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158 billion. Following open remarks, lawmakers offer amendments focusing on high speed rail authority, face mask requirements for mass transportation, and Disaster Relief funding. Our third order of Business Today is consideration of the transportation housing and urban Development Appropriation bill for fiscal year 2021. I will now recognize mr. Price to present the bill. Thank you. Thank you, madam chairman. I guess we can assume everyones now ready for the main event. Im proud to present the fiscal 2021 transportation housing and urban Development Related agencies appropriations bills. Before i mention a few of the bills highlights i want to once again thank our Ranking Member and former chairman of this subcommittee for his unfailing good humor and cooperation and collaboration. Hes a pleasure to work with. I also want to thank full Committee Chairwoman nita lowey for her steady leadership, kay granger for her leader and the committee. Finally i want to recognize our accident staff, our majority clerk did a terrific job, always does. He also benefits the from a great team. Were also lucky to have doug and his colleague alissa. I want to thank Shawn Maxwell from my personal staff, chris sweet from mr. Diazs personal staff. We all appreciate the hard work these people have done over the past months under very unusual conditions. This years bill represents a renewed commitment to improved safety, produce more Affordable Housing, upgrade our infrastructure, and bolster our nations resiliency to our changing climate. At the same time as covid continues to sweep across the country, we ensure that vulnerable populations, youths, veterans, communities of color, Domestic Violence survivors, the elderly, the disabled. These vulnerable communities remain at the forefront of our efforts. The bill includes 79. 9 billion in discretionary building, increase of 16. 7 billion above the president s budget request. Were grateful for receiving a healthy allocation, and were also grateful for more than 3 billion in offsetting receipts, which all combined has allowed us to make Real Progress on our Nations Housing and transportation infrastructure needs. Separately the bill also includes major increases in Contract Authority for formula programs that draw resources from the Highway Trust Fund rather than direct appropriations. Thats an increase of 14. 7 billion for highways, 5. 8 billion for transit compared to last years level. This is consistent with the invest in america act which passed the house as part of hr2 on july 1st. On the housing side of the ledger, we provide increases of 100 million for cdbg, 350 million for home to spur Community Revitalization and the production of new Affordable Housing. We fully renew all housing choice vouchers to keep people stably housed. We provide 250 million for new vouchers targeted to homeless families and others at risk and increase homeless assistance grants by approximately 23 over last years level, the largest increase noefr a decade. The bill also includes an 11 increase for the Public Housing capital fund and set asides within that fund to address Urgent Health and safety issues. The bill also does right by transportation. All modes receive robust funding including highways, transit rail, aviation, and ports. Amtrak receives more than 2 billion. The heavily oversubscribed bill program, formerly t. I. G. E. R. Received 4 billion. The popular rail improvemented is funded at 500 million. Thats a very deliberate increase of more than 50 over last year. We provide sufficient resources for fdas Capital Investment grants, otherwise known as new starts, to ensure that all transit projects in the pipeline can move forward. And we provide nearly half a billion dollar for discretionary grants for buses, bus facilities, and the low no Emission Program to allow transit agencies. We also renew our emphasis on safety activities at faa, imperative in the wake of the 737 Max Disasters and across d. O. T. By providing targeted funding to boost certification, enforcement, and to hire highly skilled personnel. Safety must remain our top priority, particularly at faa. There are more highlights but ill stop there. These investments will take us forward. Our nation is facing a crisis and that term isnt hyperbole. Weve included an emergency title that provides for an additional 75 billion for Infrastructure Investments to revitalize our Transportation Networks, jump start Affordable Housing production, and further reduce the disgraceful Public Housing capital backlog. Some may object to the cost or think it inappropriate to designate it as emergency spending but i would ask whats the cost of inaction for our communities. While members of both parties bemoan crumbling infrastructure, this legislation is an opportunity to prove that congress, if not the administration, is actually serious about the issue, is willing to address the issue, particularly as we contemplate the transition from pandemic to full recovery. I want to underscore that funding in this bill and the accompanying report promote equity and resilience for all communities. We set aside funding for areas of persistent poverty, provide funding for d. O. T. And hud to offer more assistance, and boost funding for programs that expand opportunity, for housing counseling to Work Force Development to minority internship programs. The bill also seeks to protect taxpayer dollars by incorporating resilience into many d. O. T. And hud programs that help shape our communities, not just at the time of disasters. This means building smarter by requiring all hazards mitigation and the use of updating building codes. The bill includes 5 billion of billing funding to make water efficient and ensure properties are more resilient in the face of natural disasters. So, in closing the departments are integral to our way of life. Housing and transportation connect us to jobs, services, education. Yet every day our constituents see the consequences of inadequate investments in our housing and transportation infrastructure. Natural disasters are increasing in severity in number, exacerbated by accelerating climate change. Meanwhile, covid19 is rah advantaging communities, revealing deepening existing disparities. This bill does its part to meet these challenges head on. So, i want to again thank our Ranking Member, Mario Diaz Balart as well as colleagues on the committee from both sides of the aisle. By the way weve been able to compensate 90 of the re quests from both sides of the aisle. Weve worked collaborative and cooperatively and look forward to enacting this legislation into law. Thank you madam chairman. I would like to recognize the subcommittee Ranking Member mr. Diazbalart. Thank you very much, madam chairwoman. Im going to have, i think, taek this off for now. Thank you for presenting this bill. But also i want to thank you, madam chairwoman for your leadership on this committee. And the remarkable relationship that you and the Ranking Member have had in subcommittee and now in full committee. Your leadership is evident in this bills investment and in safety and in rail and in safety and in housing and in safety and in safety and in safety. Again, youve left a deep mark with your service. Yesterday, you talked about how impressed you were with the members of the committee here. I will tell you that a big part of that is your leadership and your demeanor and the fact that you are a class act. So, thank you. Thank you, thank you, madam chairwoman. I want to also, mr. Price, chairman price, thank the staff by name, both the majority and minority staff. Ill mention a couple of people. Obviously shalonda and emory who are probably the most sleep deprived people in washington, d. C. And yet have this great wonderful spirit. I want to mention my chief of staff. Sometimes im not sure if he works for me or kay granger but luckily he does remember, fortunately. Chairman price has drafted a bill to no surprise of mine that thoroughly addresses the many Transportation Needs in the housing of our nation. Hes gone out of his way to include the requests from both sides of the aisle. Chairman price is an honorable person who has been transparent, honorable, straightforward, and a real privilege and pleasure to work with. I could not have a better partner. Once again he has included policies, programs, and oversight measures that will surely improve the way that agencies in this bill serve our constituents. I like to thank him for a noufb things. He included 300 million for Port Infrastructure grants which is important to florida and also the entire nations freight network. The bill included 389 billion for Maritime Training ship program which will fully fund a training ship in texas. He had to make some tough decisions to get that money and by fully funding the ship, he chose the right policy to bring this into Service Without delay. Im so pleased that the bill continues in investments in our nations highways, rail, transit, airPort Infrastructure. These programs will build on progress that this committee has made in the past, again, creating jobs and spurring innovation. Funding of the faa will move air traffic monitor zags projects forward, improve the safety and noise concerns across the nation. The bill includes funding to renew Housing Assistance to all house holds currently served. Let me mention why this is important. We cant take this for granted what the chairman has done here. This here, these programs require about 2 billion in additional funding just to keep pace with the inflation. Im grateful to the chairman for his commitment. It is our duty to meet the commitment for our elderly, disabled and our heroes, the veterans. I applaud the chairman for including innovations. Victims of Domestic Violence and veterans. So, again the chairman has done i think a remarkable job. So, while i strongly support frankly most components of this bill, a fine bill that he has crafted in a very responsible way, i unfortunately at this time cannot support the entire bill before us, again, at this time. Let me tell you why. The bill includes as weve all heard 75 billion in emergency infrastructure spending. This is outside last year budget agreement. This emergency funding in this bill and other bills put frankly our entire process, this hard work at risk. The bill includes controversial d. O. T. And hud policy riders. These were dropped but dropped with budget agreement and they should be dropped again so we dont get stuck in unnecessary policy disputes. Despite these concerns, mr. Chairman, chairman price, i want to thank you once again for making some really, really important tough policy decisions in this bill and also, again, the way that you have treated the members of this committee, the members of congress, myself in putting together this very responsible piece of legislation that we have today. Im hoping that we can move forward. And im sure that well be able to have a bipartisan agreement after this is all said and done as we need to do. With that, madam chairwoman, i yield back. I would now like to recognize myself for opening remarks. First of all, thank you chairman price and Ranking Member diazbalart for your work on this bill. I also want to thank, again, the incredible staff. Well mention all the names another time. But our staff is incredible on the appropriations committee. Fiscal year 2021 hud bill represents a forward looking vision for strength in our communities. Together we can revitalize infrastructure, modernize system, protect the public, expand access to safe Affordable Housing and support our neighbors. The emergency funding in this bill is pivotal to kick start a strong and equitable recovery from the coronavirus pandemic and the ensuing economic collapse. After an unprecedented year of challenges, the investments in this bill lay the foundations for sustained Economic Growth and expanded opportunity for every american in every corner of our nation. This bill would fund safety upgrades on the roads and rails as well as research to improve safety technologies. It would increase funding for amtrak by 50 million which is 1. 1 billion above the president s paltry request, increase funding for the grants by 50 million. Important to the new yorkers i represent, this bill provides significant funding to the gateway project, one of the most important transportation initiatives in our country. Greatw gateway will improve safety for millions and bolster the economy for the entire nation. In addition, the bill provides 26 billion in emergency funding to strengthen the nations infrastructure. Housing is fundamental through every aspect of our lives, but the costs of living, especially housing, continues to place significant strain on our constituents including seniors, lowincome families, individuals with disabilities and veterans. Covid19 has only compounded this reality. This bill would make lifechanging investments for americans including 3. 5 billion for Community Development block grants which the president s budget request sought to elimina eliminate. It also increased homeless assistance grants while blocking the trump administrations cruel policies that target mixed status families and transgender people. It also provides 49 billion in emergency funding to mitigate the looming covidrelated housing crisis and ensure our neighbors have a safe and decent place to call home. I urge support of this bill. It would make dramatic improvements to our nations infrastructure and in the daytoday lives in the people we represent. I would like to recognize Ranking Member granger for opening remarks. Thank you. I would like to thank chairman price and diazbalart for their hard work on this bill. The programs funding this bill reach into all of our communities creating more Economic Opportunity and improving the quality of life for the american people. This bill continues key transportation infrastructure and safety programs including highway, transit and port funding. The funding provided for airPort Infrastructure and air traffic modernization will be critical for the Aviation Industry as it recovers from the coronavirus pandemic. I want to thank chairman price for working with Ranking Member diazbalart to include many of the priorities of members on our side of the aisle. Unfortunately, there are some provisions in this bill that will prevent me from supporting it. The bill is not consistent with the twoyear budget deal that was signed into law just one year ago. This bill includes an additional 1. 6 billion above fiscal year 2020 because a portion of the military construction and Veterans Affair bill has been declared an emergency simply to make room for more spending in this and other bills. The budget agreement last summer was built on an understanding that there would not be controversial policy writers. This bill violates the spirit of that agreement. Language is included that prevents the department of transportation from reallocating funds from the failed california highspeed rail project as well as language that would strip regulatory authorities for the department of housing and urban development. Finally this bill includes 75 billion in new emergency spending, including components of the infrastructure bill that was pushed through the house without republican involvement. I did not support that bill because it was a departure from years of bipartisan work on transportation infrastructure priorities, and i cant support this additional spending until theres a serious discussion with members on our side of the aisle. The best way to advance housing and transportation opportunities for all of our con tich wents and get funds distributed in a timely manner is to work together. The programs in this bill are too important to be delayed by partisan politics. I hope we can address these problems as the bill moves through the appropriation process. Thank you, madam chair. I yield back. Thank you. Are there any other members wishing to make short, general comments about the bill . Ms. Kaptur is recognized. Thank you. As our nation faces down covid19, Public Health and economic crises, this infrastructure bill is critically needed to stimulate the economy, make investments in the future and put americans back to work. The chairmans remark would do just that. Im pleased that bill includes 25 million for a Pilot Program to restore industrial and distressed communities that have been left behind. We no that feeling well in the industrial midwest, theyve never fully recover frd nafta or the 2008 great recession. These funds are critically needed and we must ensure a much more Robust Program is included in the covid19 recovery legislation down the road. This bill makes critical investments in several programs that are the life blood of our economy both in the regular appropriations and the 26 billion emergency infrastructure title. This bill provides record funding for the administration, Port Infrastructure Improvement Program as well as amtrak. The chairmans mark rejects amtraks misguided attempts to implement long service roads and implement furloughs and layoffs. Now is not the time to deconstruct our nations transportation infrastructure. The bill provides 10 million in new funds to provide support for housing for intergenerational families. Ive seen the effects of economic dislocation and the Opioid Epidemic causes leaving many grandparents raising their grandchildren. Im grateful for the inclusion of robust funding. We must think creatively to employ these funds to inspire the next generation of Community Development leaders across our Country Building on the experience weve already had. Finally, we will never realize a zero fatality Transportation Vision without addressing drunk driving head on. This committee is funding the development of leading edge tech following hads such as the driver alcohol detection system which is can reduce drunk driving and existing deaths. We must invest to stop drunk drivers while vetting technologies. I thank the chair and Ranking Members for these imimportant investments and yield k bah. Mr. Womack is recognized. Thank you, madam chair. I take my time this morning or this afternoon to express disappointment of something not in the bill thats been in previous bills. Im talking about the Electronic Logging Device exemption. Its common sense. Its been in the bill for three years, been supported by both sides of the aisle. Anybody that has a connection to livestock haulers should surely understand that they have two issues going on simultaneously. Looking out for the safety of the motoring public, but also the care and well being of a precious cargo. Current aod regulations provide very little flexibility for those hauling live animals. It can result in sickness and death, especially in the hot weather. Most of our country lacks the infrastructure to load and unload livestocks along roadways, forcing livestock haulers to adhere to a one size fits all regulatory environment. Then lets think about the coronavirus. You dont have to sit in this room behind a mask to understand the hardship that covid19 has had. Just ask a livestock hauler. The supply chain, the food supply chain, the protein supply chain in our country has been hard shipped by coronavirus. And were going to add to the misery by not giving an exemption for the hauling of livestock. Sometimes i just shake my head. What are we thinking . Id be happy to yield to the distinguished chair of the subcommittee or Ranking Member, but madam chair, i i just cant believe that under these conditions, even under normal conditions, that we wouldnt have an exemption for the people hauling protein that were going to feed on. And i yield back my time. Ms. Roybalallard is recognized. Thank you, madam chair. I would like to begin by commending chairman price and the staff for putting together a great appropriations bill for fiscal year 2021. And i thank him for including language in the report to address the issue of fuel dumping by kmercommercial airli n. January of this year a low flying airline on emergency approach to lax dumped 85,000 pounds of jet fuel over my district, including over several Elementary Schools where children were playing outside as well as in neighboring communities. This event was extremely traumatic for the children and families it impacted. Because the jet fuel was dumped at low altitude, the fuel did not properly disperse into the atmosphere. As a result, children in my district were doused with jet fuel and several individuals had to be medically evaluated. Responding to this emergency, i discovered that the faa does not keep track of when and where fuel dumps happen. The report language in this bill will require faa to report to Congress Data on fuel dumps that happened between 2015 through 2020 and the process faa uses to review fuel dumps. This will provide congress with the information needed to evaluate current practices, and if necessary, make any adjustments to protect our neighborhoods. This language will also help my community and the surrounding neighborhoods and americans throughout the country know that Congress Takes these experiences seriously and that we are actively working to prevent this kind of traumatic event from happening again in any community. I, again, thank the chair and i yield back the balance of my time. Mr. Kilmer is recognized. Thank you, madam chair. And let me thank the chair, Ranking Member and the staff for the work on this bill. Before covid19, too many folks in my district and across the country have really struggled to keep up with the cost of housing. Im grateful that this bill makes investments to help communities that i represent make progress towards meeting the demand for Affordable Housing. This bill provides critical investments in the Public Housing capital fund which will help Public Housing agencies like those in tacoma that are working to develop, finance and modernize Public Housing. It provides support for programs to help local nonprofits and Community Organizations deliver direct Financial Assistance to help folks make the leap to homeownership. The bill also invests in diverse Transportation Needs from development to funding our nations ferry systems and providing 10 million for low and no emission ferry grant which is have helped electrify one of the most heavily used routes in the county. This makes Smart Investments that will create jobs, reduce impacts of the transportation system. That includes critical funding for Capital Investment grants that are facing unprecedented financial challenges from covid19. Finally im proud this bill recognizes the Important Role Regional Airports play in serving the Emergency Preparedness needs of rural communities. As a representative of a region thats especially vulnerable to natural disasters, i know how critical Regional Airports are to our disaster response. I am grateful this bill reflikts my commitment to ensuring airports can continue to maintain the Critical Infrastructure they need to fulfill distaser preparedness needs. I encourage my colleagues to support this bill, and i yield back. Mrs. Watson coleman is recognized. Thank you, madam chair for your work in bringing this bill together. It takes critical steps towards finally addressing our nations infrastructure while we are currently battling the coronavirus pandemic. It is important we look forward to how we can rebuild the economy and this bills investment in infrastructure are important to us do thatting. Im pleased to see a total of 5. 7 billion for amtraks northeast corridor including funds that can be used for the Gateway Program where much work is needed to be done. This be will go a long way in addressing those needs. Additionally, this bill represents a historic investment in investing our nations homelessness crisis. By increasing homeless assistance grants to 3. 4 billion, we can provide necessary help to state and local governments as they work to provide permanent housing shelter for these families. Additionally, the total for the Public Housing and capital fund will help ensure residents can live in safe and wellmaintained homes and by investing over 19 billion in the Home Investment Partnership program, communities can work to expand Affordable Housing opportunities for low income families. Before i close, i want to thank the chair for working with me to include language to assure that hud acts quickly to reimburse Public Housing authorities the thousands of dollars in overdue reimbursements for having units that have converted under their rental assistance demonstration program. I thank you again, mr. Price and mr. Diazbalart. I support this, and i urge that all of my colleagues do. And i yield back. Thank you. And ms. Delauro is recognized. Thank you, madam chair. Let me thank david price and Ranking Member diazbalart for their work on this bill. I want to say to chairman price, we thank you for your unwaivering commitment to our nations infrastructure crisis, Affordable Housing, disaster recovery, continued support for these programs during the pandemic. And a dear friend, steadfast leader for the Fourth District of North Carolina and all americans across the country who we lie on these programs. I want to say thank you to the chair and Ranking Member for providing 78. 7 billion for surface transportation programs consistent with the invest act. 750 million for the northeast corridor grants and the inclusion for funding of studies in hud in two areas we have worked on for many years. Publicly available data on rental Property Health and safety violations impact land lord and renter behavior. People should be able to know if the apartment they are thinking about renting has passed issues that could put them and their familys health and safety at risk. The second is the Feasibility Study to explore how to collect different local policies related to evictions. And the statistical effort relating to the creation of an evictions database including how information is collected, consistent with civil rights protections to understand eviction trends by classes protected under the fair housing act. We have taken necessary steps in the c. A. R. E. S. Act to freeze evictions for federally subsidized housing or property backed by government loans. The h. E. R. O. E. S. Act passed in the house included a 12 month moratorium from nonpayment eviction from all rental housing. Given that we could be facing a wave of evictions across the country, if the h. E. R. O. E. S. Act is not enacted we have no way of tracking evictions which would provide Critical Data for policy making like deciding where resources should be spent. Tracking evictions was an issue prior to the pandemic and it is even more great as a result of covid19. These two critical studies at hud will imform our policy making to pursue how to best track evictions and how public available rental Property Health and safety violations information allows renters to make the right decisions for themselves and their families. I strongly support this appropriations bill and again thank the chairman and the Ranking Member for their dedication to making transportation and housing safer and invests in our infrastructure, and i yield back. Mr. Cole is recognized. Thank you, madam chair. I want to thank both our chairman and our Ranking Member for working so well together no matter which one of them happens to be chairman and which one of them happens to be Ranking Member. Its been one of the most effective partnerships in the committee. But i particularly want to thank our chairman for not retiring this year so these opening remarks can be a lot shorter. Yield back. Thank you, mr. Cole. I want to thank you for your bipartisan work youve done in this bill. One, thank you so much for the highway rail Great Crossing to make sure we dont block the streets. And i want to thank you for that infrastructure money. I also want to say thank you for the money for housing, whether its the homeless or the Housing Assistance. And of course the money you provided to the airports also. Finally i want to mention one particular item to close. And that is the National Security multimission vessel. The 345 million to the National Security multimission program. Again, this is something that can be assigned so they can go ahead and train marine cadets. And i want to say thank you so much. With that, i yield back the balance of my time. Ms. Bus toes is recognized. Thank you for your hard work on this bill and i want to thank the staff as well. This bill makes critical investments in our nations transportation and housing infrastructure. However, i would like to specifically thank the committee for including one particular. The bill provides 55 million for the federal Aviation Administration to replace air Traffic Control towers, more than doubling the enacted amount in fiscal year 2020. Air Traffic Control towers provide essential services to the u. S. National Aerospace System by coordinating the movement of passenger and freight flights safely and efficiently. However, despite the critical importance these towers serve, the average age of towers across our nation is 33 years, with the oldest towers reaching 65 years. In my district, we have two towers in december prasperate n replacement. The chicago airport operates one of the oldest Traffic Control towers in the country. Built in 1958 before the federal Aviation Administration was even founded. The tower is too short to allow controllers to adequately see the end of the runway. And they continue to face the issues that come with any aging structure such as losing heat during the midwest winter. Thats not the kind of environment we should be asking air Traffic Controllers to work in. And at the International Airport in my district, the air Traffic Control tower is one of the worst buildings i have ever visited during my time in congress. From a roof that leaks into asbestosfilled ceilings to a basement that floods significantly in almost any storm, this airport is long overdue for a new tower. This funding will address the backlog of air Traffic Control tower needs, an important step in ensuring that air Traffic Controllers are given the tools to provide for the Safe Movement of people and goods across our airspace. I thank the committee for including it, and i yield back. And mrs. Clark is recognized. Thank you, madam chair. I am grateful for this great bill by a great chairman who has a great relationship with a great Ranking Member and great staff to back it up. These are muchneeded investments. Im particularly grateful for the Domestic Violence piece that you included that will help survivors prevent homelessness and help prevent seniors back home in massachusetts from being evicted in this pandemic and for all the Climate Resiliency pieces that you added. Thank you, and i yield back. Ms. Torrez is recognized. Thank you, chairwoman lowey and chairman price and Ranking Member diazbah lat. I appreciate your support throughout the process as we craft this bill before us today. We are meeting to discuss transportation at a time when so many streets are empty and so many flights are grounded. Were discussing housing and urban development at a time when a Global Pandemic has upended decades of incremental progress in communities across the inland empire where i live. And countless others across this country just like it, everyone is struggling right now. Some will get through these times better than others which is why i am grateful for the muchneeded focus on homelessness in this bill. It includes a 250 million increase for programs to reduce unshelter homelessness and nearly 25 billion to reduce the Public Housing maintenance backlog, enough to have the backlog for just one year. Im also pleased that my colleagues incorporated so many of the provisions that i call for in this legislation. Transit Oriented Development policies and a Pilot Program that helps state and local governments make smart Infrastructure Investments to increase Affordable Housing near public transportation. 12 million to fund a regional infrastructure accelerator which helps local governments develop strategic plans and maximize their limited resources. Blocking the administrations callous Public Housing rule, change targeting undocumenting immigrants that threatens the housing of 55,000 american children. This bill is a 76 billion investment in American Progress at a time when so much in our society has grounded to a halt. These funds will help ensure people in my community dont have to face the perls of coronavirus without the security of a place to call home. This bill makes the Infrastructure Investments we need in order to one day unshutter our economy again. And i am proud to support it, and i am proud to have worked on it under the superb leadership of our chairwoman lowey. And before i end, let me say that i am truly grateful for the opportunity to serve under your leadership as appropriations Committee Chairwoman and the chair, especially as we review such an important bill to my district. The committee will miss your leadership and your legislative legacy. Its an inspiration to all of us, and i yield back. Well, thank you. It doesnt appear that there are any other members wishing to make oh, mrs. Lawrence, you are going to be the last member. We eagerly await your comments. Thank you, madam chair. Im so excited. I wanted to just be on the Public Record as a cochair of the bipartisan congressional caucus on foster youth. I have fought tooth and nail to prioritize the Mental Health of children who are entering the foster care system. Im so grateful that the chairman and the committee included language that acknowledges the mental anguish suffered by foster youth and strongly recommends that the u. S. Department of housing and urban development provide enhanced funding for a collaboration with the department of health and Human Services to identify and support programs that could promote Mental Health screening for foster youth. It goes further to note that theyre understanding that Mental Health screening should occur within 30 days of a child entering a foster care system just as we do physical health screenings. We all know that if a child is in foster care, they have experienced a trauma in their life. Thank you so much. This is what we should be doing, and i yield back. Are there any other members wishing to make general comments about the bill . Seeing no other member wishing to make opening remarks, i would be delighted to recognize chafrm price to offer a manager amendment. Madam chair, thank you. I do indeed have a managers amendment to the desk and i ask the reading to be dispensed with. Mr. Price is recognized. This amendment has technical corrections to the bill, some noncontroversial report language as well. Weve worked with my friend mr. Diazbalart and accommodated many requests from both sides of the aisle so were confident in asking colleagues to support this amendment. I yield back. And Ranking Member diazbalart is recognized. Good amendment. I yield back. Are there any other members who wish to be heard on the amendment . I recognize mr. Price for one minute to mr. Chairman price for one minute to close. Thank you, madam chair. We ask our colleagues for support. And the question is on the amendment, all those in favor say aye. Those opposed, say no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it and the amendment is adopted. Are there any further amendments . For what purpose does the member from florida rise . Madam chair, i have an amendment at the desk. The clerk will read the amendment. Ask unanimous consent that the reading be dismissed with. Without objection the reading of the amendment is dispensed with. And the member from florida is recognized for five minutes on the amendment. Thank you, madam chair. This amendment strikes section 193 which prevents the d. O. T. From reallocating funds from the failed california highway speed rail project. Last year, the d. O. T. Cancelled this Grant Agreement for the simple reason that the California High Speed Rail Authority failed to comply with the terms of the agreement, and costs escalate frd 33 billion to over 100 billion or almost 100 billion. And initial service was going to be delayed from 2022 to as late as 2029. Even Governor Newsom faced reality and threw in the towel on the project scrapping the original 380mile route from San Francisco to los angeles because he said the project would cost too much and take too long. And only committed to trying to complete a smaller segment from bakersfield. After cancelling the Grant Agreement, d. O. T. Deobligated 929 million in unused funds. This funding could, and i believe should, be made available for other Rail Infrastructure projects in any of our districts including other worthy projects in california. Instead, the majority is forcing d. O. T. To lock these funds away if there is any litigation whatsoever on the project. And my amendment would simply free up these funds for worthy Infrastructure Projects that are on time, on budget, and that create jobs and opportunity. And i would urge a yes vote, and i yield back. Chairman price is recognized. Madam chair, i rise in opposition to this amendment. My colleague is addressing the merits of the california high speed rail project. That isnt the question before us today. What is before us is the question of whether the project should or shouldnt be built in the midst of this litigation and in the midst of an agreement to work it out through the legal system. The question about whether it should or shouldnt be built is before us. The question upholds the agreement that the department of transportation and the state of california have already reached. In may 2019, both parties agreed to essentially freeze the fiscal year 2010 high speed rail funding for california until a decision is reached in federal court on d. O. T. s decision to deobligate funding for the project. That amendment, that agreement, has been upheld by d. O. T. For over a year. So, section 193 merely holds d. O. T. To that agreement. Meanwhile, the question of d. O. T. Was right or wrong to terminate the Grant Agreement and deobligate the funding. We can debate that all we want, but that isnt what were deciding today. It will have its day in court, and the existing language ensures that it has its day in court,that we respect the legal process. So, i urge my colleagues to vote against the amendment. Mr. Diazbalart. Thank you, madam chairwoman. I support this amendment. I want to thank mr. Rutherford for bringing it up. I dont think we should allow communities to reallocate funds from projects that fail to deliver on their Grant Agreements. Again, as mr. Rutherford said, this amendment would free up nearly a billion dollars from a project that has not lived up to its expectations and has just not delivered on the original agreement. I think the common sense amendment i thank the gentleman for bringing it up and i would support it. With that, i yield back. Mr. Granger is recognized. Yes, thank you madam chair. I also support the amendment. Its really unfortunate the majority included a writer that locks away funds, the department of transportation recovered from the failed california high speed rail project. Those funds should be made available for other Infrastructure Projects that deserve our support. By striking this rider, m mr. Ugter fords amendment improves this bill by freeing up funds for other needs. I urge a yes vote. If there is no madam chairwoman, way over here. Mr. Calvert seeks recognition. Mr. Calvert is recognized. Thank you, madam chairwoman. Being from california, i just couldnt help myself. I obviously support this amendment. This rail project is the biggest boggle in the history of boone doggals. And forgod sakes, lets be merciful and put a fork in it and pass this amendment. Thank you. Okay. If there is no further debate the member from florida is there anymore . Member from florida is recognized on the amendment for one minute to close. Thank you, madam chair. Ill be very quick and just say that, you know, i dont think we should reward failure. And if programs are not executed as promised, the agencies should allocate the funds where they are needed currently. This is common sense stewardship of our taxpayers hard earned dollars and i urge a yes vote and i yield back. The question is on the amendment offered by the member from florida. All those in favor, say aye. Those opposed say no. In the opinion of the chair, the nos have it and the amendment is not adopted. Okay. For what purpose does the member from North Carolina rise . Madam chair, i have an amendment at the desk. Clerk will read the amendment. I ask that the reading be dispensed with. Without objection, the reading of the amendment is dispensed with. The member from North Carolina is recognized for five minutes on the amendment. Madam chair, hopefully you would agree this is a highly appropriate amendment given the conditions under which weve marked up these bills. It has to do with requiring passengers on board airplanes, amtrak trains, and certain Public Transit vehicles to wear face masks for the duration of the president declared covid ener national emergency. The cases remain dire as skas cases skyrocket in many states. One of the simplest things we can do and most important things to stop the virus is to wear a mask. In fact, over these months, the evidence and the advice have only become stronger as to how important the simple act of of wearing a mask can be. My amendment mandates that until this pandemic is over, commercial airlines, amtrak, the large transit agencies require passengers and employees to wear a face mask while on board a plane, train, subway, or bus. Ensuring we protect each other isnt just the right thing to do. It also provides confidence to the public when it comes to travel, whether its a quick trip to the store across town or a longer journey across the country. Many of us have experienced what its like to travel from our district to washington by plane. Weve experienced firsthand the uneven safety protocols of air travel in the time of covid. Some airlines have blocked middle seats. Others havent. Its nearly impossible to social distance on an aircraft and many other modes of public trapgs. And while Many Airlines and many transit agencies and amtrak have required passengers to wear a mask, these policies are not universal. Their enforcement is uneven. And were not just talking about members of congress or business travellers. Were talking about everyone who travels. Health care workers, care gives, Grocery Store employees, retail workers, so many other essential people rely on trains and buses and transit to get to and from work each day. Telework isnt an option for these front line heroes. Just as were Wearing Masks in this hearing room, at the Grocery Store and in public, everyone can and should wear a mask while on a plane, train or bus. Its a matter of common sense. Its a basic consideration of each other. My amendment adds a proven measure of safety to travel and provides a modicum of reassurance to the traveling public and the dedicated workers from flight attendants to Bus Operators who keep our Transportation Networks running. The language is familiar to us by virtue of its inclusion in the h. E. R. O. E. S. Act. I ask you to support my common sense amendment. Mrs. Wasserman schultz. Thank you. I rise in support of the price amendment. The use of masks on major forms of mass transit such as airlines and amtrak. As our country and my home state of florida face record blaeking numbers of cases of covid19 day after day, we can no longer rely on good faith alone to see us through this pandemic. As a nation we all have to get more serious about a simple and proven tool that has helped flatten the curve in countries around the world. Masks must be required on mass transit. The future and wellbeing of our country depends on it. This is common sense during a pandemic. In a few weeks, we have communities across this country that are facing children returning to school. The more people that are circulating through our communities and our economy, the more critical it is that we are Wearing Masks that protect one another from one another. It is absolutely essential, but Many Americans do not understand the Scientific Evidence behind masks. Or worse, they view the adoption of this basic safety measure as undermining their freedom somehow or as an affront to their political beliefs. My right and your right to live without fear of being exposed to a deadly virus by my neighbor is an important right that needs acknowledgment. The right to stay healthy and to not have someone else infect you because of their impugn ens. In a time of unprecedented fear and conclusion and upheaval to daily lives, the adage knowledge is power is never more relevant. Its why im introducing the h. A. P. P. Y. Act, it would produce a campaign to improve the public understanding of the tools and methods to reduce the transmission of covid19. As communities proceed, understanding how to protect ourselves and each other from the continuing spread of covid19 is critical. People are dying. People are becoming infected. And in many cases theyre becoming infected because of others refusal to wear a mask, or sadly their own refusal to wear a mask. The science is clear. The more of us that wear face masks, the more lives saved. Thats just simplicity, scientific Similar Police tichlt as members of a civilized society, it is our shared responsibility to keep one another safe. We must think of our neighbors and our colleagues and wear a mask. We cannot beat this virus alone unguarded. It is the right thing to do and it also has the benefit of getting the economy back on track more quickly. I know thats something that we can all unite behind and i strongly support the amendment and i yield back. The hour is late, and im going to close this session. But i cant resist associating myself with the comments of the chairman and the gentlewoman from florida. As i see pictures of people attending mass events in many states around the country without masks, without social distancing, and they wonder why the numbers in the United States of america are going up and up and up, so i thank the chairman for your comments, and i thank the well, my friend from florida, for your comments. And i do hope wisdom prevails, and i want to thank all the members who have been here today someone else is saying . Okay. Ill finish okay i will finish y sentence i would just like to thank all the members for your cooperation. Wearing the masks, socially distant and i think we have accomplished a great deal in these outstanding sessions. I want to thank all the chairs and all the members who have participated and dr. Harris, was it you . Im sorry. I did not see you. I just seek recognition. You are recognized. Thank you very much and i just want to ask the maker of the amendment a couple of questions, clarifying it. It says mask or protective Face Covering. That is different from cdc guidance right now which just says face masks. I just like to ask what is the other protective Face Covering . Is that a bandana . Is that a face shield . Why that language different from the cdc language . The language is not deliberately different from the cdc language, as far as i am concerned. A Face Covering is another name for a mask. This is why anguish that was in the heroes act and was worked out with a number of with extensive consultations as that got put together. I cannot say that we paid particular attention to it. It does not seen theres anything object double, is it . We are talking about a Face Covering in a mask. It inhibits the spread of whatever one spreads won one coughs or sneezes or talks. Sure and theres a reason i asked because, you know, the june 9th edition of the journal american medical discuss face shields are better than face mask. Will the gentleman yield . I certainly will. Just for the improvement of the discussion to inform the gentlemen, i am reading from cdc. Gov. Cdc recommends people wear cloth Face Coverings in public settings and around people who people dont live in your household, especially one other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain. It goes on to say cloth Face Coverings most likely reduced to spread of covid19 when they are widely used by people in public settings. Cloth Face Coverings should not be worn by children under the age of two so they repeatedly referred to it as cloth Face Coverings in their guidelines. I yield back. Right. I reclaim my time. The specific cdc guidance on airplanes though just saves says face masks. Theres a reason i say this and what im getting to is in other places of the amendment you say or in accordance with cdc guidelines. But you dont say it in this part. And the reason i ask is if this is part of the law, then we if the cdc for instance says that, you know, face shields are in fact will, as the evolution of protection using Face Coverings of some sort occurs, the cdc could say that in fact face shields are preferable to face masks but we would be saying, unless this language is permissive. Thats why i ask for instance, our face shields considered a protective Face Covering . I guess my question is, is that true . And secondly, why not say or following cdc guidance . Since cdc guidance changes over time with the evolution of scientific knowledge. It sounds like we are saying as congress, this is what it is for this emergency. Even if the cdc figures out something often changes guidance at some point in time. Our face shields included and secondly why not say according to cdc guidance or as recommended by the cdc . I think it is evident from the language that we intend to include face shields. That is why the language says what it does and is expansive as it is. I also would hope and expect that just as it has become clear over the last three months that probably the most important single thing we can do is wear masks. I do not think that was fully appreciated three months ago. Just as this evolves and as the cdc learns more and issues further guidance, i would hope that people implementing this legislation would be responsive to that. I believe our language is generic and expansive enough to permit that. Thank you very much. I yield back. If there is no further debate, the member from North Carolina is recognized on the amendment for one minute to close. Thank you, madam chair. The amendment ensures uniform standards for Face Coverings, Worker Protection and basic sanitation procedures in accordance with cdc guidelines. It does and it will mirror basic scientific understanding. This is about common decency. It is about protecting each other. It will help restore confidence for travelers. It will help as we get the economy moving. It will provide the industry with certainty about what their responsibilities are under the law. Everyone involved here, all of the stakeholders here should value the specificity and the certainty of this so that nothing is left to chance and that we protect each other. I urge adoption of the amendment. The question is on the amendment offered by the member from North Carolina. All those in favor, say aye. Those opposed say no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. The amendment is adopted. What purpose does the member of new jersey rise . The clerk will read the i have an amendment at the desk. The clerk will read the amendment. I ask unanimous consent that the clerk dispense with the reading of the amendment. Without objection. The reading of the amendment is dispensed with. Thank you, madam chair. The member from new jersey is recognized for five minutes on the amendment. Thank you madam chair. I am offering this amendment to fix technical issues with the Disaster Relief funding for survivors of hurricane sandy. Newly eight years ago, sandy caused billions of dollars in damage in new jersey as it ravaged the east coast. Unfortunately, for complex reasons, many people who were not eligible for Disaster Relief funds were mistakenly awarded money. Now, eight years later, now many families are on the road for large sums that they did not expect to repay. My amendment would allow the secretary of hud to waive recoupment, one, if the recipient is now deceased. Or two, if the recipient has been defrauded, filed for bankruptcy or gone through foreclosure after receiving funds it would also protect individuals from having to return funds when they received assistance from multiple programs. This duplication of benefits problem has been a major issue in many disasters and this language is similar to what the house has endorsed for other disasters on a bipartisan basis. As the only member on this committee from the great state of new jersey, i am proud to offer this common sense amendment to provide a pathway leading to many constituents who have shared heartwrenching stories. Take for example, john, who was the senior on a fixed income. He and his wife have had to cash out Retirement Funds to complete their new home. Since his passing, he left behind a recoupment to his wife. It is well intended to folks like these would benefit from this amendment. It would make no sense to recapture funds that were awarded to individuals whos not to seized and further does not benefit the Public Interest to attempt to recapture funds from individual experiences and extreme hardships like bankruptcy or foreclosure. That is why i encourage my colleagues to vote yes on this amendment. I recognize for one minute to close. Madam chair i rise in support of the amendment, if i may. This is an amendment that i will take just a moment to explain dog. She has wind out the circumstances of which would apply very, very well. I want to appreciate i appreciate ate her work on this along with her colleagues from new jersey. Others have cooperated in putting together what turned out to be a fairly complicated process, but in the end we have a good solution here. Im confident in recommending it. It does appear technical and complex, but it really boils down to fairness for individuals hit by disasters. Many of us have had disasters in our own states. Flood, tornado, hurricane devastates a community. Many funding streams are and can be used. Sba, fema, hud to assist individuals harmed by disasters. Each program has its own rules and requirements. Sometimes people receive funding from multiple programs without realizing they might be breaking the rules. Sometimes, there is a recapture, a socalled recapture where a grantee, some of the money is taken back and used for other purposes. Other recovery purposes. But sometimes pursuing a recapture puts a disaster survivor in a completely untenable position. That is the point. Months or years after the disaster struck, they may face the prospect of losing their home or their business by virtue of having money called back. Revictimizing these individuals is not in anybodys interest. And that is what we are dealing in this amendment with respect to the sandy disaster. This amendment will implement an approach with grantees and consultation to hug can seek relief for cases where makes sense. We still provide safeguards against fraud and abuse. It doesnt increase cost. These are funds that have already been appropriated. So its a good solution, an equitable solution that will offer relief to people whom as i say we dont want to revictimize. I should also stress that it is similar to a provision included in hr 3702 which passed with bipartisan support under suspension of the rules last november, it simply applies that principle to additional beneficiaries. I want to thank miss Watson Coleman for her work on the issue and i urge supporting the amendment. Thank you. I also want to thank congresswoman Watson Coleman for bringing up this issue. This is similar to issues that congress worn frankel and Debbie Wasserman schultz and i have worked on in the past, issues that come up after storms. Chairman price and i have been dealing with these issues for a number of years. The chairman mentioned the bill that passed the house, which is something we have to continue to push because it is essential, so i look forward to working with him and with congresswoman Watson Coleman on those issues. I think this is a good amendment under the circumstances and i would urge the adoption. I yield back. If there was no further debate, the member from new jersey is recognized on the amendment for one minute to close. Thank you, madam chair. I want to stress that this is a common sense fix and i hope that my colleagues will vote yes and help provide muchneeded relief. Thank you. I yield back. The question is in the amendment offered by the member from new jersey. All those in favor say aye. Those opposed say no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. It is adopted. Is there any further amendment or discussion . Seeing none, i recognize the gentlewoman from ohio for a motion and i ask for your support for this bill. Madame chairwoman, i move to favorably report the transportation, housing, bill to the house. All those in favor say aye. Those opposed say no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. A recorded vote has been requested. All those in favor of a recorded vote raise your hand. A sufficient number being in support of a recorded vote, it is ordered. The clerk will call the roll. Ladies and gentlemen, just please make sure the clerk can hear you. Mr. Caliber . Mr. Caliber no. Mr. Carter . Mr. Carter no. Mr. Cartwright . Mr. Cartwright i. Mr. Case . Mr. Casey. Miss clark . Miss clark i. Mr. Cole . Mr. Cole no. Mr. Chris . Mister chris i. Mister coy are . Mr. Correa i. Miss franken . Miss franken aye. Miss ranger . Mid range or no. Mr. Grace . Mr. Grays no. Doctor harris . Doctors know. Mr. Butler . Mr. Butler no. Mr. Hurd . Mr. Or no. Mr. Kilmer . Mr. Kilmer aye. Mrs. Carr patrick . Mrs. Carr patrick aye. Mrs. Warrants . This is lawrence aye. Mostly . Miss lee aye. Please have some quiet . Can we please have some quiet . So that the clerk can hear you . Mr. Newhouse . Mr. Newhouse know. Mr. Palazzo . Mr. Palazzo know. Mr. Price . Mr. Price aye. Mr. Rogers . Mr. Rogers no. Mr. Rutherford . Mr. Rutherford no. Mr. Ryan . Mr. Ryan aye. Mr. Surround oh . Mr. Surround oh aye. Mr. Simpson . Mr. Simpson know. Mr. Stewart . Mrs. Two or no. Mrs. Torres . Mrs. Torres aye. Michelle its . Michelle its aye. Ms. Watson coleman . Mrs. Watson coleman aye. Mr. Womack . Mr. Womack know. Does any member wish to record their vote or change their vote . The clerk will tally. noise good job to you. I have to announce that, dont i . noise thank you, dear. Good work. On this vote, ladies and gentlemen, the ayes are 30, the nos are 22, the motion is agreed to. I ask unanimous consent that the staff be committed to make technical and conforming changes to the bill and report. Seeing no objections, so ordered. Without objection, the committee stands adjourned. Three days. [general chatter] 16 term congressman, elliott angle has lost his reelection bid. He becomes the fifth house incumbent and second democrat to lose in this years primary. Congressman angle was defeat in the new york 16th directional visit by jamal bowman, a medical School Principal from junckers. There is no Republican Party candidate running in that district. Mr. Bowman will face the conservative Party Candidate in november. Tonight on American History tv, our series landmark cases. Producing cooperation with the National Constitution center. We explore the issues, people and places involved in some of the most Significant Supreme Court cases in our nations history. At eight eastern we begin with mac versus ohio from a 1961 case protected against unreasonable searches and seizures holding the evidence obtained to an illegal search is not admissible in court. And then at 9 30 eastern from the 1962 case baker versus carr establishing the manner in which the state legislator in the states gentlemanly is a constitutional question not a political question. And therefore it could be decided by federal courts. Watch landmark cases tonight on cspan three and any time at cspan. Org. The president s from public affairs. Available now in paperback and ebook. 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