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War and its man. War and its machines. Together they form the big picture. Welcome to the big picture. Im captain carlos immerman. The big picture is a report to you from your army, an army committed by you the people of the United States to stop communist aggression wherever it may spread. The big picture traces the Current Events in the Current Campaign with firsthand reports from our combat veterans and from film taken by cameramen in the single core. These are men that caught on film the big picture as it happens, where it happens. Today our big picture brings into focus the turning of the tide. You will see our fight to hold on to the perimeter. We will see our support from our carriers. The invasion of wellmeaning and the march on social. You hear a firsttime report from lieutenant dries in stock, the leader with the armys 24th army division. Lets go back to august 1950. Ten hours after 47 days of fighting in korea, the pusan is at being and flowing for both sides. United nations forces are dug on an hundred 20 mile premiere. Communist troops numbering hours to the one, and thus far failed in their objective to drive un forces into the sea, or destroyed them before we could take the offensive. At the southern end of our beach at, task force key the fifth regimental combat in the first marine brigade are driving towards chain you, and our first offensive of the war. This goes back the reds were about to launch a major attack 35 miles from pusan key port for the entire region. Southwest of tiger, they are reducing a communist bridge ed. South of white one, theyre containing another brigitte. North of there are counterattack by south korean troops, pushes communists back across the river. Along the northern permit or west of they compel south koreas to withdraw. Red troops have threat have broken through the perimeter threatening the airfield. South koreans every captured young. In the air air force and marines are giving support to ground troops. They also northern border. Guns of United Nations ships also helped in this mission. The struggle to defend the beach yet is a fierce one. On 24th of august, on the central sector which is concerned with the defensive tackle and the river line, engineers have built a bridge across the taedong this is for use of lighter vehicles and footsoldiers. There is a need for a heavy equipment bridge. South korean civilian labor is employed. All on many sections primitive native tools are still used. Although u. S. Engineers depend on a korean man power, there is a change now since the early days of the war. Heavy Construction Equipment is becoming a familiar sight. An accumulation of this type of equipment, necessarily second and priority to arms in a new mission, is an indication of the vast bulk of supplies there are now being received. On the 29th of august, liberation aircraft moves into the harbor. Within a week theyre rushed to fight along first cavalry troops to help stop a breakthrough along the river. These troops are the first ones to go to a foreign nation to join in the United Nations police action. They are part of the scotsman and the london area. Almost all of these british have trained in hong kong. Except for the 3. 5 bazooka the u. S. Supplied rations, these british years would use their own weapons as and supplies. Their uniforms are jungle green, but only the regimental pipers wearing the kilt. Which one this got the nickname the ladies from hell. You see 47 transport plane is loaded with lethals, which will be dropped over north korean territory. These jobs are being made frequently to counter enemy propaganda. The c 47 transport carry heavy loads of leaflets, a shorter trips he sixes are used. Safe conduct passes. Its a leaflet is found on a north korean soldier, the penalties that. Frenemy territory the packets are thrown out and the wind takes care of sorting and delivering. And we kept his report with these messages are often memorized. To avoid the danger of having the leaflet found on a person. On the 30th of august, the reds are gaining in the south and in the central section. In the northeast, the United States in south korean units are holding their ground against harvey opposition. In this fight, theres a company in the 24th and with the infantry division. Supported with tanks. Theyre attacking a red position called bill one for eight, a ridge about one miles west of this is thrust at this point pyongyang is an ally hands. Infantry and tanks activities as the approach the jumping off point. Intelligence has revealed that the communist attack on pyongyang his attempt to take the city at all costs in the next 24 hours. And for the reds, it is a costly operation. An estimated 2000 North Koreans have been killed in the last two days. All u. S. Elements are here in some strength. The weight of the attack is against the South Koreans divisions in their 17th regiment. This is the tenth week of the korean war. And theyre fighting all fronts has hit a peak of fury. At this Time Military spokesman are mentioning the present situation does not appear optimistic. Enemy fire is incoming. Information goes back to the company commander. The ceos orders come forward. The attack on hill won 40 is about to begin. The tech gets underway slowly at first and then with an increasing fire fight. This is one small action in the big fight that is raging along the entire 150 fires in korea. A few miles of territory changes hands and again. The allied lines crack a few points the beach it could be lost. Those are trying to answer all of us. Our troops jammed into the small area of the pusan perimeter, defending against readout. And building strength for the eventual offensive. Lieutenant tom he served as a platoon leader with the armys 24th division. Tom tell us what the defense around the perimeter was like . He defends consisted mostly of of machine a division into the perimeter to fill up a gap penetrated by the enemy. We do not have enough men to completely fill up a complete rectangle or premier. Therefore we had to plug up the gaps. By loading the men around. When trouble started you movement right in there. Thats right. What were these attacks like tom . These attacks were constituted mostly by preparation of a motor fire by the enemy. They were very good and mortar fire. They outnumbered us id say approximately five to one. They had massive men and also they infiltrated in between airlines. Dress that civilians. Well together just harassed us but the type of movement. Tell us about what were the preparations like . It was getting ready getting ammunition ready, get your men ready. And our briefings. The higher powers around there said they believe that the north korean perimeter around our defense was made up of a thin crust. Whats we penetrated that and broke through, wed be able to continue up north without too much trouble. Thats about the way it worked to didnt it . Thats the way did work has. What about the teamwork as you move north . With the air support was a good . Did you have it when you wanted it . They are supporters really good. It call for an airstrike, and get it almost immediately. One time i was taking a village with my platoon, we were receiving firing from a health to our left front. I called back and asked for air attack, and within five minutes we had planes coming over them giving us an attack within about 50 yards so front which is pretty close. That certainly is this really getting it when you need it. How about the artillery at that time . Utility was really good. The coronation was close. They gave us very good fire accurate fire. North koreans were scared to death of the White Phosphorus which they fired. It seemed to have a bad effect on them. Thats was good for us. Utility was excellent. We are a lot of talk about the fanaticisms of the North Koreans. Could you give us an example of that . Yes i can. My platoon was taking a house onetime. Which housed several members of the communist party. We are on the house and had an interpreter asked them to come out and surrender. They refused to do it. Therefore we had to fire on the house, and has been a run out they shot themselves, and the other full pulled pins on canadian boom cells up. They dont want to be captured at all. Tom tell us about the weapons we used over there. How did our weapons compared to use compared to the one they used . Ours were far more superior. Theyre more dependable, our men used better use them. And all they give us more firepower. The automatic rifle is my favorite, the North Koreans they were definitely afraid of it. Theres a very good weapon. There is no comparison between it. The north korean as they call it. They had respect for that ba are of hours than they . They really were. They were scared of it. Moving with the amendment that, moving along time we get to know them very well dont you . Yes you do. You eat with them, sleep in them and every once in one of them gets shot. You really feel bad. You get to know them really well. Sergeant collins was my sergeant, it was an old soldier. He really knows his business. Iowa lot of credit for him for helping me. We had younger man i got to know those two. Squad leaders, freddy smoky and those boys. You really get to know them fairly well. Back along the perimeter before we broke out, the fact that we are shifting around an awful lot, it was very hard to try to size up your man. Regardless of this fact, i believe that we did fairly good. Ive got a good chance to more less size up my man. We were moving around quite a bit though. It was men like you and manager platoon the held back the enemy in the wee pusan parameter against big odds. Lets watch now, some of our troops throw off a red attack. On two of september in the South Central sector. Theyre rushed to the lines, against a defensive on the pusan road or the taedong river. Making a major breakthrough on the southern flank, and the northern flank. Hes millions of been rushed year after a brief rest after which they regrouped. The marines moved up the high ground they must take to secure their section of the counterattack. The enemy is holding its fire momentarily. The marine fire offensive has been coordinated with the second division. Their action being five strong. When marine unit has let up the main role leaving west from pyongyang than other marines flight enemy. Thanks supported second evasions troops advanced in circling movements. Variance run forward as the enemy opened fire. One did rain right back for a. Other marines resumed the attack, moving slowly waiting for the enemy to reveal his flanks and remain in position. Despite north korean tanks and automatic weapons, the assault continued. This counterattack against the southern bulge of the river, is almost a repeat of the assault. They launched two weeks earlier. Detect the same hill. The high ground in this sector as advanced five times in two weeks. The marines form a basis fire to drive the enemy off. Line builds up, and so is the firepower. Meanwhile overhead, air force and marine corps planes support the ground troops. Carrier planes are ready for another strike rockets are particular interest at this time. Three different times are being used. One of the first super explosive types to see service and korea the five inch holy moses. Later the 11. 75 highly effective on bridges in similar large targets. The most recent arrival, the navy 6. 5 inch haram. Activity on these carriers have not out their sense of humor. It is not where the iraq is set a speed record for production. It took only 24 days. Well missions of the navy and marines require tactical targets of opportunity. A camera records targets of the carrier planes. Japan to be 26 rate is in preparation during the week of the 6th of september. 26 is armed caliber machine guns these guns are electrically operated. Single gonna bring many of them down on the same target once. 26 could carry 5000 pound bomb load. These bombs plus napalm plus the heavy firepower of the machine guns, about 26 flight is a formidable attacking unit. These planes have been continues in the korean war. Their targets ranging from strategic Industrial Areas in the north, two tactical areas along the battle lines in the south. To be 26 is classified as a light bomber. With the speed of more than 350 miles per hour. After their final briefing, crew members had for the field. This has become a familiar scene and United States air bases in japan, from what to be 26 are flown on around the clock schedule. Hes beat 26 or formerly called a 26 bombers. They differ from the 26 marauders that used in world war ii. The president be 26 is very adaptable plane which is often revamped for different purposes. Can maybe seven today for the noes gun. It can carry on a variety of explosives to be 26 is designed primarily for low level bombing. Its seldom used for the High Altitude work of the be 29. Hes targets are in the area of sole during the first week of september. Little flashes of light on the ground are bases from the be 26 machine guns. Occasionally, enemies playing the planes. On 7th of september, the u. S. Air force blew 625 saudis in 24 hours. On 15 september, don breaks off the island. Jets of the un fleet fire point blank at the island. Rockets join the process. John mccarthy watches from the bridge of the flagship. This landing is a calculated risk. General mcarthur is using many of his reinforcements from the south. The first wave hits the beach. Because of the 30 foot, they must run a short for an hour before high tide into hours after. The first troops landed here would have to stick it out alone until the next tide 11 hours later. A bulldozer smothers a red dog out. A firefight begins. All the reds havent been driven off by the bombardment. Captives are stripped to prevent concealment of weapons. Others are a little bit more formal. On 16 september the 1st Marine Division moves through inch on. There it is captured against light resistance. Allied casualties are few. As these men move through, their objective is soul. There are two allied moves on steel, one from the south and another sweeping from the north against the han river. The han is lost, and the marines move towards seoul. It is heavily defended. As these vehicles move on towards sole the marines out a message for the reds. Enjoy yourself, its later than you think. During the six weeks between ten august in 20 september, the period covered by this combat both in. There were three main faces of the korean fighting. Montana august, reinforces United States forces were dug into defend at all cost the perimeter by the taedong river. We cannot save space for time. Communist forces were threatening daegu and their drive. We launched our first counterattack from my son towards change you, to stop the most dangerous communist drive. On one september, the communist launched its biggest drive of the war. A longer beast edge. It was to let me or be chanting korea and the United Nations forces. We are being pushed back again towards amazon, tiger who is in danger from the north and south. And it was being taken and retaken. Well 2017 the tide battle change completely. Five days previously, u. S. Marines and made an Amphibious Landing at inch on. The enemy still pressing it is all out drive was suddenly cut off from his supplies what. On 20 september, u. S. Marines were entering the outskirts of soul, as u. S. Seventh infantry men when southward to stop retreating from the southern front. On our southern beach, at the United Nations forces were crossing the river and moving ahead everywhere. They were advancing south of we some north of daegu west of and west of my son. We had held or beach ed. Now we were on the offensive. And it was the beginning of the end for the communist invasion of south korea. Those are the events that compromised the big picture from august 22 august 28th next week on big picture will show the United Nations on the offensive. Well see the recapture the city of seoul, the fall of the north korean capital of pyongyang. Do youll see the missouri giving support to our ground troops. And with us again will be a combat veteran who saw as it happened, a part of the big picture. This is captain carls immerman, thanking you for being with us. This u. S. Army from from the National Archives describes how psychological warfare was used during the korean war. The film shows radio

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