we are the most prosperous country, and enough not enough people are getting adequate food and in many cases are not getting adequate shelter we ought to meet those needs. And mr. Nixon the democratic budget was four was wholly inadequate. I said i seek the balance budget unless there was an exception, the worse balance budget history was 1958, 12 billion dollars large in any other administration in history. I believe that this administration can balance the budget unless we have a national emergency. Mr. Morgan with a question for senator kennedy. Senator kennedy saturday on television he said you have always thought that unwise places to draw art events lines in the far east. Can you comment further on that . Also to this question couldnt a pullback from those islands the imperative in the future . United states has on occasion, mostly in the middle fifties to persuade chang high check i believe strongly in promotion. These are of islands are a few miles off red china and more than 100 miles we have never said flatly that we would defend we say we will defend it as part of a general attack on extremely difficult to make that said they were admiral streams from said we should not attempt to defend these islands general ridgeway said the same thing. I believe that when you get if, you going to get into a war and ought to be in a clearly defined law. One of the things of the time i thought of south korea was whether United States would defend. I think we should defend should come to his defense. She defended under some conditions, i think it was a mistake. Secondly, i would not suggest of withdrawal at this time. It is a decision that nationalists should make. I believe we should consult with it. An attempt to work out a plan by which the line is drawn. Leave 100 miles between the sea, general ridgeway, general collins, admiral and many others would be unwise to take the chance of being dragged into a war. For two islands that are not strategic, i think we should protect our commitment. I believe strongly we should do so in berlin, i believe strongly should do so and i believe we should meet our commitments in every country or securities guarantee. But i do not believe that that line, in the case of a war should be drawn in those islands. As long as they are not essential, and my judgment the time of the duster Vice President. I disagree agree completely with senator kennedy. I remember in a period before the korean war. South korea was supposed to be independent as well. General testified to that. And secretary action made a very famous speech at the press conference early in the year before the cream or started. Indicating to the fact that south korea was to the United States. I hoped that when he made that states and we wouldnt get into a. War but it didnt mean. That we had to go in when they came in. The question is not been too little it isnt a few people who live on it. Its the principle involved. These two islands are in a area of freedom. The nationalists have these two islands. We should not support and give into the communist. We do that we start a chain reaction. In my opinion its the same kind of bullying a led to the disaster for america in korea. Im against it, i will never tolerated as president of the United States, and i hope that senator kennedy will change his mind if he becomes. Have approximately two minutes remaining. Please make your answers as brief as possible. Mr. Level has a question for Vice President nixon. You were urging senator kennedy says that you are trying to run away from your party and education by advocating what he calls a program who can you say the labels are thats the way we elect the president its the way we should. I am a student of history, and i have found that this country has many great leaders, some of the democrats and some of them are. People have always understood that kind of particular time that a certain man is the one who leads. I believe in an election when you are trying to determine who should lead the free world, perhaps senator kennedy already indicated the most important election of her history. It isnt that i am in the league, it is all of us. What we stand for. What we believe. And consequently, i dont think its enough to go to i dont say vote for me because im a republican. I dont think senator kennedy says what for me because i am a democrat. What is involved here is the question of leadership for the whole free world. That means the best leadership, maybe republican, maybe democrat. But the people are the ones who are voting. The people have to make up their minds. I believe the people there for should be asked to make up their minds, not simply boating the way or grandfather did, your mother did. People should put america first. As far as my party is concerned, saying we have no passion for the poor, we are against progress. All i can seize this, we do have programs in all these fields, education, housing, defense, and we will move america forward. We will move the power faster and mover more surely. This is what i deeply believe. Im sure people believe this. I would suggest however, that people can get the benefits. Senator kennedy. I do think the parties are important, when it is something about the program, Abraham Lincoln was a great president of all the people. But he was selected by his party three times in history. The Democratic Party in the century has dug for progress, stood for concern of people. As a result, we had president roosevelt, truman, the Republican Party is coolidge and i do stand for something. Problems facing the country, that is the importance of the party. Republicans in recent years, the last 25 years, at least eight years, opposed federal aid, a post minimum wage, and since that record tells itself. Thank you, gentlemen. These are the questions from the reporters and the answers you heard this evening by senator kennedy Vice President nixon. Each candidate made an opening statement, they further agree of who would speak last. On other programs similar to this one will be presented thursday. And the final program will be presented friday october 15th. We hope this series and this regular Television Program will have you give up roller understanding of the issues we are facing in our country today. And hopefully on november 8th he will vote. This is frank mickey, midnight from washington

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