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Narrator we are convinced that fulltime Health Service can be rendered to new york state citizens most efficiently. Andtate Health Districts subdistricts are now in operation or will be in operation at an early date. The five county Health Department are integral parts of their respective districts. Suitable quarters are provided for district offices, such as those in albany and buffalo. Fulltime District Health officers are in charge of each district. Civil Service Qualification for each officer include a medical degree, a postgraduate course in Public Health, and five years fulltime experience. The district officer is the commissioner representative. He is available for Technical Advice he has available for Technical Advice. Available are nurses, engineers, and clerical staff. Full records are kept in all district offices, including tuberculosis registries. District officers complete the program through local offices and county health commissioners. There are frequent conferences with local health officers. Epidemics, there are temporary assignments from other districts or the central office. District staff are flexible and not subject to local authorities. An important function of the district officer is the primary the preliminary field post academic training for careers in Public Health. The supervising nurse supervises north nurses in the department. She has responsibility for training and selection of nurses similar to the district officer. Thetrict officer has departments major activities. New york state is now conducting an experimental Field Service to determine the feasibility of nursing Delivery Service as part of the generalized Nursing Program in a rural county. Highse of persistently infant mortality, preponderance of Home Delivery, st. Lawrence county was selected. And local physicians hospitals and representatives. Nurseses and supervising were assigned. The nurses were equipped with electric lanterns. Expectant mothers make preparations. Byobstetric packages for use the doctors and Home Delivery remained and assembled in wpa sewing room by volunteers. The nurses supervise the work and assembled the packages for sterilizing at the milk plant. The doctor, arriving for delivery, finds the nurse in charge, room and patient prepared, and hot water ready. Towels and sterile supplies are waiting in the packet. Nurses are willing, efficient helpers. The nurse returns the next morning to bathe the baby, care for mother, and instruct neighbors or relatives. This doctor believes the service is meeting a real need and appreciates the work of the nurses. In addition to general duties, they have assisted at 84 Home Deliveries and supervised 431 patients through the First Six Months of the demonstration. Engineering is a major branch of Public Health work. Reduction in typhoid fever in new york state has been due in large measure because of the overol at sanitation water, milk and over 90 of the water consumed in new york state receives treatment. Many Water Purification plants been constructed as a result of recommendations made from engineers. Water supplies are inspected frequently and our routine to routine tests. Outbreak,ne disease all cows are inspected by a department veterinarian. Passed arising plants are inspected frequently. Used in laboratory controlled milk supplies are the microscopic count two determine the quality. Tests determine the thoroughness of pasteurization and contamination after pasteurization. Sewage treatment plans are regularly inspected. More than 100 plans have been constructed in new york state since 1930. Plans for improvements must receive approval from the division of sanitation. Represented work such plants has amounted to more than one hundred million dollars. 200 swimming pools are supervised as well as summer camps that provide accommodation annually for 2 million persons. This is expedited by district engineers and milk sanitarians for the health district, enabling prompt service to be rendered in connection with any sanitary problem in the district. New york States Program for the control of pneumonia embraces a variety of activities. Serums for the treatment of the five types approved of value are dispensed at no cost to physicians. Diagnostics at approved laboratories. [indiscernible] blood cultures are highly important in cases of pneumonia. Extensive graduate medical education is undertaken, in cooperation with new york state medical society. Every available means of reaching the medical profession is being utilized, in the belief that earlier diagnosis and wider and more ample use of the serums available may result. The need for teaching the general public the seriousness of certain early symptoms of pneumonia and of the urgency of medical care is recognized. The availability of serum is insufficient and less and public makes its early use possible. Skill for skillful nursing care is important. Increasing time is devoted to bedside care as well as demonstration for pneumonia cases. New York State Nurses Association is cooperating with the state Health Department and graduate education of its members. Research has resulted in further advances in methods of refinement of the serum. A series of 1660 type one pneumonia cases treated with wasroduced accumulated during the first months of the program. Complete data was available on all of these and careful to ours contribute knowledge of serum treatment as pneumonia treatment. The state of new york owns and maintains the oldest Cancer Research laboratory in the world, established in 1898. This hospital, located in buffalo and called the state institute for the study of malignant disease, has Research Facilities in all branches of science and bed capacity of 130. The state institute is equipped with a complete Surgical Department and modern xray and radium appliances for the diagnosis and treatment of malignant disease. There are eight grams of radium at this state institute. Two in solution and six grams and insoluble salt. As these solutions integrate, it gives off a gas that can be utilized only after it is removed by means of oil and mercury salt. Machinesockproof xray are available for the treatment of malignant growth. Last year, 3645 new patients were admitted to this hospital for diagnosis and treatment. The service is free to all residents of new york state recommended for examination and treatment by family physicians. An Extensive Educational Program is being carried out for the purpose of dispelling fear of cancer, and impressing upon the public that there is a cure if the disease is recognized in early stages. This is primarily an institute for the study of malignant disease, and every opportunity is embraced to conduct a Continuous Program of research on cancer control. Since 1916, new york state has been rebuilding its and spends 1. 5 million annually on rehabilitation and education. Through efforts of orthopedic nurses, they are brought to the clinic for examination by an orthopedic surgeon. If a child has a condition that can be improved, the chilled theyoungster is admitted to reconstruction home. Here, specialized surgery is available when needed. Hospital care by specially trained nurses if an operation is necessary. Therapy aids recovery. Himned teachers work with so that when he goes home, he will be able to follow along with schoolmate. Outside activities keep youngsters busy and happy. Some of them have reached the point where their physical condition will prevent them from carrying on activities on the playground. There is music played at the institution. You are listening to it now, playing a selection used at the state Health Department weekly radio program. When the patient is ready to leave the reconstruction home, she is returned to her home and family physician under the care of the orthopedic nurse and field Clinic Service conducted by the state department of health. New york states tuberculosis Case Finding Program is based on the fact that the control of tuberculosis depends on the prevention and spread of the tuberculosis infection. This can be a commish by segregation, treatment and education of cases of tuberculosis and going into the field and finding cases. Tuberculosis is a family casesm, and fighting new and finding new cases in households. Early discovery of tuberculosis means early recovery. To that end, efforts should be devoted. Early tuberculosis is not characterized by specific signs or symptoms. We should investigate other possible ways to find early cases. These men have been xrayed. Valuable ally in discovering the disease in various stages. And these workers too have been xrayed. These Normal School students, mostly young women at the age of greatest susceptibility to tuberculosis, are tested and xrayed yearly until graduation. Consecutive admissions to general hospitals [indiscernible] patient has advanced disease when discovered. The treatment is prolonged and his diagnosis is dubious. The cost to himself, family and community is great. On the other hand, this patient was discovered early and after a suitable length of observation and treatment, is well on the road to complete rehabilitation. It is economy defined the early cases. To find the early cases. Programs are affected only so far as they are taken to, understood and accepted by the public. Frequent press stories are. Eleased, health news is sent every week to 14,000 additions, nurses, hospitals, libraries, and other interested individuals. Qualified experts repair stories and pamphlets prepare stories and pamphlets. 1,000,200 75,000 of these educational pamphlets were distributed. From the beginning, visual instruction has been informal in new york. Now, cameras record the process of Public Health, and the story is told through film subjects. Also exhibits and displays and portable instructional material. Probably the most intimate is radio. 1933, healthce plays are acted and produced within the state department of health and presented. Now by means of electrical transcription reporting, these are broadcaster of the state over a chain of 19 other radio stations. Then these electric atnscriptions are used associations, school classes, and similar groups. Since the beginning of the week release,eekly play responses have come from across the state. Health education is reaching the people of new york state. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2020] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] if you miss any of our live coverage of the governments response to the coronavirus outbreak, watch it any time cspine. Org cspan. Org coronavirus. From daily briefings from the president to updates from governors of hardest hit states, it is all there. Use charts and maps to track the global spread and confirmed cases in the u. S. County by county. Our coronavirus webpage is your fast and easy way to watch cspans unfiltered coverage of the pandemic. American history tv products are now available at the new cspan online store. Rg to seepanstore. O what is new for American History tv and check out all of the cspan products. Next, Tevin Butterfield looks at the origins of u. S. Policies toward native americans, focusing on the aftermath of the revolutionary war and the initiatives of George Washington. He is the executive director of the National Library for the study of George Washington at mount good morning, everyone. Good morning. If you could all take your seats, please. Happy leap day. [laughter] what could be better than a bonus day and some real meaningful history content . Tha

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