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Funds are bank of america for the boston foundation, wbur, and others. We considered having this form last night, on the 50th anniversary of mrs. Kennedys tour. But did not want to make any of you have to choose between sharing valentines day with loved ones, or come here to the kennedy library. We are so pleased, to have so many of you here with us this evening. 50 years ago, Jacqueline Kennedy introduced herself, and in many ways the public new mrs. Kennedy through her role as the wife of mrs. Kennedy of mr. Kennedy, and a mother of children. On a 1962, there is more substance to Jacqueline Kennedy. On a televised tour of the white house. 46 million million americas americans watch that night. The reviews were lottery. Describing her as a virtuoso performer. My favorite antidote for the evening, of the day that mrs. Kennedy was giving the tour. The day after they watched outtakes of the production. The president asked cbs or pbs if they could reshoot his takes the following day. He tried to match his wifes charm. You can decide how well he does when you watch this clip. Tonight we will watch a portion of the tour, and that will be our great honor to hear from the Current White House curator william all men. Will all men, is a wonderful person in that role. He became curator of the white house on august 1st 2002. After serving as the assistant. No one has done more, in the years to help preserve the white house, what their historical collection, and also to update it. We are delighted he was here with us this evening. After the film, he will give a quick presentation, of the white house, and i will moderate a conversation with him, during which time we will welcome your questions. Three quick note, we will be finishing a bit early, to make sure that mr. Almond can get his plane back to d. C. , you can get your own copy of this, buying it outright in our museum which will be open after the form. And for a limited time, if you make a purchase of this, we are giving away a free car pretty poppy to mark our fifties anniversary. And on sunday there will be a production of mrs. Kennedys tour on sunday morning. We hope that this would be a vital center of education, and will grow and change with the time. I believe our programs, continue to be guided and live up to the standards that mrs. Kennedy has set in her virtuoso performance 50 years ago. Lets relive that now together. Mrs. John f. Kennedy, created and produced by cbs news. Food Cbs Television network. This is the white house from the south. For the next hour we invite you to visit. Good evening everybody. You okay. What i want to do for a few minutes bring a little color to the show some colored pictures from how those rooms when mrs. Kennedy was there. And these are the pictures of how the rooms have changed since that time, because i think mrs. Kennedy wouldve at the very first person to say to everyone that what she was doing was the first step, when she was asking people to donate things. You know, maybe the very best things werent what was being offered at the time. Lots of things that were offered. So there are improvements to the connection. That is clearly what she expected. He was the first family to do remaining in museums. Youll see in the white house you see a picture of mrs. Kennedy, a colored still picture that was taken chao and her in the blue room. One of the things the president talked about was how many people had come to visit. They had 1. 3 Million People in the year 1961. So, it wasnt so much that this kicked off the interest in the white house. Mrs. Kennedy had already attracted the publics attention. She got early in 1961, Congress Passed a law she mentioned. Which didnt just protect the collection but established the museum character must this must be maintained in purple to do you will still having a function as the house. She had a lot to say about the purity issue. But the museum character was so interested in graphic. With the idea that you needed a professional bat there to collect and preserve and interpret and conserve the pieces that she found in the house, and the thing that she was adding to the house. We actually have the dichotomy in our collections today, we still refer to the older collections, which was stuff that she had found that survived the 19th century auction. The giving away of official furnishings, and then the new collection was everything she was collecting, but in fact, those things to a large extent were older than the things that she already had in the socalled collection. But she had lots of people coming to the white house, she made the public aware that she was making it into a museum. An increased nationwide the interest in Historic Preservation and old houses. And the contents of old houses. One of her earlier acquisition was this engraving. Not advancing after all of our conversations. Sorry, there we go. This 1840 engraving was inquired for the white house collection in 1961, and the engraver actually entitled the piece, creation going to the white house. As early as 1840 they were envisioning that the public wants an attraction to the white house at this point it was attractive because people were like Andrew Jackson were living there, but now its a whole new level of attraction, the historic right, as trying to the president. And a great museum of american objects. Following through her to a room, basically, you see in the upper left hand corner the east room, as she founded in 1961. Not too much has changed, from what Theodore Roosevelt had done in 1902 with the architects. The chandeliers, the corn misses over the drapes. All of these from the 1902 period. You will see in this picture that the mantles are white, they are marble. But miss kennedy thought what was better. So she painted them. And that was fine for a long time, it was difficult to keep white, the paint chipped, and such. So you see in the lower right hand corner, todays room. As it was refurbished in the 1990s. The red mantles have been restored to their original color because they match the hearth. There were no carpets in the room throughout the 19 fifties. One of the things that the First Lady Barbara Bush had asked, was that the room was there during parties. And if there was a chance to have the. Carpets of these are actually delivered early in the clinton administration, but they were designed using the plaster work, the very 18th century english design feature of having carpet and reflecting each other would be something that she appreciated greatly. So it makes the room last noisy, but it also takes away some of the opportunities that the children once had. Theaters roosevelt children were noted for roller skating around the room. In subsequent children have had their attempts at recreating the mayhem of the theater roosevelt kids. But it was still, lose still left partially, all sorts of parties entertaining, this is where the president would have held the very famous dinner for the nobel prize winners. Of the americas. And president kennedy delivered this famous mark that i never quite correctly but he said, never has so much talent been in the white house except with thomas just jefferson dined here alone. There we go. He pointed out the great portrait of george washington. This is our iconic uptick. Whats hung on the wall was when the house opened in 1800. It was saved by Dolly Madison from the. Fire you might have noticed that unfortunately cbs news misspelt her name in the captions. But this was saved in restored and has been in the house continuously except for periods of construct. And also point out to the white of this, it is not just for the public. Room there were things that were acquired to be historical, interesting, archival. Some of them might have gone and storage, or in smaller rooms on the second and third floors, including this little winds are desk chair. Which came to us as in the temporary white house after the fire of 18 forties, the second night that James Madison was fleeing from the white house after she had grab this painting and taken off in one direction and gone off in another, and basically running the government for one night and brockville maryland in this little desk made by the owner of the house. It was too fast. She moved down the hall, out of our normal to a, room and into the dining room first, those pictures, the upper left, is how she would have found it, the black marble mantle piece is what was installed in the truman reservation, this is around in mid 1902. She had my of that it had this lions had carved on it. It was in fact removed and sent to the truman library, so not to malign our cohort of the truman library, he invited them to send the mental back, and it wasnt just the curator, it was president truman who said no thank you, and so what she was alluding to was that she was having this carving firm. Creating a new white marble version of the stone mantle installed in 1902. And you see this fixture in the lower right. After she was finished working on the, room she kept this from the truman era at the table. And the chairs in 1902. A new rug, new mantle, heres the mantle piece. A little closer showing the description as its carved in the center panel. And the buffalo, had the bison had in the lower right hand corner. Where theater roosevelt lived with it for six years. Just shortly before leaving office. So the line is not an american animal, fix, it so they have to come in and recarve the bison. The great monroe centerpiece, at the center of the diner it extends to 14 and a half feet long. It has 18 classical figures that hold up the panel, one interesting story most the time its only five seconds on the table and theres two seconds and storage. And its a little difficult to see in this picture, but at the bottom where the lady is in the black and white picture, it has the companys name. The makers and france, somehow this eluded that mrs. Kennedy was territorial, that they were only looking at the five sections, and they actually wrote an article for antique magazine, and attributing it because of the quality and, style not knowing that they had a piece of it in the basement that was signed by the artist. And take him into the run, room and this is how you wouldve looked when he walked in and said oh my, this is an important looking room. The red coif was put on the wall, an imitation of fabrics that had been on the walls in the parlor since 1902. You can see and comparing these two pictures, a lot of the same furniture remains in todays room in the lower right put in by mrs. Kennedy. Most intact of her public rooms in terms of acquisitions, remaining and constant use. In 1830. On you can see on the lefthand screen, the Beautiful Center table that is labor like charles. Cited a storage in things we havent seen. He was an important cabinet maker truly spectacular furniture, we were very lucky that he saw the empire as something worth collecting, it wasnt colonial, it was in the 18th century, it wasnt an antique get, and they be able to find a table of this quality. So in the sofa behind, it that was a mistake at the time. It really had no association with mrs. Madison. The paper said it was a style the madison. Had somewhere along the line that got translated into paperwork where they said it was Dolly Madison sofa. The one in the black and white picture. The washingtons granddaughter. It was fairly quickly replaced by mrs. Kennedy herself, by the incredible so far that remains there today, which is in the lower right. That sofa that has dolphins carved at the feet as the support. The blue room that we saw when mrs. Kennedy took the tour, a renovation since 1952, she had their murrow furniture arriving you can see it in the right hand and the original chair, and its going back before it was really upholstered, rather unfortunate table in the middle of the room just a big plywood with a fabric covering, i think she was still working on a centerpiece for that room, but she didnt really want this clock to continue she was looking for something more period you can see and the left that wallpaper, those developments that she felt more more in the monroe period. It was criticized at the time this is this fabric running around it makes it look like a boudoir, it doesnt look like a formal room in the white house, but she was more present than she believes because in todays room, you can see it on the righthand, side thats actually a wallpaper a period document in new york that was installed in 1995, what you see in the room is different wallpaper, different upholstery, she would be absolutely thrilled with more historical research, looking historic. She has one armchair and two side chairs. You can see one of the two side chairs in this current fabric, this is one that mrs. Kennedy chose from a portrait of candy when, wrote gone from three different color combinations, this side is one that was acquired in march, you can see the bottom description of the french cabinet maker, unfortunately you see what happens if the upholstery fabric that makes his name, so what we do today is what we call basic upholstery where you have this inside the chair for the old materials, you can see this in its original location you can see the sofa from the set, that was the only wall big enough to take a nine foot long sofa, there are seven initial pieces and three pieces that were the original monroe sweet, and there is her chair on the left on the right is the way the

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