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And somebody who claims to be proisrael and gave the invocation at that ceremony. So, do you see it is possible to be superficially proisrael while creating to the environment thats making things less safe for jews in america. Theres an expression in english called due diligence. And hopefully when you organize ceremonies of such importance for the United States government or for any western any power in the world, you have to check whos coming. And obviously these are detestable positions. But i wanted to ask Something Else because im getting a sense here, and i really dont want to jump into the american domestic scene. But it seems like everything is coming from the right. And my understanding of the rebirth of antisemitism, its both right wing and left wing. Its both. And you cant just lean over and say its one and ignore the other. So, hopefully when we decide what are the sources of antisemitism that are confronting us worldwide, we look at both sources and we fight against them. But let me just say i fully agree and i think most of us would agree that the extremes of left and right tend to come together. And antisemitism is the place where they come together. Thank you, and i yield back. I thank the gentleman. Without objection, the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. Doyle, shall be permitted to participate in todays hearing, and the gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized for statement. I thank the chair. First of all, i want to say thank you to you, mr. Shaffir, for being here today. Its a very powerful testimony, and we must continue to hear these stories so that we never ever forget. I think its most important for young people, the young generations coming up, to make sure that they know this too. And also want to welcome brad or orsini for being here today and what you did before and after the tree of life attack for us in pittsburgh. For the panelists, Squirrel Hill which is a neighborhood in pittsburgh where this horrific attack took place is the kind of neighborhood that you would never expect anything like this to be possible. This is a multiracial, multicultural, vibrant community where people of all faiths and ethnicities get along with one another and work on Community Projects together. And when i saw the television that morning, i was in my kitchen, that there was an active shooter down in Squirrel Hill near the tree of life, it almost didnt register at first. So, i guess were learning that theres really no place thats 100 safe no matter even though we have this sense of security in our neighborhoods that nothing bad ever happens, we see something bad can happen. So, brad, i wonder if you could explain the ways that, you know, and places that youd never expect, these arent areas where you expect to have these kinds of incidents, how you look what signs you look for for signs of hate and violence . And how do you engage with social media for security purposes too . Do you think that the attack on the tree of life changed the way that the Pittsburgh Jewish Community views their security . Sure, i think it was a watershed moment for the entire Jewish Community across the country. Nobody that knows pittsburgh and knows Squirrel Hill would have ever imagined that. But i would say i think anybody thats been involved in a mass casualty attack would say the same thing. It never happens to us. And thats why our work is so important, the work at the secure Community Network that we do now across the country to make awareness, teach and educate our community to be resilient, teach our community to be first responders. Were an effective commune hadty. It can happen to anyone anywhere. And a lot of the things weve learned over the last five or six years during mass casualty events, active shooter events, is that we need to do a better job on educating our community on what to do in case they are attacked. In the case of social media were working hard in the juyou withi Jewish Community to talk about an established social media review and to find these signs of hate. I think in pittsburgh most people didnt know who Patriot Front was. We see those signs all over pittsburgh. Its important for us to educate the community. Why not to dismiss any signs of hate even though its a piece of paper on a telephone poll, we need to let our community, our country know who these people are so we can identify them, assess that threat, and mitigate the next attack. And social media plays a big role in this. We work hand in hand with the fbi, but the fbi needs help. They cant openly search social media sites. Theyve got to rely on the community. The Community Needs to be great partners with law enforcement, so we cannot dismiss any signs of hate. Thank you. Mr. Shaffir, i see in your testimony that you said something i think that was really powerful, that the enemy of the holocaust and Holocaust Survivors like yourself was time. What do you think are the best ways to amplify and spread your story and the stories of other surveillan survivors to make sure we get them to young people so that they understand this too . As i mentioned earlier, at the Holocaust Museum, we travel to various colleges, various high schools. We speak to various groups. And important things we do is to educate, very important to educate. And i keep constantly saying that education is so important and i will continue to do so. Thank you. Madam chair, thank you so much for your gracious time, and i will yield back. Thank you for your contribution to this hearing. Without objections, the following documents shall be made a part of the hearing record. Written testimony from organizations and individuals including liz e. Grah, holocaust survivor, julie raymond, director of political outreach for hhc global jewish advocacy, deb debra lotter, eric fushfeld, Deputy Director of the International Center for public policy, a report from the jewish federations of north america, an oped from our witness adl president jonathan greenblatt. I want to thank all of my colleagues and especially an incredible, remarkable distinguished panel for your wisdom, your insights, your ideas, and your time for being with us and sharing this incredible hearing with us. I think we faknow that we have lot more work to do and that we cant sit back and let these acts of hate go unconfronted and responded to them. And i think weve learned that we must Work Together to combat hate, bigotry, and violence of all kinds. And i want to thank all of you for your advocacy and your guidance. The committee will be continuing this series of hearings on hate. I welcome all of you and all of the members of the panel here and of congress to give me your ideas for additional thoughts for proposals you believe the committee should review. I just want to thank you again and id like to thank our witnesses for testifying today. And without objection, all members will have five legislative days within which to submit additional written questions which will be forwarded to the witnesses for their response. And i ask ourens withes to please respond as promptly as you are able. I want to say a very, very special thank you to the Holocaust Museum for working with congress, dr. Edna friedberg, we are hopeful that it will pass our bill in the senate and theyll have a centralized database that teachers can access for lessons plans to teach tolerance, acceptance, understanding that is appropriate. We hope it will pass with the allocation and funding so that we can take some of your exhibits to every Congressional District in the country to learn more about how we can combat hate. I want to thank you again. Its been a remarkable hearing. Im very inspired. Thank you for being here and for all of your wisdom inspiring all of us. This meeting is adjourned. A steak dinner at the white house. Vice president and mrs. Lyndon johnson are among those that joined president and mrs. Kennedy in honoring his imperial majesty and the empress. This weekend on real america on American History tv, the 1962 film Firm Alliance on the state visit by the shah and empress of iran with president john kennedy and first Lady Jacqueline kennedy. I speak on behalf of all my fellow americans in welcoming you to the United States. The interests of both of us is the same, to maintain our freedom, to maintain our peace, and to provide a better life for our people. Real america, sunday at 4 00 p. M. Eastern on American History tv on cspan3. Sunday night on q a, Peggy Wallace kennedy, daughter of former fourterm alabama governor and president ial candidate George Wallace talked about her fathers controversial career and what inspired her to write her book, the broken road. Back in 1996 we took our youngest son who was nine at the time to the Martin Luther king Museum Historical site in atlanta. And we went to his church and to his grave and we went over to the museum. And it was being newly constructed at that time. And we were going through the exhibits and we came to the exhibit, alabama exhibit. And it showed the bridge, the bombed out 16th street baptist church, fire hoses and dogs, birmingham, and George Wallace standing in the schoolhouse door. And burns looked up at me and he said he was so sad why did papa do those things to other people . And it broke my heart. And i said, papa never told me why he did those things to other people, but i know he was wrong. So, maybe it will just have to be up to you and me to help make things right. Watch sunday night at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspans q a. It comes out to be a campaign in which we have one candidate who is standing up for the working class and the middle class, were going to win that election. For those who have been knocked down, counted out, left behind, this is your campaign. The president ial primaries and caucuses continue tuesday for six states including idaho, michigan, mississippi, missouri, north dakota, and washington. Watch our campaign 2020 coverage of the candidate speeches and results tuesday evening live on cspan, cspan. Org, or listen from wherever you are on the free cspan radio app. The conservative Political Action conference known as cpac recently held its a

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