Transcripts For CSPAN3 President Trump Departure Remarks 20240714

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Mr. President , whats your reaction to the testimony . Mr. President , Robert Mueller so we in a very good day today, the republican party. Our country. There was no defense of what Robert Mueller was trying to definite defend. In all fairness to Robert Mueller, whether his performance was bad one or good one, i think everybody understands that. I think everybody understands what was going on. There was no defense to this ridiculous hoax, in witch hunt thats been going on for a long time. Pretty much from the time i came down on the escalator with our first lady. And its a disgrace what happened. But i think today proved a lot to everybody, in fact some of my biggest opponents wrote things today that i wouldnt have believed knelled have written. And i appreciate that they did that. In has been a ver bad thing for our country. And despite everything we have been through its been an incredible two and a half years for our country. The administration, our president , me, weve done a great job. Weve got the strongest stock market, the best unemployment numbers, the most number of people ever working in the history of our country right now, almost 160 million. Our military has been rebuilt and getting even stronger. Weve done a great job. And we have done it under this terrible, phoney cloud, a phoney cloud. Thats all it was. And they should be ashamed of themselves, absolutely ashamed. And you know who knew it was a phoney cloud more than anyone else is schiff is nadler and schumer and pelosi. Every one of them they all knew it was phoney stuff. And you look at the polls. The polls are showing it maybe more than anybody else or anything else. And ive had my best polls. And i dont say why. But people see whats gone on in our country with this whole thing. Ive been going through it for three years, for three years, all nonsense. So this was a very big day for our country. Informs a very big day for the republican party. And you could say it was a great day for me. But i dont even like to say that. Its great. Ill tell you what. I very much appreciate knows incredible warriors that you watched today on television, republicans, that defended something and defended something very powerful, very important, because they were really defending our country more than anything else. They were defending our country. But they were warriors. And theyve been warriors for a long time. And everybody knew it was a hoax, especially the democrats. I wish we could be a fly on the wall in those rooms where the democrats would go and talk before and after meetings. And knetheyd be laughing and smiling and say can you believe we are getting away with this but in the end they didnt get away with it. Yeah. So there is no such thing. He didnt have the right to exonerate. And you know its very interesting. People mention exon ration. That was something he totally folded but are because he never had the right to exonerate. And it was covered well by congressman turner and put to a conclusion. We were if you take a look at not only the report, beyond the report, take a look at not what he said but what he was forced to say. And even your networks and your network and your Network Every one of the networks they put up their hands. We had a couple of cases with actually about six cases where they asked our people our representatives Television Networks please dont come in tonight were not doing much on it. And the reason theyre not, because its over. Go ahead. Two questions for you are you concerned youll be indicted so wikileaks is a hoax just like everything else. And all of the problems having to do with crime were the biggest hoax of all. A witch hunt. A total witch hunt. When you saw Robert Muellers statement, the earlier statement and then he did a recap, he did a correction later on in the afternoon. And you you know what that correction was. And you still asked the question. You know why, because youre fake news. And youre one of the most. Let me just tell you the fact that you asked that question youre fake news. Because you know what, he totally corrected himself in the afternoon. And you know that just as well as anybody. Kaitlyn, kaitlyn. I dont know whose answers werent. I guess his answers werent. Because if you look the whole report, you take a look at what they did, some of the things that he didnt even know about, some of the things he didnt even know what was going on. But, you know, in the end what he did, he actually probably came through for himself. The performance was obviously not very good. He had a lot of problems. But what he showed more than anything else is that in whole thing has been three years of embarrassment on waste of time for our country. And you know what, the democrats thought they could win an election like this. I think they hurt themselves very badly for 2020. Did your son donald trump junior speak with Robert Mueller. I never i dont know. Frankly whether or not he did, it wouldnt matter to me. Because he did nothing wrong. He did nothing wrong. It was always a very unimportant meeting. It was only important to the fake news. Go ahead. No he didnt say that. Again, your fake news and youre right at the top of the list also. Let me just tell you go back to its not what he said. Read his correction. Read his correction. If you read his correction youll find out. Thats why people dont deal with you, because youre not an honest reporter. John. Mr. President john, they are devastated. The democrats lost so big today the. Their party is in shamables right now. Theyve got the squad leading their party. They are a mess. Where even you take a look at scribe and so many of the people that were the most outspoken and they say this was a devastating day for the democrats appear on a you know it, john. And everybody else knows it. Informs a devastating day for the democrats. Mr. President after you leave office you could be indicted. No, no, a very dumb and unfair question because if you look at his correction, he took that totally out of play. He made his decision based on the facts not based on some rule. You shuntd ask that question because you know its a phoney. Go ahead. The democrats had nothing. And now they have less than nothing. And i think theyre going to lose the 2020 election very big, including congressional seats because of the path that they chose. Now, who knows where it goes. From what i hear they are giving up. But i just say i know them too well. They will never go back up. Any will go back and try and figure something out. This whole thing honestly its been collusion collusion with the media. Its been collusion with other countries. This has been a disaster for the democrats. And i think were going to win bigger than ever. Now, im going to West Virginia, one of the great states, a state thats doing if you look at percentage up, i think its number one or two in the country. And nobody would have believed that. West virginia is doing great. Im going to West Virginia. We did have a big case today. You know we won the asylum case in washington which frankly you should be asked about that. Because thats the real deal. I cant believe how nice you are today. Go ahead give me a question. No, because we did nothing wrong. The answer is very simple. Nothing was done wrong. This was all a big hoax. If you look at it today nothing was done wrong. Now, i believe what you are going to find you are going to find a lot of things that were done very wrong, but thats going on now. Thats something you havent been writing about. And that has to do with the other side. That has to do with the thing called investigate the investigators. Lets see what happens. Thats going to be very interesting. Do you think Robert Mueller look, i think Robert Mueller did a horrible job, both today and with respect to the investigation. But in all fairness to Robert Mueller, he had nothing to work with. You know you can be a builder but if they dont give you the right materials youre not going to build a very good building. Robert mueller had no material, nothing to work with. Obviously he did very poorly today. I dont think there is anybody even among the fakers. I dont think anybody that would say he did well. I looked at your people. Theyre saying it was devastating for the democrats. And even i will tell you the two most nauseating networks whose ratings have gone down even said this was a really bad day for the democrats. So Robert Mueller did a poor job. But in all fairness to him he had nothing to work with. David. Look, i saw what he did to people, how he ruined peoples lives because they didnt remember a date or something very minor. He ruined peoples lives. The democrats took people and destroyed their lives. They went bankrupt because they couldnt afford the legal fees and good people, e. Many people when you ask me that question all they have to do is see how nice the weather is if i made a mistake and said i was talking to the media and said it was a rainy and overcast they would say he lied. Let me tell you ive seen what they have theyve done to people, destroyed people like general flynn and so many others, what they have done to people, no, i did the right thing. You said mueller did a horrible job. Well mueller had no material. Mueller had no material to work with. And he did a horrible job. Obviously his presentation was way off. But thats okay. It didnt matter. He had no material. There was nothing done wrong. In fact things were done right. There was nothing done wrong. And certainly i mean, look, i read the papers and i read the press and the internet. And if you see whats going on the internet, if you listen to the internet, this was one of the worst performances in the history of our country. So you know that. You know that very well. But i dont think anybody could have done a good performance. He had no material. It was a fake set of facts that the democrats used to and others, to try and do really an illegal overthrow but were going to find out about it. Well the asylum is a big say it so the asylum is a very big ruling. That was a tremendous ruling today. We appreciate it. We respect the courts very much. That helps us very much at the border. The numbers are way down at the border, which is a good thing. Apprehensions are way down because mexico now has 22,000 soldiers. And they are they mean business because they know what happened. The alternative is not good for them. Its also good for mexico what they are doing because the cartels have been running all of the border for years and years. And mexico is saying and the president is saying, we got to clean it up. So theyve got 21,000 soldiers. Theyll probably put up more. But this ruling today and asylum is a tremendous ruling. So guatemala gave us their word. We were going to sign a safe third agreement. And then all of a sudden they backed up. They said it was their Supreme Court. I dont believe that. But they used in Re Supreme Court as the reason they didnt want to do it. So well either do tariffs or well do something. Were looking at something severe with respect to guatemala. Ive already cut off payments. I did that a year ago. I cut all payments going to honduras, el salvador and guatemala. We used to send them 500 million for nothing, for nothing they didnt do anything except send up caravans. Guatemala we will take care of and it wont be even be tough. Were looking at a couple of things. One of the things very heavy as you know mexico put 6,000 people on that border. Let me just tell you. I know you always have a question. You mean my white house aides lied . What about his aides. What about muellers aides. What do you say to that. He didnt say that at all. You are untruthful when you asked that question. When you asked that question youre untruthful. And you know who else is untruthful, you know who else is untruthful, his aides. And wiseman was untruthful. Wiseman got caught just like with Arthur Anderson where he lost to the Supreme Court 90 High Pressure his aides were untruthful and they put mueller not taufrl they put mueller in a very bad position. His aides put him in a very bad position. If you were ever truthful youd be able to write the truth. No but im very happy. I havent called boris but im very happy that he won. You know what happened with strzok and paige, meaning the two lovers is a disgrace. Because they had a lot of Text Messages, and mueller illegally deleted the Text Messages. And they didnt get too much into that because he forgot. He didnt really know. He didnt know too much, didnt know anything. But strzok and paige were texting. Dont forget they were the ones with just in case we lose we have an insurance policy. This is the same strzok and paige. That was the a very, very bad situation. What they did and mueller did he deleted their Text Messages back and forth, probably thousands of them. Thats a serious problem. I think its going to help us because everyone sees now that this has been going on for so long. In all fairness to mueller this has gone on long before mueller. In has gone on from sometime we came down the escalator. And i got great poll numbers. From the beginning i was leading. And in really took place sometime right after we came down the escalator, the first lady and myself. And i will tell you something. I think its going to have a huge negative impact on 2020 for the democrats. President trump at the white house from within the hour. He is headed up to West Virginia for a fund raiser. The president reacting to reporters questions on the hearings today, the house judiciary, House Intelligence Committee hearings with the former special counsel Robert Mueller. We will show both hearings in the sboirt on cspan networks tonight. And coming up in a few minutes we will take you live to the capitol itself appear hear from Speaker Pelosi ant chairs of both committees and will continue with your phone calls. 2027488920, 2027488921 for republicans and our others line is 2027488922. On the others line in redding, california. Bonnie waiting patiently there. Thanks for standing by, bonnie go ahead with comments. Hi. Id like to

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