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Exploring our nations past, every weekend on cspan3. Gentlemen, would you please rise. Please rise. Raise your right hand, please. Do you solemnly swear that you will support and defend the constitution of the United States and the constitution of this state against all enemies, foreign and domestic . That you will bear truth to the lesions in the same . That you take this obligation freely without any reservation or purpose of evasion . That you will well and faithfully discharge the duties on which you were employed . And do you swear you will not abdicate nor are a member of any Political Party or organization that advocates the overthrow of the government of the United States, or of the state by force or violence . If you agree, answer i do. I do. Be seated, gentlemen. Gentlemen, i wish to congratulate you. I also wish to thank your families here today for supporting you and applying as froman recruits for the cincinnati police. This time i would like to introduce your chief of police. It is a privilege, indeed, to extend greetings to you, who are here in behalf of your representative in the present recruit class. It is significant that your support at this moment and strengthen sincerity of purpose that is so necessary as these men address a new and exciting career. From now on, you are policeman. And your duty, 20 four hours a day, every day, is to protect the lives and property of the citizens you have sworn to serve. Why does a man become a policeman . There are many reasons. Some are interested in working with people. Others want to devote their lives to public service. There are those intrigued by the excitement that service in policing offer. Whatever the reasons, once a man becomes a member of a police force, he is judged by his performance and results. Results are the key to a Successful Police officer. Results in suppressing crime, arresting offenders, and in maintaining the peace. These results are obtained only by hardworking individuals, well trained and well lived. Men were dedicated to ensuring the rights of all people under the law. The United States Supreme Court as a highest duty of a Police Officer has quoted that the highest duty of a Police Officer is to know that to follow the law. A thorough understanding of state and municipal law is vital to every officer. The federal constitution is the supreme law of the land. It secures the blessings of liberty for all United States citizens. Every provision of the constitution is aimed at the preservation of the basic freedoms of the individual. It restricts governmental control over citizens to go over processes, and severely limits police powers. Law enforcement officers should be aware of these limitations to avoid violating the rights of citizens. A good knowledge of the law is part of the professional preparation expected of every officer. We will be over for about a little poker. Icu. Goodbye, bill. An officer almost constantly under public scrutiny. Publicly and privately. Often, it shapes the publics attitude towards the entire police organization. Good afternoon. May i see your drivers license and registration card, please . Yes. Would you please take it out . Beg your pardon \ beg your pardon . I cannot see it in your wallet. Would you please remove it . You went to the stop sign. Really . I did not see any sign. It is there, and im going to issue a citation for violation of this law. You dont have to do that. I told you i was sorry. Signou went through a stop , not only endangering your life, but the lives of other people. Im sorry. I dont usually drive like that. I have had this car for only a few days. I guess i had my mind on how beautifully it was driving. Here is your drivers license and registration. Also, this citation requires your appearance personally within the next 48 hours. A career in Law Enforcement is difficult and demanding. Once an officer has taken his oath of office, he steps from the back stage privacy of civilian life into the permanent onstage spotlight of public scrutiny. [whistle blowing] his whole way of life must change. The public expects him to be a superman and he must strive to be one. On and off duty his faults will be magnified in the eyes of the public. A Police Officer cannot spare any effort to make everything he does ethically sound. Its a funny thing, my wife is planning another picnic this week and i might even have a beer myself. Tastes pretty good. The personal shortcomings overlooked by his friends and arehbors while a civilian immediately exaggerated once he becomes a Police Officer. , every day of his life, on be off duty, people will measuring his personal behavior against their idealistic mental picture of a Police Officer. His wifes appearance and behavior, the way his children , his drinking and smoking habits. The language he uses. The condition of his home and yard. The way he drives a car. The way he talks on the radio, his credit rating. His political activity. Attendance. Almost every detail of his professional and private life will be analyzed and judged by the public. 1 30. I have to be there at 2 00. You better change. See you in the evening, honey. Goodbye. Fromking the transition civilian to Police Officer is extremely demanding. Sometime ago, one of our former president s put it like this no one is compelled to choose the profession of Police Officer, but having chosen it, everyone is obliged to perform its duties and live up to the high standards of its requirements. Enterprise,hat high we surrender much individual freedom. The Police Officer has chosen a profession that he must hold that all peril. It until depart from he is relieved. A great and honorable duty to be greatly and honorably fulfilled. A Police Officer has a authority. Enormous authority. He can deprive a man of his in extreme cases, his life. This power carries grave responsibility. In order to properly execute it, he must have a good understanding of the laws of arrest and his limitations under these laws. In order to perform your duty successfully, you have to know the law. The constitution. The civil rights of the individual. The state statutes and municipal ordinances. We are not lawyers, but we have to know the laws. So we can properly enforce them. You have to know the ground that you stand on or you are lost. Sometimes, you make a decision in a split second whether or not to arrest, whether or not to use your gun. It might take the courts months to decide if your action is legally correct. Laws are changing, becoming much more complicated. You have to keep going back, reading the Court Rulings and Supreme Court decisions to see how they affect you. Good Law Enforcement is the common sense in partial impartial and unbiased enforcement of the law. Police patrol is the basic means of all Law Enforcement. It is essential for protection against criminals. The Patrol Officer must be constantly on the alert. He must be ready to respond to any emergency. Go ahead. One mile west of the ambulance has been called. 31a. On the route. E en when you are dispatched to an accident, upon arrival, the first thing you do is check the injured. If there is an injury, the ambulance has not been dispatched, you call in for one. While you are waiting for the ambulance, make the injured parties as comfortable as possible, and if necessary, render first aid. [sirens] after this is done, take whatever steps are necessary to them and prevent additional accidents. Trying to determine from the thee who is at fault, by persons own admission, or any available physical evidence around and near the accident. Get the names and addresses of all witnesses, and fill out the proper reports. Server, were you a witness to this accident sir, were you a witness to this accident . Yes. Where were you when the accident occurred . In the east. What did you see and what happened . He came around at a high rate of speed, outofcontrol, skidded. Can you give me any idea . It would be hard to estimate the speed. There was a blind corner. Thank you for your information, mr. Becker. If we need anything else, we will contact you. As soon as you can, you clear the street and get the scene back to normal. The first thing the new policeman should do when he goes on his beat is to get to know his district. When you are sent on a call, know the shortest route to a street or place of business. Know the people who work in the district. They are the ones who are going to be in trouble and need our help. The more we know about them and their businesses, the entrances and exits, location of states, the persons, their habits, the more we will be able to be of assistance in an emergency. Good morning. The station is under new management. I would like to get some information for my security files. I have this overnight. Where is that . Would you show it to me, please . That is very good, sir. Alert asve to stay alertness is a major factor in crime control. Trying to avoid getting into any set pattern of patrol, play it the way you see it. For instance, when you start in theot, work your way other direction. The next time, start out from the same spot but then double back and go over the same area. Try to be as unpredictable as possible. Must developcer his powers of observation. He should also be suspicious. He should be constantly looking at people and places, evaluating what he sees. He should know what he sees. He should know what looks right and what looks wrong. He should know what time the stores close, what lights are left on. 1258. Ill be at a call in northwest corner checking a Suspicious Truck parked by a business place. You are observing a situation where things arent as they should be. You are observing a situation where things are not as they should be. You are suspicious. , you dont rush into the building alone. If you do, whoever is inside may possibly escape from another exit or you might even be attacked from ambush. It helps to cover the entrances and exits and prevent escape. Station yourself in a position to keep as much of the building under surveillance as possible. You set up a plan and then some of you go inside to search the place. Never less than two men. This will cool the urge of anyone inside to start shooting. ,e might start shooting anyway but at least you will have help. You never relax when you make one of these searches. You go in that building with a supposition that someone is there. And you either go in with your holster unbuttoned or with your gun in your hand. You dont have your gun cocked. Theres always the danger you might hit it on something. If the gun goes off, you might kill your fellow officer and you have to be extremely careful. If you hear something, you cannot go blazing away. You might be shooting a watchman, employee, or the owner. You only use your gone as a last resort. Inside, you start a systematic search of the place. You Work Together as a team, searching one area of the building at a time. You check all the places where they might hide, on top of a bunch of cartons or under a bench. Do not overlook anything. Suspects have been known to squeeze themselves into small areas or to roll themselves up in a rug. They will try anything to keep from getting caught. Police officer. Put your hands up. Put your hands up. , out. Up. Your hands come on out of there. Ok. Put your hands back up. Once the suspect is apprehended, call your fellow officer for assistance. Make a thorough search of a suspect and properly secure him with handcuffs for safe transportation to police headquarters. Put your head against the wall. Take him down. Your right hand. Clear. It is not easy to be a good Police Officer. The oath he takes is not something he can put on or take off like a coat. It carries grave responsibilities. It is accompanied by enormous authority that can be used to benefit and protect society or misused to disgrace a noble profession and violate the Constitutional Rights of citizens. Once an officer has taken his oath, he has assumed a high office in the eyes of the public. His entire way of life must change. He has voluntarily given up much a his individuality to become representative of a police organization. The requirements of his profession are highly demanding. He must know and follow the law, understand human nature, and develop efficient methods of patrol and investigation. A great and honorable duty. There are many unexpected problems that a Police Officer has to solve at any minute. Any second of the day. These are only a few examples, but actually, there are countless possibilities officers have to face. Shoplifters, pickpockets. Drunks. Cheaters. Reckless drivers. Burglars. Bank robbers. Narcotics. Prostitutes. Sex deviance. Deviants. Kidnappers. [screaming] [gunshots] murderers. And demonstrators. Within the next hour, any of you may be faced with the problems that you have just seen. We do everything we can to prepare you in training and to give you the necessary help in order that you can take the correct action immediately. Film, we show you some of the basic duties of a Police Officer, the importance and necessity of cooperation with each other and with the public. A great and honorable duty to be greatly and honorably fulfilled. [child crying]

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