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Military historian Gregory Erwin talks about challenges the british army faced in adapting to north american terrain and battle tactics during the revolutionary war. The museum of the American Revolution, Pritzker Museum and the richard vann has foundation cohosts this event as part of a threeday international conference. My name is philip mead, director of Curatorial Affairs on the American Revolution, and it is my pleasure to welcome today to welcome to welcome today ,resident Gregory Urwin professor of American History from the revolution through world war ii. A longtimerwin is friend of this museum project. Thene of it is one of great advantages of being in philadelphia, that we can be close neighbors to the professor, whose work on the british army in the American Revolution is extensive and always inspiring of our exhibits and publications , and the development of our core exhibition. Professor urwin played a crucial role in the display of the story weighinged runways, the promise of the phils berg problem nation announced by in 1779, thatn offered vaguely protection and perhaps freedom for runaways to make their way to the british lines, through consultation with a number of historians, particularly of africanAmerican History in this period. It became an imperative that we due to very challenging and often seemingly contradictory showingith our tableau enslaved people facing the question of whether to trust the british on this promise. And one was to demonstrate their agency to capture the sense that somehad some impact and volition, deliberation, choice in what they were doing. Not shyother was to away from the horrors of the tyranny of slavery that dominated their lives and that of enslavedrity people still in bondage through the American Revolutionary war. Doing thisimagined was, we would put a uniformed soldier of african dissent across a fence rail, in conversation with a person still enslaved, still in their field close, but the challenge was that most, from what we could tell, most of the formerly and slaved people who made it to the british army probably would never have received a red coat. Urwin,ent to professor who among his other accomplishments, includes nine books either written or edited as well as 150 articles, has also produced over 2800 issues of an email blast called red coat images. Of this as of this morning, i think it was 2817. Are studies of portraits and other period images of red coat officers and other ranks. And that number is actually smaller than the reality, because he is often sending addendums and updates sending addendums and updates, and we all hang on these magnificent pieces of scholarship. And they were in fact partly inspiring of our choice to do a redcoat story for this exhibition. But in the case of these virginia runaways, we put it to images,rt of redcoat who among these enslaved people might have had a red coat . And there is a book that professor urwin has been working fromly with the manuscript 1783 called the book of knee ,ows the book of negroes to lift the formerly enslaved people who were under the protection of the british army in new york in 1783, and based on his findings in that book, he suggested a young, 15yearold man named london pleasance, as he joined Benedict Arnolds british lesion and served as a trumpeter, which would have been a uniformed and armed rank, in virginia, so we were able to capture an immediate image of him and galleries of a formerlyenslaved person who has made a choice with great personal and political implications, by presenting our version of london pleasance. And we are thankful to professor urwin for that. Redcoat images is also influential in our development of this exhibition. Originally what became the cost of revolution, the life and death of an american soldier, a portraitly to be display based on professor urwin s redcoat images. We went out a deep rabbit hole with richard st. George, which professor urwin was very helpful with as well. Talking aboutbe his topic, from Parade Ground to battlefield, how the british army adapted to war in america, 1770 51780 three. And it captures one of the great messages of his work on that army, which is that the public ts as theseredcoa inept,napt often sort of dandy, often people is woefully inaccurate, so instructs me you are to forget everything you ever learned from the patriot and mel gibson. [laughter] and these are not figments of the imagination of the redcoats he will present. [applause] professor urwin thank you, phil. And i would like to thank you and your colleagues at the museum for the colossal bad judgment of asking me to speak today. [laughter] i think all the sponsors of this wonderful conference, particularly the Pritzker Military library and museum. Military history rules. [laughter] last night i made the mistake of andnel surfing cnn, msnbc fox news. I like to say i am really glad to spend today hold up in the 18th century. Oled up in the 18th century. [laughter] whenever a friend outside academia asks me about my job, i quip i make my living by reading dead peoples mail. Like other historians, especially those focused on the on before the 20th and 21st centuries, i ply my trade by examining written records. That is where we find the information that tells us what the people of the past experienced, what it meant to them and why it should matter to us. In other words, historians use words to create pictures and their readers minds and to interpret what those pictures mean. Ofnding here in the museum the American Revolution, i feel obliged mention historians can learn much from artwork and artifacts dating from the eras they study. As a boy, my growing obsession sustenancey through from American Heritage most courts magazine, whose lavishlyillustrated format inspired me as much as written articles. The visual form and how they portrayed their times tells us a lot about what they experienced and how they thought about that. Cost of revolution, the exhibition this conference complements, provides us with a golden opportunity to gauge how much the visual record can enhance what we glean from the written record. Many drawings, engravings and other objects collected by the museum openwindows to various fassett of the war of india to various facets of the war of independence, an officer who rest is all for george the third, the british capture in 1777 in philadelphia, how the revolution touched ireland, and many others. As a military historian, i take interest in what cost of revolution tells us about the british army, in which richard and how itsoldiered, responded to challenges of fighting a difficult war in a foreign and often hostile environment thousands of miles from home. Study thef war strengths and weaknesses of Weapons Systems to determine their tactical options on the battlefield, and in addition what soldiers where reflects the values of the societies they serve, both stylistic and utilitarian, as well as norms and traditions of the organizations to which they belong. It is also important to realize that what an army wears and carries when it goes to war changes in the course of a conflict. Hard experience teaches officers and men what works and what does not. In other words, what should be retained, modified or jettisoned. I must acknowledge that my fascination with with fascination with military material culture reflects one of my obsessions. 1970s, youthful enthusiasm led to my being seduced into historical reenacting. While that confession arouses smirks, im unapologetic. Over the years i have found living history a useful teaching tol, and a supplement conventional research. It is one thing to read an 18thcentury drilled manual or after action report, but Something Else to perform the actions described therein, especially on the same sort of ground where revolutionary armies fought. Redcoat orcommon continentals diet, clothing, shoes blistered, equipment belts bit, increases empathy for the people you study, as does familiarity with the eccentricities of flintlock weapons are trying to live your day and execute battlefield movements by commands transmitted by five and drums and bugle horns. This lecture will take the form of an illustrated survey of how the british army adapted to north american conditions as it strove to suppress the rebellion that erupted in 1775. Data adaptation is not a word americans associate with their country in that contest. Thinkingare normally normally depicted as unthinking automatons unsuited for the challenges. According to the longcherished stereotype, they campaigned in colorful and practical uniforms zion for Parade Grounds and practiced rigid linear tactics suited for the clear, flat expanses of europe rather than rougher or often wooded terrain. Young british historian, matthew spring, demolished the smiths in 2008 when he published, with zeal and bayonets only, the british army on campaign in north america, 1770 51780 three. Spring revolutionized our view of the combat in the war of independence. The British Army George Washington faced is what todays military calls a thinking enemy. British officers such as sir william howe realized they had to adapt to american conditions from the outset, and they trained their foot soldiers to function like infantry. After bunker hill, they invariably lead their redcoats to battle in open order, night tightlypacked lines, lacking large amounts of calvary and facing enemy horses into few numbers to necessitate the tight formations, british officers trained soldiers to move quickly and overtake and strike. Usuallye, the redcoats sought a quick decision, preferred to close within 75 yards of the enemy, fiery volley and charged with bayonets. These tactics brought them victory with daunting regularity, hence the kings regulars were a much more due to the expense involved in transporting calvary and artillery across the atlantic and maintain them in a combat ready, state on american soil infantry composed most of those troops who struggled to restore authority. Thirds. This lecture will focus on the british armys largest and most important combat branch. Britishre of the common footsoldier in the 1770s depended on three factors, army wide regulations, the regiment to which he belongs, and his rank and position. Revolutionary war start, the infantry consisted of 70 regiments of, 68 were single battalion formations with 10 companies a piece. The exceptions were the first thement, the royals, and 60th, the royal americans, which mustered 2 10 company battalions a piece. A. Regiment stationed in england numbered 477 officers and men. One on the irish establishment was supposed to total 474. With the outbreak of the war, foot regiments went under augmentation. Private increased from 38 to 56, and they received 2 Additional Companies to remain in the British Isles to collect and train recruits. These were often general officers finding other excuses to not accompany their units in the field. That meant regimental command routinely fell to a Lieutenant Colonel assisted by a major, quartermaster, surgeon, and surgeons mate. Commanding a company included a captain, lieutenant, and a second lieutenant. 2 sergeants was increased to three. Three corporals assisted with company management. Once a regiment left home, due to combat, disease, desertion, there were numbers went below optimized. Every soldier in the british foot wore a red uniform coat, a regimental. This government became the trademark, inspiring the nickname red coat and such derogatory american variants, such as bloody back and lobster back. Othershoulder patches and unit distinctions did not exist at the time, each regiment received its own facing color, which its members displayed on the regimental codes, caller, lapels, and cuffs. Regiments announced their connection to hanover by sporting dark blue faces. The other regiments displayed nearly every other color in the rainbow. Yellow, green, white, black, purple, and orange. With only the seven primary colors identified by isaac newton in the early 16 70s, it was impossible to avoid duplication with 70 different infantry regiments, not to mention the 35 others authorized after the revolutionary war began. To distinguish between regiments wearing the same facing color, each one received its own multicolored lace that privates and corporals displayed in rectangular or pointed in shaped loops around buttonholes on their regimental. A regiment exhibited its number on its buttons. Certain privileged outlets inc. Their unique regimental badges on their buttons and elsewhere. That meant the closer you got to a red coat, the sure you became about his affiliation. Sergeants and officers wore coats made of scarlet cloth, a lighter shade of red then seen on other rings. Sergeants lace was all light. Officers displayed metallic lace, silver or gold, depending on their regiment, and matching buttons. This insignia, along with the crescent shape and crimson sash, made a regiments leadership easy to single out, even at maximum small arms range. While not to emphasize a commanders status and authority, these facilitated the american rebels habit of taking aim at enemy officers. In addition to a red coats regiment, Company Placement also affected what he wore. Most british infantryman served in eight Battalion Companies. They were known as hat men, because they were issued the standard contact made of stiffened black felt and edged with white lace. Silver lace edged sergeants hats. Officers hats sported either silver or gold, or black edging. In addition to the Battalion Companies, each regiment possessed 2 elite companies composed of personnel with special qualifications. Andtallest, strongest, rapist men in each regiment went into the Grenadier Company that formed the Battalion Companys right flank, the traditional place of honor. Then dysfunction and shock troops leading assaults on positions. For their height and fearsome this of their pre, they wore a cap covered with bearskin. It added an additional 12 inches to his stature. Red wings trimmed with regimental lace on the coat also advertised his elite status. Grenadiers began the war with brass match cases attached to the cartridge box belt, a reminder of the days when they threw small bombs. With were also equipped short brass hilton cutlass is. Inse weapons were soon put to storage. Although grenadiers comprise sent to of the redcoats crush the american independence, they made an indelible impression on their opponents. They figured prominently in depictions of the war produced by John Trumbull and lesser talents he influenced. A regiments other elite company, the light infantry, filled its ranks with smaller, quicker fellows to function as skirmishers and flankers. The battalions trained to fight in three ranks are deep, with each file set off six inches from the other. The long redline popularity associated with the british army. Light infantry, on the other hand, operated in 2 ranks, with the men set apart of intervals at four feet or 10 feet, which made them more difficult targets. Practicedbobs skirmishing and how to advance small bodies. Stresse training also speed, habituating light troops to move either at the quickstep or a run. Uniformfantryman wore a that reflected their specialized role. Wings,nfantry coats had but their tails were cut short to perform on the march or in combat. Instead of the tall bearskin cap or a widebrimmed hat that can hamper movement, the leather caps with distinctive or decorative front peaks. This headgear was sometimes adorned by feathers and hair crests. In addition to the standard muskets and bayonets, light infantryman often carried a hatchet in emulation of the American Indians tomahawk. An anonymous poet captured the dashing image in a song published by a loyalist newspaper in december, 1778. And theirprepared countries just caused their king to avenge and support all his laws. British as a role, the light infantry dash on their foe. The rebels are numbered oppose their career, daunting the straightest of fear. No obstacles hinder, resistance they go death and destruction attend every blow. Take that, hamilton. [laughter] [applause] troopsice with light attracted some of the british armys most daring young officers, such as the subject across the revolution, master george, who fought with the Light Company during the Philadelphia Campaign of 1777. On parade back home at the British Isles, the Light Infantry Company felt in on the left flank. That was not the case of the american war zone from 1775 to 1783. Both grenadier and Light Infantry Companies were detached from their parent regiments and paraded together in elite battalions with companies of their own type. Light infantry battalions remedied the british armys scarcity of calvary by taking on the role of reconnaissance and tactical situations. Grenadier and light infantry battalions worked together, working in flanking movements that made many opponents run and remorselessly pressing braver rebels who endeavored to hold their ground. When the american rebellion regimentone infantry advertised its members ethnicity. Of the 42nd regiment of foot, the highland regiment, the blackwatch. Due to dire Economic Hardship and other factors we heard about earlier, scotts proved more willing to invest in the americas enlist in the american war. A second battalion of the blackwatch and eight more highland regiment, three with 2 battalions, and three with highland principles for home defense. Officers and men in highland regiments wore their native plaids, what a modern viewer would call kilts, in lieu of british army leg wear. The highlander also turned out with a purse and carried his ammunition at the front of his waist belt in what was called a belly box. Diced red, white, and green bands took the place of contacts. Highland grenadiers and light infantry were issued the distinctive headgear worn by their breed in the rest of the british line. Complemented the musket and bayonet. That traditional weapon went into storage as the war progressed. In addition to the highlanders, a trio of foot regiments stood apart from the others. This category of troops originated with the ordinance regiment, formed in 1685 to guard a British Field trade of artillery. Light flintlock muskets instead of more cumbersome and match locks. This unit evolved into the seventh regiment. It was joined on the armys table of organization by the 21st royal north british fusiliers, scotch, and the 23rd royal welsh fusiliers. They enjoyed the privilege of prating in bearskin caps 10 inches tall, two inches short of the grenadier model. All three fusilli regiments would see service in the revolutionary war. The welsh fusiliers fighting from lexington and card court concorde to yorktown. The british army endeavored to address the line infantry with a set of regulations known as the royal clothing warrant of 1768. King george promulgated this document on december 19 of that year. It covered the design of an officer enlisted uniform, headgear, colors, cam colors, drums, accrued him and belts, and the devices and badges for the royal regiments and of the sixth old core. Warrantl clothing superseded the royal clothing warrant of 1751, the british fors uniform regulations the seven years war, or the french and indian war, as americans call it. As can be seen from this line and the next, the coats worn by those were fuller and heavier, with broader lapels, cuffs, and a greater confusion of regimental lace. Grenadiers war lighter caps during the 1750s, but they were made from embroidered or laced cloth. They carried hangers that added a necessary burden to tax stamina and slow their movements. In coatsturned out glittering with yards of metallic lace. They signified their rank with elaborate knots that can be easily tangled as the wearers passed through woods or brush. In 1768,adoption of it most regiments had plain white waistcoats and bridges. British field armies committed to the american war also contained regular soldiers whose dress was not governed by the royal clothing warrant of 1768. The british corps of marines, seagoing soldiers who normally kept order aboard the royal navys men of war, sometimes consolidated the attachments and turned them over to army command. 2 marine battalions containing more than 1000 troops served with Lieutenant General thomas gage s boston garrison at the start. One with the grenadiers life interesting attempted to display both battalions passed through the bloodbath at bunker hill on june 17. Early in 1776, the three regiments foot guards, the elite household troops entrusted with protecting the life of the british sovereign, received orders to contribute detachment for a composite command to battle the american rebellion. 82otal of 30 officers, noncommissioned officers, 14 drummers, six snipers, and a 960 privates, or drafted from the three battalions of the first foot guards, and the 2 coldstream guards. When the guardsmen arrived at sandy hook in time to join the new York Campaign, general william how directed they operate as a brigade composed of 2 battalions with a Grenadier Company and 4 Battalion Companies composing the First Battalion and Light Infantry Company and 4 Companies Making up the second battalion. Unlike line infantry regiments, guards, grenadiers, and light infantry remained attached to their parent organization. The foot guards left england in uniforms that ate the style set by the clothing warrant of 1768. The first foot guards issued orders to adopt those standards on november 27, 1770. The coldstream guards on a november 17, and phases for the others. Because the guards were a law under themselves, and still are, their sergeants decorated their coats with gold lace, like the officers, instead of the white lace sported by sergeants. Undoubtedlyies are hierarchal organizations, change receives its initial impetus along the lower reaches of the chain of command. This is true of the british army as any other. Toward the end of the seven years war, and the five years of that followed, several regiments anticipated the royal clothing warrant of 1768 i moving the coats with narrower and lesser made facings, colors, and simplified Rank Insignia for officers, the fringed epaulet in place of the egg let. Uniform 1768 regulations went into effect, it took time for the british army to attain a relatively uniform appearance. Regiments on foreign station had to wait for the delivery of new styles, since clothing, headgear, and various accessories did not always arrive in the same shipment, several units turned out in a mixture of current and obsolete items well into the early 1770s. Regiments posted to the British Isles, against a certain amount of ambiguity as their kernels appeared to interpret the clothing warrants differently. By the time the revolutionary war broke out, the british army had resolved these issues. It was about to undergo a new round of changes in response to the demands of campaigning in canada and the colonies to the south. The notion that the british army entered the war of independence, the the proverbial baby in woods, without the challenges facing it, cannot be further from the truth. This was an organization with a long institutional memory about adapting to the north american environment. Simple find the uniform to promote celerity and comfort in the field was by no means foreign to redcoats in the 1750s. In addition, british commanders responded to the demands of woodland fightings and a shortage of indian allies by having each foot regiment in america organize its own Light Infantry Company. They also organized separate companies of american rangers. The first 2 commanders in chief to preside over the kings forces in the revolutionary war, thomas gage and william how,e logged extensive experience in the french and indian war. Gage had even formed a light infantry regiment dressed in brown. In an early example of camouflage. How command had Major General james wolfs light infantry in the quebec. Whensbanded the formations it downsized after the french and indian war. In rudence rational 1771 and 72. As commander of great britains American Army from october 1775 to 1778, he infused all of his redcoats with the light infantry spirit and capability. With these thoughts in mind, we can begin to explore how the transformedars themselves after the commencement of hostilities in the spring of 1775. As indicated earlier, one of the things that most disconcerted the british about new england troops they faced early in that conflict was the latters choice to make priority targets out of officers when they fired on enemy formations. This habit registered with startling effect following the costly british victory at bunker 1775. June 17, general gage lost 1034 redcoats killed and wounded, nearly 40 of his attacking force. Of that total, 89 were officers. As one officer of marines observed, it is uncommon in such a great number of officers should be killed and wounded more than in promotion to the ember of private men. Major general John Burgoyne agreed, writing the loss was common among officers, considering the numbers engaged. Expressed in statistical terms, losses at bunker hill amounted to nearly 13 of the total number of combat casualties the British Army Officer corps would absorb for the entirety of the war. British newspapers made frequent mention of the military prowess of the americans, their marksmanship, and skill at forest fighting. One rifleman from western pennsylvania, maryland, and virginia joined the nation of Continental Army in the boston siege lines, british officers found themselves subjected to accurate fire from skilled marksman at 300 to 400 yards, three to four times the range of the common musket. Although they are dated august 5, 17 75, it appeared in the london particle two months later london chronicle to much later that they have killed six or eight officers of instinct and. It was in the peninsula where bunker hill was located. Looking less conspicuous and had become a clear imperative for the kings officers. As we can see from the xmen pork at her, they began dressing down for influence by addressing the armament. The regimental coat glittered with metallic lace or embroidery. All officers carried swords. The Battalion Company officers also had short hikes that made it easier to distinguish them at a distance. As a lieutenant of the 35th regiment confided to his mother, the reason we lost so many officers is on account of their dress. We dress now like soldiers. He meant common soldiers. Officers serving in america stripped their coats of lace. Battalion Company Officers put away theres pontoons and emulated the example of their granted daring and counterparts, where they can kill at a distance, and bayonets, which facilitated hand to hand combat. One of the most memorable examples of this trend involves none other in our friend richard st. George. On april 15, 1776, st. George purchased a commission in the fourth regiment of foot, which was already stationed in america. Before he sailed west, he posed for a fulllength portrait by thomas gainsborough, who is today considered one of englands great old masters of the 18th century. Callur purposes today, i your attention to the st. George portrait, and that of a brother officer from the same regiment on this slide. Protrude holmes 7071 of thomas embury, who probably posed in this prewar finery. Contrast emburys coat with st. Georges. St. George retained his epaulet and sash, he clearly tried to make less of a show of himself. Gone is the silver buttonhole lace. George went to america wearing a sword, an officers traditional weapon, but armed his self with a fusel and bayonet. Guards bound for america took similar precautions. 1776, Lieutenant Colonel edward matthew, the commander of the brigade of guards, directed his officers to make up a uniform with white lace like the privates of their respected regiments. He instructed them to r replace spontoons. Foot guards and officers reported for duty in coats, smothered with thick, gold lace. For Field Service in europe, coats with non button loops, but with gold lace edging on their faces. This portrait of lieutenant and captain thomas. As well shows what he looks like when he served in the First Company First Battalion brigade of guards during the new York Campaign of 1776. His coat lacks an epaulet. The tales appear to have been cut short in emulation of light infantry. No buttons are visible on his cuffs. The buttonholes are bare. Spacing and shoulder straps are edged with thin white courting, rather than gold lace. The headgear consists of a cut for hat with a narrow brim some sun protection, and a few black feathers attached to the left side. He carries a fusel and bayonet and there is no sign of a sword. Sash, because there are badges of ranks officers refused to relinquish. Sergeants similarly dispense of gold lace on their uniforms. The brigade of guards modified their appearance in other ranks. Grenadiers lost their bearskin caps and had to wear cap habits with front peaks and visors. Light infantry men received similar headgear. 1776, two days after the brigade arrived at sandy hook, matthew informed his Battalion Companies that they would cut their hats around immediately and so the lace on again, one flap to stand up, and the other 2 to be down. In other words, they converted their hats, which left their faces exposed to the sun, into round hats. All guardsmen cut their coats short to light infantry length. The king george the third topographical collection of the British Library houses a watercolor by lieutenant and captain bellew of the Grenadier Company that shows the Battalion Company private standing at the guard camp on Staten Island in 1777. As we can see, he sports a broad brimmed hat and shortened coat. Here are reenactors in a reconstruction of the uniform. Had happenedilar among redcoats already in the war zone. Of the bunkeriew hill area executed in the summer of 1775 by captain Thomas Davies of the Royal Artillery positioned three infantrymen in the foreground. The figure at right is an officer or sergeant, judging by his sword, cocked hat, and a fusel with a bayonet. The other figures, enlisted men, model cocked hats converted into round hats with brims to guard against the sun. Redcoats underwent other changes that made their lives a little easier. Under the royal clothing warned of 1768, enlisted infantry carried ammunition and black leather cartridge boxes on the right hips from a belt over their left shoulders. There bayonet and or hangers were on their left hips attached to waist belts. Brass buckles with their regimental numbers or badges. Troops in america began draping there bayonet belts over there right shoulders, which was less constricting. This use of cross belts became so popular army wide, it quickly spread to regiments stationed in england. As reinforcements from europe swelled the ranks to 32,000 redcoats and hessians, the work of simplification continued. A wonderful snapshot of this process can be found in robert cleverleys depiction of september 15, 17 76, which since the british capture of new york city. One of the most prolific maritime artists of the georgian era. At first glance, its another tribute to great britains awesome amphibious expertise, waves of british and blue crab german infantry with artillerymen going ashore on long boats, while broadsides from british warships shock a dog any continentals may be awaiting them. Closer look at the redcoats in the small boats. These men are not wearing cocked hats, but round hats with narrow brims. Look at the back of their heads. There are no ponytails hanging down there next, which confirms written observations that howe had british infantrymen crop their hair short, a measure calculated to ensure their comfort, and a timesaver, sparing them from the inordinate amount of time required to maintain european hairdressing styles. We are indebted to richard st. Evidence of even more dramatic changes in the dress of howes army. He was an amateur artist whose drawings translated into widely circulated engravings. St. George continued to produce watercolors after he went to war. Three of those works dating from 1777 now belong to the harlem pro library, which has loaned them for displa in cost of revolution. He left the fourth regiment of foot, transferring as a lieutenant into the 52nd 20iment of foot on december third, 1776. Assigned to the 52nd Light Company, he assumed a place in the forefront of the action as general sir he sits on the ground puffing on a pipe after finishing a meal while on outpost duty. His soldier servant offers him a cloak to shield him from rainfall. Had it indrawing myself conversing with prisoners. The thing to know with each drawing is what st. George is wearing. Instead of a regimental coat he models a round about. A single breasted jacket without tales. The garment has no lapels, leaving st. George to display the face and color of only his cuffs. The jacket is equipped with light infantry wings. We could see st. George wears his hair cropped. Instead of the leather helmet, he and his servant where more practical and comfortable hats. In my triumphant entry into philadelphia he depicts himself wrapped in a blue cloak after he suffered a serious wound at the battle of germantown. We cannot see any of st. Georges uniform or much of what are wearing beside him. A wounded corporal in a round hat with the left brim folded up, a red roundabout jacket with laced wings and black leather to carry. It also carries st. Georges hat with his unwounded left arm. George, some of these drawings and others sent some of these drawings and others like them. In 1778, the pair released a few in america which celebrated the british capture in philadelphia and underline the inconvenient fact that the rebel cause had not collapsed. St. Georges influence can be immediately recognized in the figure of the british regiment and campaign dress mocking his herbal prisoners. One of them a black man struck on his backside by a cannonball. Museum of the American Revolution owns two paintings from 1782 that show the infantry in action during Philadelphia Campaign. George turned each into a guide to house the redcoats of how they looked when they went on campaign. He recreated the devastating british attack of september 20, 1777 on the pennsylvania continentals at paoli. The artist painted the continentals attempt to avenge themselves at germantown on october 4 of that year. An showsh infantry m up prominently as one might expect. Britishshows green clad riflemen trained by Patrick Ferguson supporting the light bobs. In the germantown painting we see members of the Battalion Companies of the 40th regiment with a wildly inaccurate regiment of where they made their famous stand that delay general washingtons advance. Note that the personnel had cut their coats short and converted hats into round hat. And they where leather. Between st. Georges drawings and the brushwork, we witness the redcoats light where. At the sight of the revolutionary war they took considerable time in covering his lower extremities. He had to pull on a pair of long white stockings that stretched over his knees which he secured with black leather garters. Then he donned a pair of short leg breaches that blend and buckled below the knees. Heprotect his shoe tops, received two pairs of leggings called gators. Full ones extended above the knees, which means they could not be put on quickly. They were hard to secure those buttons. Gators were designed for a skintight fit. Half gators were more convenient because they only buttoned two above the ankles. Nevertheless, this system required the soldier to put on 810 items to be properly attired below the waist. Britisheorge shows us, enlisted men moved to trousers. A garment that combined breaches, stockings, and daters. Which iservers confirmed by written documentation. Occurred elsewhere in great britains American Army. Plaids foroops swap trousers. Light infantry favored the soft over the distinctive bearskin and leather caps. Other regiments placed bearskin caps in storage and took the field in round hats. He was not the only British Field force to undergo alterations. In the same year they captured philadelphia, John Burgoyne attempted to lead a british army down lake champlain, lake george, and hudson river to albany in a futile bid to split the united states. Burgoynes campaign took place in what they considered wilderness country and his army prepared accordingly. Before burgoyne marched south they decreed all british regiments in canada had knee length regimental codes to cut to jacket length. Cut down their hats for conversion into light infantry style caps. In addition to the changes, we note that some of burgoynes redcoats switched from stockings and half gators to trousers. All of the british infantry adopted cross belts. Addition, lieutenant james hunter of the Royal Artillery captured three unusual looking colorts in a 1777 wider watercolor. Modeling theo short and regimented coats, two of these fellows support caps with visors and indian style leggings that reached to the tops of their thighs. This is why some historians deduced they belonged to captain alexander Frasers Company of select marksmen. This ad hoc formation consisted of the two best shots from every company under burgoyne and operated in support of the many indian allies who accompany his allies. Burgoynes adapted artillery, we could go on surveying the alterations in the british armys appearance for the rest of the war. Which im sure you dont want to do. For instance, by the time the south had become the main theater, the regiments had scored their bearskin hats and trousers. Ator i think this lecture has already made its main point. Either that or it has exhausted your patients. The british army of the American Revolution was not some Parade Ground Organization Led by impractical thoughts. This was a formidable organization whose officers took thing seriously and sought to make the most effective use of resources entrusted to them. It was no accident that the british soldier won most of his battles or that it took americans eight grueling years to secure independence. Military however in vietnam, afghanistan, and iraq, the british army learned it is not enough to vanquish armies on the battlefield when confronted by an armed insurgency that controls much if not all of the countryside along with the populace. No matter how well great powers train their troops, mighty armies will squander their strength. Not a viable formula for winning hearts and minds in the strategic plans. Thank you. [applause] we have a few minutes for questions i believe. Thank you. Having done a great job at how bad the seven years war outfits were getting People Killed and providing an impossible to miss target, why earliermass line and clothing regulations adopted . Prof. Urwin they are conditioned by the strengths and witnesses weaknesses of weapon systems. In the 18th century they reflect the strength and limitations. O it wasnt a rifled weapon accurate beyond 75 yards or so. Thoughtto victory was was to concentrate your fire. One man shooting at an individual target kind of like standing at a stream and throwing a pebble. If you put up a handful you will score more hits. Musket bullets would deviate up and down, right and left. Said, firing at an individual target you might not know it. If you get everybody to mass fire and send out a wall at the enemy. Even if you dont get the guy in front of you, if you get the man down from him youre getting a contribution. Plus, you are fighting at close range. That makes handtohand combat more likely. A football fan knows what a tight line can do to a strong up line. The fact that the british went to these tactics. Combat,ht handtohand rebels breaking before contact was made is a terrific testimony to their discipline. It is also testimony to the trust british officers in the 1770s were posed with their enlisted men. Often you have to leave it to sergeants and corporals and sometimes privates to use initiative in making tactical decisions. Very different relationship than what a merged with the british army under the duke of wellington. [indiscernible] prof. Urwin they adapted in the 1750s. There were a lot of officers killed. Why did they adopt those uniforms that singled out them in the 1750s . Isf. Urwin the dress code adopted in 1751 and the 17 years 1755. Eaks out in that is the first time large numbers of british regulars are fighting in north america. They learned quickly from their mistakes. Back then, gentlemen dressed a certain way. There is one way of singling out an officer in a position of authority. A way of demonstrating his prestige. Way was just part of the culture. To north america and change those customs, they adapt. The british army will have a pretty strong debate in the 1780s and 1790s over what kind of tactical nodes are best. Frencht a bunch of cavalry in europe you are dead. The army that fights under wellington, partially through the influence of a young officer in north america to have the steady redline to hold its position against the french but also lots of skirmishers. Regiment will have a company too. Im curious to the location of the barracks in Chester County and Montgomery County in philadelphia. Where were these locations for the british army . Prof. Urwin i dont know. During the seven years war when the british army went into Winter Quarters people objected to quartering regular troops and homes. Different colonies were asked to build barracks. Is ald barracks at trenton barracks network. One more question. Does anyone have a question . A quick question about the queens rangers. They were formed for the seven years warprof. Urwin rogers rangers. Commission from congress, they dont trust him and he goes to the british and offers his services. Officers donth like the quality of the officers. Rogers by this time is past his prime. He had a drinking problem after he went back to england, he may have had it here in north america. Officers are eased out and replaced by loyalist gentlemen from new york and virginia. The queens rangers are reconstituted, eventually they come out of the command of a young man without much money. Get ahead by distinguishing himself in combat and fighting a patron insert henry clinton. Minding him of everything he does right. A reputation for himself. He ends up commanding and mixed command of infantry, he has a rifle company, he has a highland company. He starts raising it. It was one of the best forces in the british army. It is funny because the 18th century was a hierarchal time. People whoalk about performed well in battle, they name only officers. He wrote diatribes to himself. Imaginary dialogues are all the principles of american republicanism. Willu read his journal she talk about sergeant soandso and private soandso. He didnt care about class. Promoted men from the ranks. If they acted like gentlemen and acted bravely. It is an interesting figure. He goes to canada. At the same time, there was egalitarian streak there. Does that answer your question . He said it is great because he liked to set up ambush caves. Summertime guys blended with trees. By the time the fall and winter comes on the green is kind of brown. Deliberately. Sorry for going on a tangent. [applause] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2019] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] ago, irani and students overran the u. S. Embassy in tehran and held hostages. Sunday, watched two American History tv features on the hostage crisis. Former Carter Administration official Stuart Eisenstadt and former iranian hostage john limburg. Film 444a. M. , the 1989 days to freedom detailing the hostage crisis. With no help coming the besieged staff retreat. One american went out and tried to save them, he was blindfolded. The american surrendered. Explore our nations passed on American History tv every weekend on cspan3. This weekend, American History tv is joining our spectrum Cable Partners showcasing the history of laramie, wyoming. To watch more, visit cspan. Org citiestour. We continue now with our look at the history of laramie. We are in that mansion that edward ivinson. Built and it is now the home of that Laramie Plains museum, and it has been restored because for about 10 years it was vacant and people broken and vandalized the building and it has been a very long and fruitful effort to make it into this Wonderful Museum that we have here that highlights not only the ivinson family but issues from the past

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