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Cspan. Org history. Andcan wash lectures college classrooms, tours of historic sites, archival films, and see our schedule of upcoming programs. That is cspan. Org history. [old newsreel music] not for her the carefree hours of happy play. Nor the hours of work and study. What has happened to her that she lies there hot and feverish, miserable with suffering and pain, weak and dizzy . Is like a Little Country that has been invaded by an emory an enemy army. Enemy is not big soldiers, this invading army is so tiny it can be seen only through a microscope. Are the germs of Communicable Disease. Some of these organisms are so small they cannot be seen even with powerful microscopes. They are detected only because they can pass through this filter. A Communicable Disease can be caught from someone else. To leave the body of a sick person and enter the body of one who is well. Gateway is through the mouth or nose. How do germs make the trip from sick to well and spread disease . They may travel by one of several ways. Cost and sneezes which are not protected send germs and eight direct spray. Coughs and sneezes. A directives germs trip. The public drinking cup is a direct means of travel. Water in nature may have harmful germs and if we drink such water without boiling it that we are giving these terms in a free ride into our body. Milk is the best food there is for us but if it comes from unhealthy cows in dirty surroundings or is handled by people having a Communicable Disease, it can become a good conveyor of germs. Rat and the fly carry germs of certain diseases by carrying them from felt to the foods we eat. From filth. Thus, germs have several ways of traveling from the sick to the well. As individuals and as a community, we can do many things to halt this movement of germs and prevent the spread of disease. The Helpful Community must have a safe water supply. Here we see sedimentation and chlorination, a part of the process of water purification. Areas, a safe water supply requires a properly constructed well located on Higher Ground at eight considerable distance from the toilet. At a considerable distance. The purity of a city water supply is protected by the sanitary treatment of sewage. Processes render the waste noninjurious to health. In rural areas the problem of disposal of waste can be solved by eight septic tank. A septic tank. Or, if this is impractical, by building sanitary toilets. Care in all steps of handling milk will do much to reduce milk born diseases. Milkborne diseases. Cleanliness in the dairy, healthy cows, clean and healthy buckets, andilized keeping off dust and flies all help to bring safe milk, so important in our lives. Is one way to make sure milk is safe, it does not take the place of all of these precautions. Measures, particularly the disposal of flight breeding places will helped stop one of the most important ways by which germs travel. Screens are effective against flies and against mosquitoes. We can do much to prevent the spread of disease by keeping away from those who are sick. Common sense tells us to stay away from indoor crowds whenever Communicable Diseases are prevalent. Always call the doctor early when a Communicable Disease is suspected. Early treatment may lessen the severity of sickness and halt its further spread. [scratchy recording oldtime music] it is the duty of anyone suffering from a contagious disease to remain at home until the doctor feels it is safe to go out among people. Asmit diseases such smallpox, diphtheria, and typhoid fever, could be wiped out entirely if each of us took time proved the protection offered by vaccination and preventive inoculation. One of our best weapons in preventing the spread of disease is cleanliness, which is particularly important when there is a commendable disease and the house. In themmunicable disease house. Cleanliness should be observed in all places where food is sold or served. Publiches used by the should be sterilized. Our heads germs our hands may pick up germs. The act of washing hands before eating and after going to the toilet is an important measure. Use of paper cups will help keep down the transmission of disease. We cannot keep all germs from entering our bodies, but nature has placed within us Natural Forces capable of fighting the invading armies of disease. The better the condition of our health, the stronger this last line of defense against the invaders. Building up this resistance depends upon a wellbalanced diet which satisfies all the food requirements of our bodies. [energizing music] outdoor exercise in the fresh air and sunshine. Least six glasses of water daily. Rest, at least eight hours of sleep every night. Every step we take to prevent the step the spread of disease needs increased happiness and greater living efficiency for all of us. American history tv is on social media. Ollow us at cspan history japanesek at perspectives on world war ii. Pl whiters include whose father was a japanese ambassador with key roles in the 1940 alliance among nazi germany, italy and japan as well as negotiations in washington, d. C. , leading up to the 1941 pearl harbor attack. We also hear from brian hauenstein, grandson of col. Ralph hauenstein, who served as intelligence chief under gen. Dwight eisenhower in the wars european theater. The Hauenstein Center is named for Ralph Hauenstein and hosted the event. Welcome to our cspan and grand rapids audience

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