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In the lobby in front of the entrance. It has a photograph of the 1913 womans suffrage march looking up pennsylvania avenue toward the United States capital. It is overlaid with the photograph from the 2017 womens march from pennsylvania avenue as well. Its an intellect linticular so as you walk by, the image changes between the two. We really wanted to have it in the exhibit to help grab the publics attention and also to signal that this is an historic exhibit, but one that continues to have contemporary relevance today. So, lets head now into the gallery where rightfully hers is on display. So, this is the National Archives exhibition to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment, but it is more than the 19th amendment exhibition. Thats because the 19th amendment landmark Voting Rights victory that it was for women did not give all women the right to vote. Millions of women were already voters by the time the 19th amendment was added to the constitution, but millions of women, for reasons other than their sex, remained unable to vote. This exhibit looks at that story as well. We have this introductory video here that is also meant to grab peoples attention and pull them into the gallery. It also gives you a sense of what types of stories youre going to encounter here in the rightfully hers exhibition. The exhibit is organized into five sections that ask five questions, which you can see here with the women who are carrying their protest banners. Those questions are who decides who votes . Why do women fight for the vote . How did women win the 19th amendment . What was the 19th amendments impact and what voting struggling persist . Who decides who votes . This is a small but important framing section of the exhibit. Even to this day, theres not a citizens right to vote in this country and when the constitution was first ratified, it made no mention of voting qualifications. So thats really a power that was left to the states. So, one of my favorite stories that really highlights the power that states have in deciding who votes is women in new jersey, who are americas first voters. Beginning in 1776 when new jersey became a state, the new jersey state constitution made no mention of sex when discussing voting qualifications. It only had a property requirement. So, women who own enough property primarily widows and single women. So, not all women in new jersey, could and did vote in elections at the local, state and national level. And they did so for the first 30 years of the republic until new jersey changed its law using its power as a state to do so, to restrict the vote to just white men with property. Women, as well as africanamerican men lost the right to vote. For women in new jersey it wasnt until the 19th amendments ratification that they got the right to vote back. Lets head to the next section of the exhibit, why did women fight for the right to vote . Our records do such a wonderful job of telling the personal story from women, not just about why they were fighting for the vote, but what the absence of the vote meant for them in term s of economic, social, legal and other consequences. Women like emily barber. She sent this petition to congress. She was a teacher. So she argues that as a wagering women she has to pay equal taxes with men but as a nonvoter, of course, has no voice, excuse me, in how those tax dollars are spent. She goes she further states that with acknowledged superior capabilities for teaching and governing schools shes been obliged to teach for onethird of the wages accorded to a male teacher in the same school. I just love to point out that this petition was sent to congress in 1879. So 140 years ago this year, women were already arguing that they needed the vote to press for equal wages. Of course, as a wageearning woman, women like emily barber from their working experience, it was really clear how Vulnerable Women were without the vote. One of the other ways that a lot of women came to ultimately fight for their right to vote was through engagement in other reform issues. Lots of women were engaged in the Antislavery Movement and the Temperance Movement to limit the sale as well as the consumption of alcohol. As well as other educational, Public Health and social reforms. We have this petition here that argues that the ballot is the most potent element in all moral and social reforms. They realized that they needed the ballot to press for the changes that were most important to them. I love this section of the exhibit. It has wonderful records that tell the personal stories from individual women who fought for the vote. But we really wanted to include as many voices and arguments as we could from women and men who fought for womens Voting Rights. We also developed this projection display that includes beautiful portraits as well as quotes from other women and men who are active in the Suffrage Movement, arguing why women needed the vote. Working women must use the ballot in order to abolish the few. Sometimes forgotten or disregarded in deprivation of their political rights. So, lets move on to the third section of the exhibit, which is the focal point. We look at the diversity of the women as well as strategies engaged in the fight to ultimately win the 19th amendment. This is a more than sevendecade, multigenerational struggle. That came at the end of the civil war when women suffragi t suffragiists who were also engaged in the Antislavery Movement movements that women may also gain the right to vote at the same time. Here we have a petition for universal suffrage. That is for everyone to get the right to vote, including susan bncht anthony, and lucy stone, and theyre urging the government to consider extending the right of suffrage to women as it considers doing so for newly emancipated africanamerican men. Unfortunately for them, the government did not listen to their pleas and once the 15th amendment passed congress, it was clear that women, both africanamerican and white women, were not going to get the right to vote. This really created a huge amount of tension among women suffragists. They were divided whether or not to support the 15th amendment and it actually created something called the schism in the Suffrage Movement. Two organizations were formed, National Women Suffrage Association that was founded by anthony and stanton. They did not support the 15th amendment and focused their work from that point onward to fighting for a constitutional amendment that would give women the right to vote. Here, we have a petition from the American Woman Suffrage Association, which was founded by lucy stone, her husband and other suffragists. They did support the 15th amendment. However, they focused their efforts on women winning the right to vote at the state and local level. They werent supposed necessarily to a constitutional amendment giving women the right to vote. However, they didnt really feel it was they werent very optimistic at the success of a constitutional amendment at this point in time. So, one of the really fascinating things about the Womens Suffrage Movement is that after women lost the vote in new jersey in 1807, the first states to give women the right to vote beginning in 1869 were in the west. Miami territory was the first state or territory at that point in time, to give women the vote. They became the first state to do so when they obtained statehood in 1890. Interestingly, no states east of the mississippi gave women the right to vote in the 19th century. Here we have a petition from utah. Utah is a really interesting case, because utah had a mormon majority nature, congress was opposed to the practice of polipoli polygamy and tried to outlaw the practice of plural marriage. This petition is from women who had already gotten the right to vote from utah when congress was trying to pass legislation to outlaw polygamy and they made lovely arguments about the fact that women managed to maintain their respectability as voters really urged congress not to take the vote away from them when they passed that legislation. Congress was not successful in doing so at this point in time, but just about a decade later, women in utah did lose the vote when Congress Passed an antipolygamy legislation, but once utah got Congress Actually took the vote away from women as well. So Womens Suffrage Movement took more than 70 years. Generations of women had to fight for their right to vote, and one of the reasons it took so long for the Suffrage Movement to be successful was because there was fierce opposition to enfranchising women. Not just from male politicians, but from a lot of women as well. This is a period of time of great social change, womens traditional roles, in particular, outside of the home were shifting dramatically and lots of women really resisted that change. We have this fantastic petition from more than 850 women who urged congress not to give them the vote, and they make a number of different arguments for why they dont want the vote. Im just going to read one of them to you. So, they argue that because these changes must introduce a fruitful element of discord in the existing marriage relation, which would tend to the infinite detriment of children and increase the already alarming prevalence of divorce in this country. And this petition comes from 1872. So, pretty remarkable that that argument was being made already back then. And weve got this great graphic here that shows the mother heading out the door on election day while her husband is left at home with the children and doing all the cooking and cleaning and really speaks to the fears that a lot of antisuffragists had at that point in time. So certainly lots of women and men were opposed to giving women the right to vote because of how it might change, in particular, the family dynamic, but that was not the only reason that antisuffragists were opposed to giving women the right to vote. So we have this section of this exhibit case in the exhibit that looks at the way that race came in to the discussion and the debate over giving women the right to vote. Racebased arguments were used on both sides of the Suffrage Movement. Not only for or against giving women the right to vote but also for or against doing so through a constitutional amendment. We have this really fascinating postcard from the Georgia Association opposed to womens suffrage. Ill read a couple of points that the postcard makes to vote against woman suffrage. Universal suchlt ffrage wipes out the disenfranchisement of the negro by state law and because White Supremacy must be maintained. So, it makes pretty clear that southern states, in particular, especially because they had been able after the 15th amendments ratification, after the end of reconstruction, had been able to implement discriminatory measures that pretty effectively disenfranchised africanamerican men. They feared giving women the right to vote, in particular africanamerican women, would undermine that effort. So, race was a critical issue in the Suffrage Movement. But its also really important and was a goal of this exhibit that we highlight the Critical Role that africanamerican suffragists played in the ultimate success of the 19th amendment. This petition here from washington, d. C. Signed by both africanamerican men and women, urging congress to pass a constitutional amendment giving women the right to vote. Something i find fascinating about this petition is that these are petitioners from the district of columbia, and at this period in time, 1877 when this petition was signed, voters there were no Voting Rights in the district of columbia. Something else thats really interesting about this petition is that it is signed by two of Frederick Douglass children, including Frederick Douglass jr. And Rosetta Douglass sprague who signs as mrs. Spragrue. I think its spectacular that a petition that you send to Congress Today just as these africanamerican petitioners did in 1877, becomes part of the National Archives holdings and were fortunate to have it here today to help tell the story. So thus far on this tour, weve seen lots of petitions and women, when they were pressing for their Voting Rights really only had their First Amendment rights available to them to press their government for their rights and for political change. One of the other rights, First Amendment rights that suffragists used, the freedom to assemble, they used pretty effectively as well to gain greater visibility and public attention in particular for their cause. We have this great wall mural here of one of many suffrage parades that were staged throughout the country. This one is here in washington, d. C. , from 1913. It was one of the most consequential marches that was staged. Women, more than 5,000 suffragists participated in this march. It was held the day before Woodrow Wilsons first president ial inauguration. And i hope that you can see here, this is all the space that these women had to march up pennsylvania avenue. This photograph is actually digitized from a congressional hearing that was held after the march was over, because the police really didnt do very much to control the crowd. The suffragists could barely make their way through the crowds at points and they faced verbal harassment and even some instances of assault as well, as they marched through this unfriendly crowd. And the police argued that there were just too many people, so they couldnt possibly keep the crowds back. Of course, as you can see here, theres plenty of room. They could have opened the way for these women to march peacefully for their rights. One of the women that we know, who participated in that march is marie botton new baldwin. Many of the photographs you see from the woman Suffrage Movement are from white women protesting for their vote but we know women of color were there and were important to the movement, and we really wanted to make sure to spotlight their stories whenever we could. So we know Marie Baldwin was a participant of the suffrage march here in washington, d. C. This is actually her personnel file photo. She works for what today is the bureau of indian affairs. Its a lovely photo. I love that she chose to wear her traditional native dress for the picture as well. And i also want to just point out that ida b. Wells barnett was another woman of color who participated in the 1913 woman suffrage march and was an activist not only for woman suffrage but for a number of issues. We have these womens photographs in gold frames. I call them suffrage spotlights. We want ed to make sure we pull in as many different womens stories and highlighting the Important Role that they played in the struggle for womens Voting Rights. Youll see those throughout the gallery. So women petitioned. They marched and they protested, but the fight for womens Voting Rights really wouldnt have been successful if, as i said at the start of this tour, millions of women were not already voters. And thats because their states chose to give them the right to vote beginning with wyoming territory in 1869. Some states chose to give women equal Voting Rights with men in their state and other states just chose to extend partial or limited suffrage to women. And we have great records that help tell the story of partial suffrage in particular. One of my favorite records in the entire exhibit is this voting machine patent drawing that has two separate entrances to get into the voting area. On the left theres an entrance that at the top it says ladies and on the right theres an entrance for gents. Theres this very complicated system of pulleys and levers. And i dont know exactly how all those gears are intended to work, but the intention would be that women who couldnt vote for everything that men could vote for on election day would go into the left Side Entrance and all of those gears, pulleys and levers would close off whatever ballot measures they were not allowed to vote for. Of course, if youre a man, you could go in through the gents entrance on the right and all options would be open up and available to you. This is ten years before the 19th amendment was ratified. So already states were and the American Public was dealing with the question of some women having some Voting Rights but not equal Voting Rights with men. Another Critical Community of women that were engaged in Voting Rights were working class women. We heard the arguments from emily barber, that teacher who, as a wage earning woman, pressed for Voting Rights. And women, whether they worked in profession or whether they worked in a factory or other industry, were a Critical Community in the struggle for womens Voting Rights in particular because working womens engagement really helped to turn the woman Suffrage Movement into a mass movement, both in terms of the number of women who began to be active in the struggle for the vote as well as the new strategies that those women brought to the woman Suffrage Movement. In particular from their experience working in organizing labor. We have this great petition here that still has its instruction sheet attached, which i love, because it shows the way that they translated some of those strategies they learned for getting petitions signed for unionizing into how they translated that for the struggle to get signatures from men and women to support woman suffrage. So they have things such as canvas, factories, workshops at the noon hour so you can get people to sign petitions on the lunch break, which is fascinating. So the woman Suffrage Movement has turned into a mass movement. We have women marching through the streets, signing greater numbers of petitions and then we come to the point where the United States enters the war during world war i. And this creates another tension point in the woman Suffrage Movement. Women gained tremendous momentum behind their movement but most suffragists feared that to continue to acknowledge at a time for the vote while the u. S. Went to war that they would lose support for their cause because they would look unpatriotic. So a number of women, most women and the largest woman suffrage organization, national American Woman Suffrage Association at the time chose to put their public agitation for the vote to the side and instead devote their time to supporting the war effort. And we have this great collection of uniforms from women who volunteered with the red cross and served both domestically as well as abroad. Its a lovely collection, and i love that i was able to use it to really talk about and interpret womens wartime service, which was really important to gaining a lot of public support for giving women the right to vote. However, not all women chose to set aside their woman suffrage activities. In fact, the National Womans Party, the really militant branch of the woman Suffrage Movement, really chose to step up the political pressure in particular for toward the president at this time. They began to pick at the whiet house. Women were the First Americans to picket the white house. We have this banner that we borrowed from the National Womans Party as well as great footage showing women marching as well as the silent sentinel standing out the white house to call for woman suffrage and embarrass the president and to call out the hypocrisy of going to world war i, to make the world safer dem kras while women at home didnt have their full citizenship rights. Silent sentinels were picketing outside of the white house during the war, and the Wilson Administration did not necessarily respond kindly to their activities. As the u. S. Mobilized for war and really began to ramp up its engagement in that conflict, silent sentinels were harassed on the street. Some of those women were arrested and also jailed. We have some documents here that talk about that story, in particular womens imprisonment for peacefully protesting for their rights. So although the silent sentinels were not necessarily very popular with mainstream suffragists or with many members of the American Public, they were, nevertheless, appalled that these women were imprisoned for peacefully demonstrating for their rights. So the criticism that the Wilson Administration received for the treatment of the silent sentinels as well as the political pressure that they maintained on him, womens patriotism and service during the war really finally was enough to turn the tide in favor publicly and politically for womens Voting Rights, and women gained a really important and critical endorsement from the president in 1918, just before the war ended, when he went to congress and urged that they pass the woman suffrage amendment as a war measure. Unfortunately, it wasnt enough. The senate voted just a couple of days later and the measure still failed to pass by the required twothirds majority of that chamber to become a constitutional amendment by just two votes. But the good news is the next session of congress, the measure passed the house on may 21st of 1919, and then passed the senate on june 4th, 1919, and finally the 19th amendment, an amendment to give women the right to vote passed congress and went off to the states for ratification. But in order for that amendment to become part of the constitution, it needs to be ratified for the states. And here we have in the center of our exhibition the real focal point of this story, the story of the 19th amendments journey from a proposed constitutional amendment to becoming part of the constitution. And these three documents here really help tell that story. The first record is the joint resolution proposing amendment to the constitution, extending the right of suffrage to women. When we say the 19th amendment, this is the document that were talking about. Its a joint resolution that passed congress on june 4th of 1919. It doesnt become a constitutional amendment, however, until its been ratified by threequarters of the states, which was 36 states at that period in time. A requirement that the 19th amendment met when tennessee became the 36th state to ratify the proposed amendment on august 18th of 1920. And then here we have ceremonial copy of the secretary of states certification that the 19th amendment had, indeed, met the constitutional requirements for it to become a constitutional amendment. A and, with that, women have secured the right to vote in the United States constitution. So, here we have the story of the 19th amendments journey to becoming part of the constitution, but i also wanted to tell just a few more stories from its road to ratification, including some of the first states that ratified as well as a little bit more of the story behind tennessee, because that was a pretty intense battle to finally pass the amendment in that state. In tennessee, as the Tennessee Legislature was fighting over whether or not to ratify the 19th amendment, it ultimately only passed by a single vote. So, we wanted to tell that story here. The freshman legislator, who voted to pass the voted to ratify the 19th amendment was harry burn, and the story goes that he was opposed to woman suffrage, but his mother urged him to support the amendment if his vote was needed to do so and, fortunately for us, he kept his promise to his mother. And ill just point out that, as you round that corner from the 19th amendment, we have this huge wall mural. This is a photograph from the National Womens party. We have alice paul up almost in the rafters of the building. But we really wanted to represent that this is a moment of celebration. She is unfurling the National Womens party flag with 36 stars, representing the 36 states that have voted to ratify, just so its clear to everyone who comes here that we reached a really critical milestone in womens fight for the vote. The next section of the exhibit is what was the 19th amendments impact . We wanted to, in the gallery, look at the immediate impacts that the 19th amendment had for women as they began to use their newfound power for voters. Looking at some of the early pieces of legislation that women fought for and some of the successes as well as some of the setbacks that they encountered. This section of the exhibit also really becomes a foundational section of the exhibit that looks at the ongoing struggle for greater womens equality and opportunity that really has continued in the 100 years since the 19th amendments ratification. One of the stories most people think about is the equal rights amendment and some suffragists did immediately or very quickly begin to pivot to work to secure womens legal equality in the constitution. However, interestingly at that point in time, most women did not support an equal rights amendment. As i mentioned earlier in the exhibit, women were engaged in various reform movements and they hadnt been completely unsuccessful. Winning important protections for women and many resisted, including 13 rather large womens National Womens organizations resisted an equal rights amendment because they feared that would one become part of the constitution that women would lose those important protections. So, we also wanted to look at the ways that women fought for greater political representation. Of course, that is a struggle that continues today as well, since there is still not equal numbers of women in congress and other as well as state and local governments. We also wanted to have just a little bit of fun and i pulled together this playful section of artifacts and efemora that represent the different ways that women as voters have shown support for their political candidate. So in this physical gallery we only really look at a couple of stories focused on the decade immediately following the 19th amendments ratification. But, of course, there are many more stories in the hundred years since the 19th amendments ratification focused on womens ongoing struggle for greater equality, opportunity and political representation. And so we wanted to make some of that important context and history available in the exhibit, but we couldnt fit it into the actual gallery. So, we developed this interactive maze to allow visitors to explore some of those ongoing struggles that women continue to fight. Of course, we also have the exhibit that looks at womens rights more broadly, which is one floor down in the museum. So, if you choose to play the interactive maze game, you get to select an avatar. And then youre taken through a maze where you encounter some of the ways that women have pressed for, succeeded and sometimes were not successful in winning greater Voting Rights. The maze itself is really meant as a metaphor for that ongoing struggle because, of course, you have to try to find your way through the maze just as women would have had to have struggled to find their way forward in the struggle for equality. We come to the last section of the exhibit. As i said at the start of this tour, millions of women did not get the right to vote under the 19th amendment. Millions of women were already voters but millions of women and men continued to struggle for their Voting Rights after the 19th amendments ratification, because they were denied the vote for reasons other than their sex. This section of the exhibit tries to look at some of those different stories from different groups of women, the ongoing struggle that they faced and ultimately what secured Voting Rights for different groups of women. One of the most notable stories in this section of the exhibit is the struggle for africanamerican women and men, in particular in the south, to gain their right to vote. And i have a couple of documents here. One of my favorite letters in the whole section of the exhibit is from lula murray. She wrote to the president in 1923. Shes from birmingham, alabama. And she writes to say that she was turned away when she went to register to vote, but that she should have the right to vote under the 14th, 15th and the 19th amendments. Its the only letter in all the research i did for this exhibit where i found an africanAmerican Woman who mentioned all the constitutional amendments that extend her Voting Rights. She also further goes on to say that she had two brothers that served during world war i, one of whom lost his life in service to his country, and shes urging the president to help her get this important act of justice. And i love this little pamphlet right next to lula maries letter because it so clearly outlines a number of the different voting restrictions that were used in the south to keep africanamericans from exercising their right to vote. Ill just read off what they have listed here. It says the poll taps, white primaries, inaccessibility of the polls, restrictive registration hours and other more subtle restrictions against voting. And i think what they mean there is issues related to intimidation as well as discrimination in voting, things like unfairly administered literacy tests, threats of economic retaliation, as well as sometimes threats and even acts of violence against africanAmerican Voters that attempted to exercise their right to vote. So its not really until the Voting Rights act of 1965 passes congress that many of these discriminatory measures are outlawed and women and men in the south are really able to exercise their constitutional right to vote. But theyre not the only group of americans who continue to struggle and encounter issues of discrimination after the 19th amendments ratification. But one of the other areas where women and, of course men, run into issues with exercising their right to vote is dependent upon where you live. The 19th amendment says that the states shall not deny the vote. It says nothing about the district of columbia or other u. S. Territories like puerto rico. So, puerto rican women, although they were engaged in the s. Ffrage Movement Since the early 20th century were not included by the 19th amendment and their Territorial Legislature refused to extend them the right to vote when the 19th amendment was ratified. They faced another 15year struggle to secure Voting Rights for puerto rican women. I should mention that puerto rican women were already United States citizens at this point in time, too. They gained citizenship in 1917. We have this letter here from ana velez who is writing to president coolidge in 1929, urging his support for a measure that was before congress to give women the right to vote. In particular, shes asking that he will sign the bill if it passes. They achieve a partial victory. Not all women get the right to vote in puerto rico in 1929. Literate women are able to secure their vote but its not until that all puerto rican women gain their right to vote in puerto rico. Even today they dont have equal Voting Rights and voting representation in congress with american citizens that live in the states. So at the beginning of this tour, i said that theres not a citizens right to vote in this country today, but that doesnt mean that citizenship isnt often a prerequisite in order to exercise the right to vote. And so women who were not recognized as u. S. Citizens when the 19th amendment was ratified had to wait until they were recognized as citizens in order to exercise their right to vote. Two groups of women whose story we tell here are native american women, as well as asian immigrant women. Native american, all native americans are not recognized as United States citizens until 1924, but that doesnt mean that they necessarily got the right to vote once they gained citizenship. Many of the discriminatory measures that africanAmerican Voters encountered also kept a lot of native American Voters from the polls as well. And for asian immigrant women, they were not legally allowed to obtain citizenship really until the 1940s and 1950s. We had this photograph from Dorothea Lang from world war ii, from the tan fran assembly center. Its an interesting little story because japanese internees, if u. S. Citizens, could vote while they were incarcerated in internment camps and even japanese immigrants were allowed to vote for camp assembly elections, interesting little side story. In addition to the ways that different groups of americans have continued to struggle since the 19th amendments ratification in order to secure their right to vote, we also wanted to look at some other pieces of legislation and other constitutional amendments that open the polls to even more voters. Like the 26th amendment, which lowered the voting age from 21 to 18, and the National Voter registration act, better known as motor voter today, young er and poorer voters to register. When he signed motor voter into law and for our younger visitors they might enjoy seeing the rock the vote logo as a member of the mtv generation, i certainly remember watching rock the vote specials around election day where all the celebrities come out and encouraged Younger Voters to get engaged and rock the vote. So as i said in the first section of the rightfully hers exhibit and who decides who votes, the states power to determine that played a Critical Role in the womans struggle to vote and remains a factor in determining rights today. We end the exhibit here with the Supreme Court decision in Shelby County v. Holder, which upheld the constitutionality of the preclearance provision of the Voting Rights act. However, it did strike down the formula that was used to determine which states and jurisdictions were subject to the preclearance provision. And that has resulted in a number of changes to voting laws in recent years there have been new voting eligibility requirements that have emerged in multiple states. Some of those have made it easier to vote but some have also made it more difficult to register and exercise your right to vote. And as we said at the start of this exhibition, states power to determine voting qualifications continues to be important today. We hope that visitors to this exhibition will take this message home with them and learn about voting laws in their states so that they can be engaged voters and ensure that they can exercise their right to vote every election day. So far, the response has been overwhelmingly positive, both as ive walked visitors through the exhibit and as i just tried to observe people. What im most thrilled about is that weve had a number of teenagers. Field trip season here at the museum, and they seemed to really love the content. And what im most excited about is that they make sure they head to our interactive voting booths as well before they leave the exhibit. We felt like an exhibit about voting needed to have a voting booth so that everybody, whether they are registered voters that vote every election day have yet to register and vote, or are looking forward to that day that they get to head to the polls gets the experience of voting here. You get the opportunity to share what ballot box issues are most important to you. And then at the end of the experience, you have the opportunity to take a selfie to share with your family and friends, something you cant do at any other polling place in the country. Rightfully hers american women and the vote, will be on view at the National Archives until january of 2021 and has a traveling component titled onehalf of the people advancing equality for women, with stops in florida, louisiana, tennessee, and south carolina. Every saturday at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on American History tv, go inside a Different College classroom and hear about top you cans ranging from the american revolution, civil rights and u. S. President s, to 9 11. Thanks for your patience and for logging in to class. With most College Campuses closed due to the impact of the coronavirus, watch professors transfer teaching to a virtual setting to engage with their students. Gorbachev did most of the work to change the soviet union, but reagan met him halfway. Reagan encouraged him. Reagan supported him. Freedom of the press, i should just mention, madison called it freedom of the use of the press. It is, indeed, freedom to print and publish things. It is not freedom for what we institutionally refer to as the press. Cspan 3 every saturday at 8 00 p. M. Eastern. Lectures in history is also available as a podcast. Find it where you listen to podcasts. The 19th amendment was ratified 100 years ago, giving women the right to vote. Were going to spend the next several hours looking into the history of the Suffrage Movement and what it took to get states to sign on. Next, a conversation with colleen shogan, vice chair of the centennial. Then marking the centennial of the 19th amendment. Later Harriet Tubman and how she joined the Suffrage Movement later in her life. On august 18th, 1920, the last state needed to ratify the 19th amendment, granting women the right to vote. The decadeslong fight to win the vote, and its legacy

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