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Armed forces and the american people. Rocky, typhoonswept island, this is okinawa, principal link in the ryukyus chain, which stresses stretches over the pacific from japan to formosa. Unimportant . Perhaps at first glance. But okinawas role in todays world is out of proportion to its size. An area equal to rhode island, okinawa is a vital post in the free World Defense network less than 300 miles from the coast of communist china. But okinawa has not always played the Important Role it plays today. An many centuries it slept, island off the beaten track of world affairs. Feudal lords ruled over scattered straw hut villages where life centered around two things rice and religion. Stewardship was the dominant thing. Here, peaceful presence lived peasantsd peaceful lived and worked. And children played. It was a contented culture that looked backward rather than forward for inspiration. As such, it changed little over the centuries. Agriculture was the most important occupation. The ungenerous earth was worked by hand with ancient tools. Crops were sown by hand and harvested by hand. It was a rough, simple life. When the crops were good and the harvest plentiful, people were content. They lived in peace and primitive prosperity. The harvest occupied everyone. It was the womens work to separate the grain from the chaff. It took strenuous shaking to sift the rice kernels through a straw seieve, a method as old as farming itself. States first became acquainted with okinawa when Matthew Perry landed his asiatic expedition here in 1853. Some of his men are buried here. When perry returned, he recommended to congress that they annex the island. But congress was uninterested. It was not until 1871 that anyone expressed further interest in the primitive Little Island. At that time, japan inc. It into her and prior incorporated it into her empire. Japan gave the island her language and introduced it to her more advance culture. The okinawans, always an easygoing, friendly people, took part in celebrations featuring the highly stylized oriental dance. However, the japanese looked upon the island primarily as a source of agricultural supply. And so life in okinawa changed very little over the years, until the outbreak of world war ii. Vital to the Japanese Defense, okinawa had to be taken before our main attack on japan could succeed. [explosions] after the most tremendous naval and air pounding of the pacific war, american troops landed on okinawa. It was easter sunday, 1945. It was also april fools day. It marks the beginning of the most bitter are the battle in modern history. The Japanese Defense turned out to be desperate. This was their last outpost, their last chance to blunt the american blow on japan itself. They fought with fanatical fury. The island gave its rugged support. Deep caves, jagged ridges, and steep cliffs aided the enemy. It was a slow, difficult, dangerous process, an individual operation against every japanese soldier. It was a tough way to fight on a tough Little Island. Okinawa earned the name the nut. Six whole divisions took five full months to wrest okinawa from japanese control. The few prisoners taken attested to the fury of the battle. When it was finally over, there wasnt much left standing on okinawa. Naha, the capital, was a shambles. We had no time to fix it because the rock was a staging area for the assault on japan. But that never came. Suddenly and dramatically, the war ended. When the japanese surrendered, okinawa was placed under United States jurisdiction. Okinawa after the war was a forlorn place. Equipment shot up during the fighting. And equipment piled up for the invasion of japan lay around to rust away. The rock was forgotten. The few troops that remain lived in temporary quarters. Their primary concern was a neverending battle with the elements. First it was dust, so much it darkened the sky. Typhoons, were the sleeping in off the ocean. They lashed the Little Island with their fury. Leaving behind a path of wrecked buildings and equipment. And afterwords, mud, bogging down everything to a crawl. Then in 1949 the chinese mainland fell to the communists and suddenly almost overnight the situation changed. In 1950, south korea was invaded. Okinawa once again became strategically important. Equipment was rushed in. New facilities had to be built, runways, roads, and buildings. We had to make okinawa strong. Airbases came first. We needed longer runways to accommodate bigger, faster bombers. Guided by army engineers, okinawans pitched in with a will. With a invy equipment was brought and men who had never even seen steamrollers were taught to operate them. Concrete and steel and human sweat gave us a firstclass air base in time to support the korean war. Day after day, playing after played, they roared up on the okinawan base. Sea 1000the yellow miles to missions to north korea to blast strongholds held by the communist enemy. The bombers fought their war from that important Little Island, okinawa. But the air bases were only the beginning. If okinawa was going to be our primary military establishment in the far east, a great many other things had to be accomplished, too. Bearcats, headquarterses, warehouses, depos and other facilities were sapphirely inadequate. New about typhoonproof buildings had to be built. Contracts were let out to japanese and philippine companies. They were taught new trades. Many became skilled brick laters, painters and carpenters, and okinawa blossomed out in a boone of construction activity. Along with the purely military construction went the development of dependent housing. Attractive suburban areas were laid out and soon modern homes constructed. Now American Kids play happily among the smart new homes of the servicemens families. If a soldiers wife runs short of soap or breakfast cereal, there are modern, american style supermarkets with complete stocks of the same merchandise you might expect to find back home. There is even somebody to help with the grocery cart. The interfaith chappell eventually eli reacted, is a handsome example of the clean modern lines to be seen in okinawas new construction. New two and threestory arm bearcats are complete units in themselves with troop quarters, smy rooms, armory and mess hall andre under one typhoonproof roof. The new construction on okinawa has extended to every area of activity. University buildings, honts, theaters, public buildings and sports facilities all have been built to serve americans and okinawans alike. Striking is the architecture of this island, and the Headquarters Building is the crowning achievement. A credit to okinawans and americans, it is a blend of modern design and functional styling. It is great of a functional city anywhere. To tie in the number reduce facilities spread out over the island, a modern communication and Transportation System had to be constructed. Before the American Occupation, there were few paved roads on okinawa. Mud and dust trails were often the only means of getting around. Heavy employment was ememployed to tackle the difficult array. As in all phases of the modernization program, local okinawan labor was taught to operate it. This policy not only saved many millions of dumars to the american takes payer, but gave the okinawans noticehow in handling modern equipment that they never could have attained any other way. I and so together we built a modern highway system. Chriscrossing the island, it serves every important military installation as well as numerous native cities and villages. All the construction on the island so far as amounted to as big a job as building a city the size of indianapolis from scratch, all in a few years time. But for the troops on okinawa, it has not been simply a question of building a base. They must stay in the peak of condition. A field problem may last a night or begin before the sun is fully up. Men attached to the eerms special forces load their equipment above the submarine tile fish for an underwater demolition exercise. Soldiers are train inside a voo rate of combat skills which qualify them for specialized and hazardous duty. They arity calf the military strength on okinawa, which includes large air and naval fores as well as the third marine division. This calls for a predawn you launding on a beach. The men are carefully briefed before the submarine departs. Tile fish approaches the target area at full speed as the swimmers prepare to leave on their mission. Carrying bags of explosives, wire and detonating devices, their objective is to destroy beach obstacles before a practice am Amphibious Assault landing is carried out later in the day. This training makes these men outstanding. Split Second Timing and physical endurance are both demanded by assignments like this. Men in niece units can be utilized anywhere in the far east if an emergency requires. Into the water and to the beach with only the fernandinho for the fish for company. [explosion] mission policed, and the men swim into the sea again, where they are picked up by high speed craft a few hundred yards off the beach. In combat these men would help clear beaches of barriers which would impede vehicles making an am amphibious landing. Constant practice in the offensive and defensive phases of am Amphibious Operations pays off. Remembering the tremendous cost of taking the island from the japanese, we want to make it impractical for any aggressor to attempt attack. To exploit okinawas strategic location, major commanding were moved here a few years ago from japan. This has created a fluid force poised to move anywhere at a moments notice. The defense of the island, then, is a primary concern. Tactical training never stops. In these operations, new techniques are constantly ememployed, and new equipment tested out under battlefield conditions. These assault vehicles offer protection to troops as they disembark. Only through this constant training are commands kept at top efficiency, and ricon intends to keep it that way. But what about the troops that are arriving on okinawa today . What do they find on this our most important military base in the far east . Personnel assigned to okinawa today will find a modern community, in most respects very similar to many communities in america. They will find a place where they can settle their families and live as americans and Good Neighbors in this okinawan community. He there is industry and commerce on the island now. Many small plants and factories manufacture products which have become important to the okinawan economy. The ancient art of the glass blower is one of the many skills applied. Products from these Small Industries are used locally and for export to japan. Many lovely shapes and designs, decorative and functional, emerge from the production line in this tiny factory. Restaurants like the famous tea house of the august moon are a booming business. The movies have become popular with both american and japanese products shown. Today there is a native threat. Outside the news building, okinawans keep up with the latest new events. They have found hospitable soil in okinawa, and citizens now elect their own legislature and officials. Here he is installed in okinawas highest office, that of chief executive while high ranking americans and okinawans look on. There is a blending of the new and the old here, of the east and the west. Some sections of the island are reminisce sent of any oriental community with crowded streets and bustling commercial ctivity. There are ultra modern department stores. And here half way around the world from home can be found all the products necessary to satisfy the wants of the american family. These stores staffed by native okinawans do a booming business with the serviceman shop are. Shopper. On okinawa there are many enlisted mens and officers clubs. Supported entirely by members dues, they provide many facilities for family recreation. The Swimming Pool is always popular. There is an excellent golf. Urse volleyball courts. And tennis. Here, too, can be found the extended pleasures of a summer vacation. Okinawa abounds in lovely beaches. And on this semitropic island, the swimming is good from march to november. Everybody takes advantage of the water. But how has all this activity affected the okinawans . Under american guidance, the island has turned into a prosperous modern community. Agriculture is still important to the economy. And a new commercial possibilities have grown from it. Over the centuries, rice straw served as material for making my articles useful to the native population. Today these same articles have found a now poop later among americans. A flourishing industry has developed in their manufacture and sexor takes. In all this, the okinawans have learned much of western man. They have learned new skills, discovered a higher standard of living and enjoyed new forms of recreation. But okinawa and its friendly people are strong on tradition, and despite the many aspects of modern life, much remains of the past. The family is still the most important unit in okinawan society, and ancestor worship is still the dominant religion. Re a modern family war worships at the tomb of preds saidors. Fifties are given, and respects are offered for the wellbeing of past and present generations. Inside the more elaborate sidelines, the same simple ceremony pays respect to those. O have gone before since the American Occupation of the island, the education of young request okinawans has been a project of primary importance. Consequently, more and better schools, including a university have been constructed. When moving day arrives, the kids pitch in with a will. They are proud of their new school. Perhaps they do not realize it yet, but it will give them new opportunities. From these children will come the leaders of tomorrow, for democratic government is lready a reality on okinawa. Many things in okinawan life has changed only superficially under the american influence. Shing, one of the the oldest industries on the island is carried out by fast motte earn trawlers, which travel far in search of a catch. The island as hokies in the modern air age makes it vitally important as a stopoff for commercial airliners on long transpacific flights. Heavy air traffic is another reason why okinawas future is brighter today than at any time in the islands long history. More than 100 years ago, Commodore Perrys expert digs recognized okinawas importance. Today, air travel is safer and ore comfortable because of it. And so okinawa is a land of contrast, leading a modern ave with hope in the future, yet people still find time for traditional celebrations. Every year the fishermen hold a rowing race. Crowds line the water front to cheer their favorites. Whoever wins, the outcome is always a wet one for the rooters as they dash into the water. Like all people everywhere, the okinawans love a parade. E 100th anniversary of Commodore Perrys visit allows a chance for a celebration. Kids are let out of school for the day, and thousands of people in the streets waiving flags. Craffletsmen of both nationalities test their skill in making colorful floats to dramatize the event. An oriental version of the commodore and his crew pleaseses the crowd. And so 100 years after perrys visit, okinawas strategic location, duly noted by the commodore, makes the island one of the island one of our most important military assets in the far east. Following the floats, there is a traditional sport. Youngsters compete in balancing the banners high in the air, which takes a lot of skill and timing. Then it becomes our turn to celebrate. And in a similar way, the army puts on its traditional show. The military parade. Its precision is a contrast to the carefree okinawan spectacle and also a reminder of far ear tensions. In this area of the world where totalitarian aggressions is a constant threat, under our guidance, okinawa has progressed markedly and gained much. But no matter how much we do for the island and its friendly people, we will have received much more in return. For as president isenhour has ated okinawa is now regarded as a major defense bastion in the far east, known as americans keystone of the pacific. 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