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Very good. You want to say a few words . No, i just want to say i am so proud to be supporting the best candidate we have running for president. applause and my friend, amy klobuchar. Thank you so much. It is so great to be here with all of you. I was thinking especially did we not pick the best day . The sun is out. The leaves are still beautiful and we had a big National Victory last night across the country. I actually think that is a good place to start. First of all, in New Hampshire, the mayor here in concord was reelected. We are happy about joyce craig in manchester. And then, we had eight out of the 10 of the mayor races went democratic in the state of New Hampshire in the major places. A big excitement in laconia for what happened. Then, lets just go take it out of New Hampshire for a second, not that we should. But, i was thinking about this on the way here. I filed for president today to get on the ballot in New Hampshire. And, i stood there with the secretary of state who was delightful. He went through all of the paths. I saw the picture of Walter Mondale icefishing and all of the past primaries and what had happened. He was very good at not only telling me the historical facts, but also filling me in on the fact that many, many times, it was a candidate people didnt expect that was going to win at this moment in time that came in and ran and won in New Hampshire. The real message to me from that visit is that we are living in a moment in time where our democracy is really hitting back in a good way. Our democracy is about citizens, citizens making decisions. And, the president is not the king. To me, that is what happened last night. The president is not the king. We have a democracy in place and we are standing in front of the statehouse that is all about democracy, with the biggest legislature in the United States of america. That is real democracy at the grassroots level. We saw that in kentucky where meanspirited policies, trumpian policies from a governor that was Cutting Health care and really not having the backs of people. The people of kentucky. Despite that being a state that donald trump won in a big way, they push back. We now have a new governor that is going to come into the state of kentucky. You look at virginia. I actually helped there with some of the legislative races. You look at who won there. Incredible diverse field of candidates, then many of them elected and now reelected who have the backs of the people they represent. Really the antithesis of what this president is about. He divides people. We have candidates that won last night that united people. There is no doubt about that. While as he puts his business interests and his partisan interests in front of our countrys interests, we actually had candidates that won who put americas interest first. That is where we are right now in our democracy. The first thing i see from last night and my filing and why it is so important to me to be doing it this morning is we want a candidate that does not want to just be the president for half of america, but wants to be the president for all of america. applause the second thing that i see coming out of last night, and what i have seen all across New Hampshire and in our country is that this election is, yes, about changes in big policy. Making sure that we do something about the existential crisis of our time and that is Climate Change. And, that we get back into the International Climate change agreement. That we do something and get comprehensive Immigration Reform passed. That we bring down the cost of pharmaceuticals. That we take on those health care premiums. Those are all issues income inequality. Debt rising because of this president treating this country like some kind of bankrupt casino and using our farmers and workers as poker chips. All of that matters. But, what matters even more when you look at the Election Results last night is the value check. A patriotism check on this president. That is what i believe is at the core of a lot of americansvote. That is why i have seen both in New Hampshire and across the country people turning out. Independents. Some of them even voted for donald trump. My last visit after the debate in ohio where we did our 10county, 30 hour tour around the state, one of the first stops was a coffee shop. There was a line of people for photos and they all had stickers on that said which was cool i am a Climate Change voter. Im a Supreme Court voter. This guy came up in a brown jacket and whispered to me, i was a trump voter, but dont tell anyone else in the line. I dont have one of those stickers on. But, i am not voting for him again. That is what the people of kentucky said last night. That is what those people in those swing purple and red districts in virginia said last night. That is what the people of laconia said last night. We are seeing those changes. We dont want to screw this up, guys. We cannot. This is the most important election that we have ever seen. And, we have to make sure that we have a candidate that brings people with us instead of shutting them out. That is who i am and that is who i always have been. If new are tired of the extreme you are tired of the extremes in our politics and you are looking for someone that is going to have your back and you are tired of the noise and the nonsense, you have a home with me. And, if you dont just want to eek by a victory at 4 00 in the morning, but instead you want to see that big light of a victory, not just apparent winner, but winner early on and then go on to those senate seats in arizona and colorado and maine and across the country, if you want to win those seats, we cannot just win by a little. We have to win big. You all know that i have run every race, every place, every time and this is my favorite part. Every single time i have led a ticket, we have had the highest, if not secondhighest voter turnout in the United States of america, in my state with a fired up democratic base. But, we also brought people with us and flipped the legislature of the house every single time i lead the ticket. That is what we want to do here to get things done. Im just excited to be here on this historic day at this Historic Place to make a historic filing for president of the United States. So, lets go out there and win this. Thank you, New Hampshire. Dental hygienistowned business. Thank you. Ok, im ready. Ok, here we are. Thank you, good luck. Thank you. Thanks for coming. There we are. Exactly. We are going to come around. Be careful. Thank you. Hi. Ok, thank you. Win big. This is very cool. Ok. Thank you. Get a win. Thank you. Ok. Thank you. My mom is a teacher. We are a big group. Great. Oh, ok. Thank you. Hi there. Yeah, thank you. Ok, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. One second. , minnesota. That is great. That is my mom. Ok. We have met. Welcome back to merrimack county. Here you go. Sorry. You have a great daughter. Today is the sixth. She wont jump in these lines but i will do it for her. laughs ok, good. Thank you, appreciate it. Help you win New Hampshire. We will get there. I just want to thank you. Where is tommy . He does our policy work. It would be good to talk to him. Thank you. Mustve been Walter Mondale. No, no, it is all good. Finance reform in New Hampshire. We are hoping to do a democracy town hall. I would love to do that. We were trying to get your staff to set that up. I lead a lot of these. I know you do. We would love to hear you on all democracy questions. There we go. Thank you. Thank you so much. Won you a voter. I promise that i will. We are doing well. What a day. Special day. One more. Thank you. Thank you. So nice to see you. May ask you a question . I just did an event. Going after these injuries, traumatic brain injuries. Women, still not have adjusted to the whole healthcare care system for women at the v. A. That is part of it. Job connections. That is an issue. Just making this a priority. There has been improvements. We have the policies on our website. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. Having fun. Thank you. I think i have everything going six weeks on. Last year, we all got 27. We are on a roll. Of course. Everything went well . Yeah. That is really good. That is great. That is so nice, thank you. That is great. We will see you. Thank you. How are you . That is exactly right. Thats great. Very good. All right. These people are terrific. Great job. People are listening. I know. One more picture. Hi, we are back again. I did not get one before. Thank you. Ok, thank you

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