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At the end of the last war, this was the government of germany. Government. Is the we have come to germany not as liberated but as conquerors, and at this time we shall remain for 10 years, for 20 years, if necessary forever. Willschmidt himself determine. We shall not leave until carl schmidt has come to realize that he himself as responsible for not only the past but the future. We have rid him of hitler, of the general staff, of naziism. We have not rid him of federick, of bismarck, of the kaiser, of his history and tradition. That key must do for himself. Until he does come that key is still a potential enemy of civilization then and only then were the german will the german farmer, the german millman, the german copy like the folks back home. In beautiful then germany, industrious germany, altered germany joined the peaceful nations of the world. These little ones have a good deal too. There are a couple of boys who are really fixed for the winter, and this queen and her family have no housing problem. These fellas may be wondering about their next banana but not about the price of a nights nights lodging. They have got a ceiling over their head. And what about these fellows . Done sleeping was usually without benefit of sleeping, rent or otherwise. Inillion american men are the service and millions more were already married when they started packing bags or swinging bags. Gs sea a lot of men have gone through lastroutine, through the army lecture, the last navy pay voucher and coming home to love and affection and problems, lots of problems. What do you want, sergeant . A job . You, private . You want to know about school . Or do you have a different kind of problem. Having trouble finding an apartment or a house like this one . Rooms, oil burner , near all churches and shopping and transportation . How much rent for this house . Together again, after being separated by 3. 5 years of blue pacific water . Well, and how much, mr. Agent. More than you expected, was not it . Can you make it, joe . Againk home, sit down with your pencil and paper and see if you can work it out. Did i say home . Would like to spend a little time alone with his wife after three point five years of Community Living in a barracks and foxholes. Job may no longer be a private, but his budget is one think he would like to keep that weight. Particularly when he sees stuff like this coming along. And yours is not the only family doubling up. There are lots more like yours. Lots more to come. Nothing like a nice june wedding with orange blossoms, bridesmaids, and a very special ring. But today there is something you have got to take care of before choosing a ring. Apartment hunting used to be fun , but even the exuberance of youth cannot change the fact of the situation today is tough. We have had a time with housing while you were gone. Building materials and labor went to war. The materials that should have gone into houses like this were going into houses like this, roofing,indow glass, steel, paint, flooring. The fellows who usually build these were building these. There was practically no homebuilding except in critical Production Centers where great war plants sprang up and far stripped it housing facilities. This lack of building threatened to send the rent of houses and apartments skyrocketing. Until the office of Price Administration stepped in to protect the people by holding the line, not only on prices but on rents as well. These men may not be able to define stabilization, but skyrocketing rents are something they understand. A lot of subjects are being discussed in american tell meetings these days, but one thing most people are agreed on is that rent control is a good thing. I think so. My name is johnson. I own a house on six street. Rent is filled up. Has been for the past six years. Sure, i would like to get higher rents, but i guess if i got a higher rent, somebody else would be entitled to hire this. Before long, we would all be on a roller coaster. Landlords big problems today in view of shortages. I can get along with rent control. The way i figure, what this country needs is a little more golden rule and a little less rule of gold. How do my tenants like rent control . Why dont you ask them . My name is catherine. Street. T 109 six mr. Kelly, my husband, works at the post office. I guess he has what you would call a salaried man. There is a lot to be said for being a salaried man. Most of us will never get rich at it. What about rent control . I do not know much about it, except we were paying 39 a month rent before the war and we are still paying it. We could not pay any more. But, jane clark, radio engineer. I went to put two i am one of mr. Johnsons tenants too. What do i think of rent control . Mr. , i have got a family to support, and anything that keeps down the cost of living is all right with me. When control is not perfect. Chancellorsry few and rent gutters who insist on bonus payments and phony italian sales of furniture. But for the vigilance of cooperating landlords and other local citizens as well as government officials, the public is protected. Public, and this public. The shooting war is over, but we are still at war against inflationary prices and rents. Food, rent is the largest item in our budget. Lifting rent controls well homes are still scarce would break all other price controls. Beh a break of a line would followed by skyrocketing prices and the kind of headache we had after world war i, which started when rents jumped 50 after armistice day. With this situation, it becomes of the utmost importance to hold the line. Break the line under rent by paying or charging illegal rent and you could help start and inflation whose only result will be the kind of deflation and depression that followed world war i. Take the lid off rents, and you take you make it tough for. His veteran of world war ii what is in store for him wendy when the sun comes up tomorrow . Future income of love and affection it may be unlimited, but his financial income will be limited. Remove rent ceilings and you deal a blow to the workers of our Industrial Army going back into the factories to finish their reconversion and keep us prosperous, full production. The government has been aiding it all ways to stimulate the construction of new homes, Building Material prices are being controlled, and Building Supplies are being channeled to where they will be of the greatest good and the greatest number. Two types of homes most people need, but demand still far exceeds supply and will for a long time to come. It will be sometime before there are enough of these, and in these to satisfy adequately the tremendous pentup demand of the war years, years when we stood shoulder to shoulder against people overseas. Lets all stand shoulder to shoulder in our own land to protect these men into millions of like them and and out of uniform against the homegrown people of over ceiling rents, bribes, bonuses, and furniture rackets. With anre threatened illegal eviction, reported to the opa. You will get help. Violation, of a rent reported to the opa. They will act on it. If you have a rent problem, ask the opa about it. They cannot find you a place to live, but they can give you all of the answers to any questions on rent. We won the shooting war by working together. Lets win the battle against skyrocketing rents and inflationary prices the same will not havehese fought and worked in vain. You can watch archival films in public

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