Transcripts For CSPAN3 The Civil War Confederate Gen. Longstreet At Appomattox 20240713

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Park. My name is ranger smith and ill be with you this afternoon for the second of our mid winter talks, this one specifically on james at appomattox. Yet is famous quote of not of theborn the battle wilderness, 1864. He reports back to richmond and suggests he is ready to come back from active duty but that at least with the army of northern virginia, lee might want a more vigorous person. Is mostly recovering from his wounds. He will never recover the use of his right arm. Of the bullet exiting his throat he cannot speak above a whisper. Lee is having none of that. On october 17, he orders long street to return and resume command of the first army of northern virginia. And all of the confederate defenses north of the james river. Fromstreet has everything bermuda 100 toward sycamore harmony. Heatley will take charge of the defenses run petersburg. Lee will take charge of the defenses around petersburg. By march 29, the siege of petersburg has been going on since june of 1864 and lees lines run 37 miles. South, thenk to the south side railroad, is going to be controlled by Confederate Forces at five forks. Troops were865, captured at five forks and cut lees last will rank rail link to the south and lee has no option but to evacuate richmond and petersburg. He sends word to long street to bring troops to petersburg. Long street receives lees orders i 7 00 that night and in two hours he had his first troops and trained for petersburg. Long street decides to ride on his horse to petersburg. He arrived there before his troops got there on the trains. Long street is going to meet with lee at ed hill. Edge hill is to the right of the photograph. The marker you see is for ed hill. The main road is West Washington street, route one, in petersburg. If you go down there, look for walgreens and you will find edge tell. [laughter] daylightet arrived at at ed hill. He wrote it was still dark when he got there. Civil twilight was at 5 27 p. M. With full sunrise at 5 54 a. M. Ed hill is one mile north of fort greg. On april 2 attack would begin at 5 15 a. M. Watching street are the opening phases of the attack. Lee appeals to long street to start the advance. Long street had to admit not a man and his command was there nor had he noticed that any had reached the station at petersburg. Because of the federal attack, lee is forced to evacuate edge hill and move to cartage farm, at plank road and defense road. ,efense road runs to the right within shouting distance of battery number 45. West ofg is now mile the location. Rights i look toward petersburg and saw general bening and his brigade in a rapid march around the near hell. He had but 600 men. And they are going to be positioned to defend the area between fort what worth and the canal near the river. They arrived at petersburg about 11 00 in the morning with two regiments, the second and 15 georgia. Then wrotewrote, i to benings line of skirmishers and at the middle point turned and rode at a walk to the top of the hill, took on my glasses, and had a careful view of the enemys formidable masses. I thought i recognized a general and raise my hat. But he was busy and did not see me. Having more to do than looking for general longstreet. But longstreet will establish a in the rear of oldtown creek. The defense of fort greg and ford what worth will by the time he needs to set up his inner defense line to hold the union attack and by time to organize a retreat. Line will run from battery 45 to the appomattox river. 4 00 in the afternoon the rest of endings brigade and feels Division Takes a position along the. General bening wrote, almost done under the immediate i of general longstreet who rode the colt everywhere, frequently in front of the line, up and down, with grand unconcern. I never saw anything like it in the war. It was the talk of all. 8 00, 8 00 of april 2, leah starting his retreat from petersburg. He will retreat across the appomattox river and longstreet and his court will cross on pontoons. They will cross on the pontoon bridge many will claim to be the last of Longstreet Court to leave the line at midnight. The route would take them through mills onto the north side of the appomattox. Lee is with longstreets command. By 3 00 a. M. On april 3, lee has evacuated the petersburg front. Now theres a chase on after lee. Plan is to head for amelia courthouse. South super bowl, to parkville and to danville, virginia and to join jo johnsons Army Fighting against sherman. Lee is hoping to combine force that they can defeat sherman, turnaround and defeat grant. Its a long shot, but it is all he has at this point. One of longstreets staff hill at will ride to a the home of a friend of his from richmond. Coxe who home of judge invites lee and longstreet and staff to supper. Longstreet is still unable to use his right arm. Longstreet has little to say on any topic. Confederates cross between april 3 and april 4. Longstreet says he took up a line on the south side to cover the crossing of the artillery. It was delayed going to the roads. s command thousand men. It is the largest and most effective division in lees army. 5000 men. Lee was hoping to find supplies at amelia courthouse, and he did. There was ammunition wedding but no food. Ammunition awaiting but no food. 4 has to spend most of april sunday parties out to forage for food in the area. That is the best he can do. Outside the courthouse, Lieutenant Colonel owen remembered i saw generals lee and longstreet. They both looked confident. Longstreet said, there was skirmishing in my front for part of the way. Courthouse, i drew phils will coxs and Heat Division up and line around the town and endeavored to bring on an engagement with the enemy. They showed no disposition to attack and withdrew around dark. Recovering from a wound where he was shot by his own men. He has had to retreat from richmond to petersburg. Yes retreated to pitch from petersburg. Yet, on april 4, longstreet still wants to pitch in to the union troops and fight them. Lets bring it on now. You want to fight . We are ready. He is not ready to give up, by any means. On april 5, the confederates approached dieter so. Wrote, generally was with us. They thought the enemys position too strong to warrant aggressive battle. The command often follow to the right along flat creek tomorrow for farmville. As you can see from the map, there, yetot humphreys second car from the army of the potomac, griffins fifth from the army of the atomic, right core from the army of potomac and the calvary under general sheridan. That is why it lee chose not to bring in a battle there. Junction, major s army reached the night of april 5. Sent with aword was bridge Burning Party to burn the highbridge of the appomattox river and deny to the confederates. 6,the morning of april longstreet arrives at rights depot. His job is to clear the way for the main body of the army and the wagon trains to get through. Rices depot. He hears about the bridge Burning Party which is passed through rice station. Longstreet will take his calvary to follow after the bridge burners and capture or destroy the detachment. If it took the last man to do it. Ught the bridge burners. By sending his calvary, he increases his own chances of defeat. Guaranteedoing it, to lees escape with the rest of the army. Orgstreet reports general coming from burke phil general order coming up from burke phil. I wrote them i wrote to meet them, marched them to the line with orders to hold them until called in. Now the army of virginia starting to split. Theres a gap in the line of troops to retreat. Theyre going to split in the bottomland of sailors creek. In the bottom line part of lees army will be attacked by the six core and surgeons calvary sheridans calvary. They will capture a third of lees army. The wagon train is crossing the appomattox, with john gordon protecting them. He is being pressed by the union armies second corps. Station, with or not coming on, longstreet receives orders to move toward farmersville on what he saw as a crowded road deep in mud with sheridan fighting against longstreets rear guard. This is longstreets column and this is gordons column with the trains. And heres highbridge. The confederate cavalry was able to stop the bridge burners and capture or kill most of them. So the bridge is intact when they start to cross. The confederate engineers have been ordered to burn the highbridge. There were two bridges in the area. One is the railroad bridge, the other is a wagon bridge. Confederates did destroy parts of the train bridge which the union army quickly rebuilt. Because of the Hardwood Floors of the wagon bridge, that they cannot burn. ,. Atever fires they started or put out union troops are pouring over the appomattox river on the wagon bridge at highbridge. Willril 7, longstreet appear in farmville. He reported, we crossed early in the morning and received two days of rations. We got on the wagons, made fires, got out cooking utensils and were preparing breakfast. We had not heard of the disasters on the other route and the hasty retreat. We were looking for quiet to prepare breakfast. General lee rode up and said the bridges had been fired before his calvary crossed, that part of the command was cut off and lost, and the troops were hurrying to position at Cumberland Church. Cumberland church is on the north side of the appomattox river from farmville. Ught crossing this way to get up to cobbler church. He arrives at 2 00 p. M. And would help general mahon hold off attacks from humphreys second quarter. Mahon established a headquarters at Cumberland Church itself. That is probably where lee had his headquarters. P. M. On april 7, lee would receive his first note from general grant. Grant is proposing late leeender proposing that surrendered the portion of the army known as the army of northern virginia. Lee shows the note to some Staff Officers and general longstreet. Longstreet wrote the note, handed it to late and said, not yet. Lee is going to send his first letter to grant. Basically, asking what terms grant will offer, if and when lee feels that is necessary to surrender. The optionng himself to decide when to do that. He is not going to leave it entirely to grant. They start to retreat from Cumberland Church 11 00 p. M. On april 7. They withdraw toward new store. On the way, Gordons Court would take the lead and longstreets men would bring up the rear. 8, lee0 a. M. Of april receives grants second letter. Letter grant says the only condition i have for surrender is that you, the officers and men shall be disqualified for taking up arms again against the government of United States. Sent his second letter to grant. That his conceding army needs to surrender. He now starts talking to grant about terms of peace. Not to surrender of the army, but overall piece in the country itself. Peace. Longstreet is on the march, passes abandon wagons and flames. Reportedry commander the horses too weak to hug on. He was ordered to bury the guns the horses too weak to haul guns. He was ordered to bury the guns and cover the burial places with old leaves and brushwood. Longstreet will issue a general order on april 8. Commanders ofinds the standard marching procedure. Hereafter all marches the troops will march in that manner lay down in the tactics. Each division will mass on the one in front of it, performance line and stack arms. Stragglers will be prevented by the exercise of every exertion. Even on april 8, longstreet is looking toward the discipline and efficiency of his troops. That is why he is making sure everyone is following the standard procedure, even with everything going on. Of april 8, something really extraordinary occurs. Ular general pendleton Brigadier General pendleton, the chief of the army of northern virginia, nader will report he approached longstreet as a messenger, from several highranking confederal officers , with the proposal, our united judgment that the casa become so hopeless, we thought to go on longer to have men killed on not over thatnd there be commanders left to bear the entire trial of the idea or terms with the enemy. Aboutton later wrote longstreet. That he himself should be represented with the rest. Pendleton would make the statement in 1873. Ingstreet does his memoirs 1898. One historian felt pendletons account was the earliest, so his was the most reliable, and not longstreets. The problem is, pendleton tells the story, in a speech he gave at washington lady university, on genuine 19, 1873. Washington and lee university. It was the same talk in which pendleton accuses longstreet of disobeying lees nonattack order at gettysburg, which we know never happened. So if you can disprove that, i have questions about this event, on april 8. I would sooner take longstreets position more than anything else. Longstreet denied the charge and in his version, surprise i turned and asked, if he did not know that the oracles articles of work provided that officers of soldiers who ask Commanding Officers to surrender should be shot. Generally does not know when to surrender until i tell him, he would never know. This younother part of do not often hear about. According to alexander, pendleton came to him, after all of this. According to alexander, pendleton said, but longstreet, being approached, refused. As pembleton told it to me. His crew wasid still able to web four times their numbers and as long as that was so, he should never suggest surrender. That he was there to back up lee, not to pull him down. So longstreet has backing for his account, from ep alexander. What was longstreet talking about . Being shotossibly for what he was suggesting . Regulations come from the regulations of the army of the Confederate States of america. Except for United States and Confederate States, their word for word or what is in the United States army regulations. State, anyen would officer or soldier who shall join incite, cause, or any sedition, and any troop or company in service of the Confederate States or any party, post, detachment or guard, shall suffer death, or such other punishment as by courtmartial shall be inflected. Inflected. Inflicted. Article nine. Article 59. Slide] an article 83s conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman. Back in the civil war, they did have a nice general article. 99, to the pressures of good order and military discipline. After everything else, you throw this in for good measure. Under todays uniform code of military justice, pendleton could have been charged with five offenses, including compared conspiracy, mutiny, subordinate sent render, conduct unbecoming an officer, and a general article. Those articles are still left over from the civil war. 8 at night, lee would have a conference with john brown gordon, longstreet, and fitzhugh lee. It is going to be lays last military conference. Lees last. They discussed breaking out from appomattox courthouse. The decision is made to break out from the encircling union line. Leave leave the only troops in front of him our cavalry. Lee believes. And that they can push them aside and continue with retreat. Grant morning of april 9, would send a third letter to lead at daybreak. Grant pastor talley that since he has no authority to treat on the subject of peace, the meeting lee proposed for april 9 at 10 00, could lead to no good. And grant is going to cancel it. Grant has to tell lee. Now lee knows there is no meeting with grant unless he specifically asks for it. The battle of appomattox courthouse will begin at 5 00 in the morning of april 9. [indiscernible] to clear the lynchburg road. Up byey find it is backed a strong force of federal infantry. The army of the james is approaching and the fifth corps of the army of the potomac under griffin is approaching. One will be stopped and driven back. Is8 00 a. M. , longstreet called to lees headquarters. , he andg to longstreet lee stir the embers of burnt rails. He received breed lee with a graceful salutation aunts boko laws and subsistence. I asked if the sacrifice of his army could help the cause and other quarters . He thought not. There i said your situation speaks for itself. Longstreet being in command of the rearguard, is two miles from appomattox courthouse. Confronting humphrey second core and white six corps from the army of the potomac. Longstreets headquarters have been established near pleasant retreat which stood until 2011. I was involved in a heavy thunderstorm that blew the back wall of the house out. The rest of the house was in the attack. The owners decide not to save it. If you look for pleasant retreat today this is what you will find. The house was demolished. This had been lees headquarters. There would have been a National Drive to save it. But because it was longstreet, nobody cared. That is what you find today. Longstreet is going to report our advanced troops were in action and general humphries was with the second army of the potomac preparing for action against the rearguard. The situation was embarrassing. It was before others could prepare for action. A truth could not prevail me to quiet while the enemy was preparing for a track. For attack. So we continued our work constructing the best line of defense. At the appomattox courthouse, the division was in the rear with the enemy close up. Its organization was perfect. It was not demoralized. Our cape than f stragglers cap watch on stragglers during the trying march from petersburg. Ordered parts of the rear guard forward to support and corrected, general alexander to establish them as part of his batteries, in the best position for support rallying on the lines in case the lines were forced back. As men are flying back through appomattox courthouse, they are going to rally on alexanders line. Lee had written to New Hope Church along lynchburg road. He rode through longstreets line under a flag of truce, because that is where he thought he was going to meet grant. And that is when his staff officer received a grants third letter, and lee responds with his third letter. And lee is going to state, i now request an interview in accordance with the offer contained in your letter of yesterday for that purpose. Lee now faces no option but to surrender his army of northern virginia. But skirmishers are approaching where lee is erie remember, lee is between the two lines. Lee is waiting for grant to come back and union skirmishers are advancing on him. So that is when he has to leave. He sends a message to general back and mead sends one and suggests lee send a fourth letter to grant. And this was sent through sheridans lines. And grant has moved from lees rear to lees front. That is why meade suggests sending another letter through sheridans line, it will get to him or quickly. Foures and lees letter says, i request an interview to discuss terms of surrender to have such an interview. Remembers he had not notified gordon, or even longstreet about a true and suspending hostilities. He now authorizes gordon and longstreet to organize a truce pending surrender. Longstreet is going to send trucen robert sims with a flight, nothing more than a white towel sims purchased in richmond for the retreat. Gordon,ried the flag to informs him for the authorization of the authorization for the flag of truce. Gordon had been preparing for assault. Custer is going to receive the flag of truce from sims. Then sims returns to gordon, who wanted him to ride in a different direction, but sims, being long streets officer, rides back to long street. Now coming into the line is general custer with his own flag of truce. And he goes to general longstreet, who is with alexanders battle line. According to longstreets account, custer came riding up and said, in the name of general sheridan, i demand the Unconditional Surrender of this army. He was reminded that i was not the commander of the army, that he was within the lines of the and inithout authority, disrespect to general grant as well as myself. And if i was in command of the army, i would not receive the message of general sheridan. He then became more moderate, saying it would be a pity to have more blood upon that field. Then i suggested the truce be respected and said, as you are now more reasonable, i will see generally has gone to meet general grant, and it is for them to determine the future of the armies. He was satisfied, and rode back to his command. This is the way longstreet described it. Other officers present paint quite a different picture. One account has longstreet telling custer, if he wants to turned tongstreet Staff Officers and ordered a picket division, just in case. And when custer heard that, he decided to back off, at which point longstreet made the statement, that young man is never went to play the game of rag. Because picketts division didnt exist, and longstreet is playing poker at this point. But i go with longstreets own account from his memoirs. Is merely going to state, drawing back skirmishers, we ,ave almost gained is trains when an officer of longstreets came galloping up to our line with a flag of truce, requesting a cessation of hostilities. To, and soas agreed instructions could be received from the proper authorities. From custervidence that he rode into long street rode into longstreets line, but longstreet said he actually did. At 11 00 in the morning, jumping ahead, there is a conference on the lawn of the appomattox courthouse on april 9. Ord,erson reported general as soon as longstreet approached, advanced and was introduced to him by general sheridan. They had a candid and interesting conversation. It was arranged the hostilities should not be resumed, and no troops removed from decisions on either side until you win timely notice could be given general ward by jevon general ward by general longstreet. Among the officers at the d,eting were board, or sheraton, gibbon, bartlett and crook, and on the other side gordon, willet, ilcox. W grantsoing to receive last letter at 1 00 in the afternoon, and grant will inform date at this moment at 11 50 is received. Grant said, if you send a message down this road to meet me, i will know where to meet you. Lee and longstreet are back at the site. Up with atruce comes fellow officer, to take lee into appomattox courthouse for the meeting with grant. As lee is getting ready to write ride two away, longstreet said the conversation continued into row consensus until the dispatcher in broken sentences until the dispatcher approached. I suggested that that event he should break up the interview until general grant to do his worst. O while need so while meade is arranging terms of surrender, he is telling grant to do everything he has got. Still, if the Situation Requires it, is going to be very aggressive is the has to be if he has to be. We know what is going to happen next. Grant atmeet with appomattox courthouse and surrender the army of northern virginia. Lee is riding back from this surrender to his lines, salutation greeted him and suddenly as as it arose. The road was packed with troops, heads bowed down. As he passed, they raised their heads and looked upon him. Those who could find voice say goodbye. Speak and were near past their hands over the sides of traveler. He rode with his hat off and had sufficient control to fix his eyes on a line between traveler and looked neither right nor left until he reached a large, white oak tree, where he dismounted to make his last headquarters, and finally talked a little. Longstreet joined him but soon after the return ride, his chief of ordnance reported a large amount of United States currency in his possession. Asked about the disposition of the funds, general lee sent the officer to ask my opinion. As it was not known in capitulation and was due, and 10 times more, to the faithful troops, i suggested distribution of it. The after the officer afterwards brought 300 as my part. I took 100 and asked that the balance we distributed among the division. One brigade is the texas brigade. Those guys have a long way to go to get back home. Is going10, longstreet to order his men to stack their arms in the fields across from where they are, and that is to avoid any conflicts with federal officers or soldiers. De is going to write that among others, he met lee and longstreet and made old friends from the army. Lee and grant agreed to appoint three commissioners each to work out surrender details. On the confederate side would be longstreet, gordon and pendleton. On the northern side would be john gibbon, charles griffin, and wesley merritt. Colonel reports that at a tavern, i saw long street, gordon, heath and a number of under generals other generals on april 10. Long street longstreet is going to report that at mclean house where the generals were meeting, grant had temporary headquarters set up. As i was passing through the room is one of the commissioners, general grant looked up, recognized me, rose, and with his oldtime, cheerful greeting, gave me his hand. And after the passing of a few remarks, offered a cigar which was greatly received. Grant himself wrote, the officers seemed to enjoy the meeting as much as though they had been friends separated for a long time, while fighting battles under the same flag. This way,our past in i set out on horseback. So grant setting out on that hek, reminding him hadnt told the secretary about the surrender. Togrant wrote a message secretary stanton informing him of what was going on. John gibbon, in his account of the surrender, said john gordon started making a speech. Personallt it his honor that the confederates give liberal interpretation to every question. Gibbons and longstreet sat still and said nothing and when gordon sat down, he remarked quietly , andhe opposed surrender that terms belonged to the army, and any artillery beyond 20 miles from app from appomattox courthouse at the time of surrender. This proposition was accepted by unanimous consent. One of longstreets staff gordon fromptain tj to go reported he decided home via new york, new orleans, and gavel stent. I was encouraged to do this by general long steep by general longstreet, who had imposed this route on himself. Lee would break up his butquarters april 11, before writing off, he would say farewell to some officers. Is going away, and a great many of old officers called headquarters to say goodbye to lee. Lee had prescient remarks to make to eat one as he said goodbye. I was standing next to general longstreet, he warmly embraced generalbraced the and in turning to me, he said, captain, i am putting my old war horse under your charge. I want you to take care of him. The final surrender of li army would take place april 12. Longstreets command would be the last surrender at appomattox. There is no evidence of longstreet himself at the surrender site, but after all of this is over, longstreet is going to leave appomattox. Hero he arrived in lynchburg, 1865,ia, and on june 1, former general James Longstreet would welcome James Longstreet junior, one of his children. Idea of howan confusing things can be in a work, especially to the ending, may 12, 1865, Connor Dickie sent a message to a captain in louisiana. Davis,e, geoff breckenridge, benjamin and other prominent officers of the confederate government, crossed the mississippi one miles above four to adams. Lieutenant general longstreet accompanies them. There is no doubt whatever the truth of this information. This message was sent may 12. Davis was captured may 10 in georgia, nowhere near the mississippi. Stillngstreet himself was in virginia. So things can get a little confusing for the end of a war. And actually on may 24, longstreet asks permission to visit washington dc unimportant, private business. May 25, longstreet would take the amnesty oath, but he was president ialhe proclamation, lincolns proclamation on amnesty and reconstruction in 1863. Exceptions included highranking military officers and all who resigned commissions in the u. S. Army and navy to join the confederacy, both of which applied to games long street. Longstreet would be granted his pardon in june 1867, and all political disabilities were removed by act of congress june 24, 1868. Longstreet is going to leave 1865,urg on june 26, accompanying him his eight tj aide, tj goree, his son, they arrived in georgia, wants to climb 3000 foot mount yona. It is not the highest point in georgia but it is still pretty rugged. It is known for rockclimbing today. You can see it from the summit here. Traila 2. 5 mile walking to the summit. In 1865, they didnt have that. Questioned why general longstreet chose to climb this month to begin with. Aftereople perceive that four years of war and appomattox and everything else, that the general had some type of challenge to meet, and this was his challenge, to climb the mountain. Wasnt the matterhorn, but it is not an easy assent. Captain goree went up with him and had a fine view of the surrounding country, but the ascenmt but the was so ascent difficult, when we reached the summit we were not able to enjoy it. Goes back toreet serving his country. He lives from 18211904. Graduated from west point, served in the mexican war, served as a Lieutenant General for the Confederate Army in the civil war, and afterward would serve his country again as survey of customs again as survey or of customs in new orleans, postmaster, u. S. Marshal, minister to turkey, and u. S. Railroad commissioner, where he would replace wade hampton, another former confederate general. Trying to sum, in up the appomattox campaign, is going to state that the difficulties my troops labored under in this campaign were very great. From the time we left richmond, they were running out of rations. They had to find stinsons had to find subsistence in any way they could. Hadinuous marching at night done very much to fatigue them. They submitted cheerfully to these privations and maintained throughout that soldierly spirit would save them. Fornt to thank you joining us this afternoon. Does anybody have any questions on anything i have talked about . [applause] thank you. Learn cash more about the events that shaped the civil war, every saturday on American History tv, here on cspan3. Corps playing] cspans washington journal, live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. Sunday morning, the center for Research Fellow Michael Farren discusses the recent jobs report and the health of the economy. Also, the white house transition rector talks about what is involved in switching in a new president. And dr. Oliver brooks, president of the National Medical association, will be on to talk about racial and tell disparities in the covid19 pandemic. Watching cspans washington journal live at 7 00 eastern sunday morning. Join the discussion. You are watching American History tv, all weekend every weekend on cspan3. To join the conversation, like us on facebook at cspan history. Week, American History america brings you archival films that provide context for todays Public Affairs issues. Covered aian flu has lot of territory in a short time. How did it all got started . The exact point of origin of the virus is not known. But the current epidemic had its in hong kong and singapore. This was in early april. The disease had become epidemic in both these cities and remained so throughout the rest of the month. Singapore,ong and the disease rapidly in early may moved to the island of formosa, and here it is estimated as many as 500,000 people were attacked within a relatively short time. May,formosa also during the disease next made its appearance in borneo and japan. And from the major shipping centers from these several areas, the disease very rapidly scattered into widely separated places such as malaya, indonesia, india, guam and the philippines. Cases, in late may, as reported as far away australia, and on board several ships en route from austria to san francisco. The first appearance of the disease in the United States was on june 2. The state is important because weeksns only a short six from the time the first cases were reported in china that occurred in the United States. This indicates the great rapidity which influenza and like diseases can spread over the world. This disease had practically circled the globe, including southeast asia, southwest asia, middle east, europe, australia and north america. Late in june, the disease made its appearance in north africa, introduced probably by moslems returning from their pilgrimages to mecca. July, then early disease made its appearance in chile, south america. , everyhree short months continent on the globe had been involved in this great pandemic. You mentionede, it had been reported on ships and root to san francisco, and cases were diagnosed among our fleet at newport, rhode island. Would it have been simple to isolate these cases and prevent the spreading of them, and kept them from coming in at all . Unfortunately, not so simple, for the reason that quarantine against influenza is not effective. And it is impossible for all the cases on board the ships to be isolated. It would have had little effect on the actual spread of the disease, because undoubtedly there were many more people on board these same ships who, by reason of a more recently acquired infection, would have shown no symptoms whatever of the disease, and therefore they could not have been readily identified if they were passing through a quarantine station. Cspan has unfiltered coverage of the federal response to the coronavirus pandemic with white house briefings, updates from governors on congress, and our daily calling program, washington journal, hearing your thoughts about the coronavirus crisis. If you watched any live coverage, watch any time on demand at cspan. Org coronavirus. On q a, a look at american president s through the lens of the books they have written, with a journalist and historian. The story has often been, and you sought in the court that kennedys father was pulling the string behindthescenes, but that is not through. Jack entity wanted the Pulitzer Prize. There were multiple times he talked about the Pulitzer Prize. He told a historian, i would rather win the Pulitzer Prize than be president. So he at this strong desire for literary fame, even though he didnt want to do the work, and he got himself the price. People have been gossiping, i wonder who really wrote that book . I wonder how much money they are getting out of the royalties . But the pulitzer changed the equation and i think it made it a moral and ethical question. And readers realized this too. I looked at letters kennedy was receiving in 1950 seven, librarians were sending him letters, schoolteachers, saying, did you really write this book . You wouldnt have accepted the prize if you didnt write the book, would you . 8 00tched sunday night at p. M. Eastern on cspans q a. Next, jason stacy and matthew ellington, coauthors of fabric of a nation a brief history with skills and sources, for the ap course. They host a study session for the advanced placement u. S. History exam. They explain how this years exam is structured differently, provide strategies for response answers, and demonstrate how to analyze historic documents. They also take student questions. Jesse once again, we are back. We are helping Highschool Students around the country prepare for the ap u. S. History placement exam. We are here with jason stacy and matthew ellington, who are going to help our students prepare for the test. Good morning, gentlemen. Guest good morning. Guest good morning. Jesse this is the first year we have done the u. S. History cram for the exam for advanced placement test here on cspan. The first

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