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And museum in west blank, iowa. Chaz fagen created the portraits for cspan in 1999 and recently added president trumps. The traveling exhibit created in conjunction with the White House Historical association was brought to the Hoover Library by cspan in partnership with media com. Curator marcus shows us the additional objects the museum borrowed to accompany each of the 44 portraits. Today were at the Hebert Hoover president ial library in west branch, iowa. We are in the museum portion of the building. And this is our temporary exhibit, which is cspans american president s life portraits. The idea for this came about from us thinking about bringing in the temporary exhibit from cspan. Then adding something personal from each man, at least at this point, each man to show Something Different about them not we think about them that this is about the president s. We want to show them as human beings as well. Some of these guys were very interesting. To borrow the objects, it was an extensive process to try to find sites associated with the different people and getting them to agree to loan us items. Among other people, though, we did work with the other president ial libraries and the National Archives president ial library system. And then everything from the National Park service who worked with to individual historical societies, state historical societies and even a few individuals. One of the things about the temporary exhibits that we do here at the hoover president ial library is that our temporary exhibits are generally here only. So while the base and the core of the show is the cspan american president s piece, the added objects are only going to be seen here in this configuration. If anybody else is putting Something Like this together, it will theyre on their own. So this is this is what we put together. Were pretty proud of it. Here we are with George Washington. George washington, the first president of the United States. One of our founding fathers. And what we have for George Washington is a copy from his library of a book called an essay on Human Understanding by john locke. That book was one of the ones used by the founding fathers. The ideas in that book from john locke are what, you know, go into the declaration of independence. So George Washingtons copy is from 1775. Inside of both front covers of it is his personal bookplate and then on the title page of each one, he actually signed his name into it. Which is apparently not common for him to have both of his bookplate and his signature. But what also makes these books unique is that these were owned by Herbert Hoover. Herbert hoover purchased these at a bookstore in new york city about im not exactly sure what year. We havent been able to figure that out. But about two blocks from where he lived in the waldorf towers is where that bookstore was located, but so the books were part of his washingtons private library. They were sold by his family later in the later 1800s. For 20. And Herbert Hoover spent about 2,700 to buy these books. And now heaven knows what theyre worth. Here we are at john adams. John adams is our second president. And one of our founding fathers. And what we have for john adams is we have the seal which he used to authenticate his signature on the treaty of paris of 1789, which ended the American Revolutionary war. He was sent to negotiate with the british and the treaty was signed in paris and the seal here, while his the adams family did not have their own family crest, the family crest that he used is the boyleson family crest, the family crest of his motherinlaw. And then moving on to thomas jefferson, our third president , also a founding father, of course. We have a glass ink well and a pen holder. A lot of pens, we think about the quill pen a lot, but feathers were not used as much as we seem to think in our minds. It had been just a wooden holder which would have helt a special tip which he would have used to write. The tip holder is from the monticello, who we borrowed this from. Dates it from 1775 to 1825. When he died. So it might be something that he used when he was writing the declaration of independence. We dont know. Here we are with James Madison, our fourth president , and also one of our founding fathers. And what we have borrowed for this is a document called the worship document of 1812 from the montpelier foundation. And this document is interesting because its a document which is for a ship, and the ship is an american cargo ship assigned by president James Madison and also signed by secretary of war james monroe. Who becomes the next president. But this document is to show that the ship is a neutral ship. At the time, the french and the british are taking american ships and american sailors and impressing them into their navies to fight for them or to sail for them or claiming theyre defectors from the british navy. This document was designed to claim that the ship was neutral and not let that happen. Later on at the beginning of the war of 1812, the ship was actually captured by the british. Then moving on to james monroe, what we have for james monroe on loan from the james monroe museum, is a snuff box. James monroe was known to partake of snuff. He liked snuff. A finally powder tobacco leaves which are inhaled through the nose or snuffed up. It was a very Common Social practice at this time. You put pass a little snuff box around, people would take a little pinch and snort it up their nose. James monroe is known for known to have enjoyed a variety of different types of tobacco products. Interesting sidenote, Dolly Madison was knowned to like to snuff tobacco as well. John quincy adams, son of john adams. What we have on loan is a set of cuff links which what makes them unique to john quincy adams, but theyre also tied to john adams, is that inside of each of the cuff links there is hair from both his mother, abigail adams, and john adams, and the other cuff link has hair of john adams, which he didnt have a lot of and his wife. So the hair is in there. It seems weird. Some people think its creepy that we have family members hair in our jewelry, but it was a very common practice, a way of remembering relatives who had passed away. Just keeping a piece of them close to us all the time. So thats pretty theyre pretty neat. They have on them in latin essentially it says remember consider the relatives. So he can think about your past that way when youre wearing these cuff links. For Andrew Jackson, we have whats referred to as a turkish pipe, on loan to us from the hermitage in tennessee. Not a lot is known about this pipe, but pipes were one of the more common ways of smoking tobacco at the time. His wife rachel is also known to enjoy smoking pipes as well. Here we are with Martin Van Buren. He was the chosen successor to Andrew Jackson. And Andrew Jackson gave him what he called a presentation cane, which is made out of hickory wood from Andrew Jacksons hermitage. Whats interesting about the cane when you look at it, its got Little Silver medallions. Each one of those from the top to the bottom, there is a letter that has been punched into those medallions and it spells Andrew Jackson all the way down it. That is on loan to us from the Martin Van Buren Historic Site. Here we are with William Henry harrison. One of our shortestlived president s. What we have for him is a presentation an inaugural cane which was presented to him. Were not sure who it was presented by, by the idea of presenting a cane to somebody or a walking stick, probably a more appropriate term, was a show of respect and a show of esteem to that person that youre giving it to. Around the top of the cane it is engraved on his Inauguration Day of march 4th, 1841. Canes were very common accessories as far as for out walking around. I think now we think of them as something that older people use to get around, but they were very fashionable in their day. Here we are with john tyler. John tyler was the Vice President for William Henry harrison and with harrisons death, he became president. And what we have on loan from through the Virginia Historical society and actually through his great granddaughter is a card and gaming table, which was a beautiful inlaid wood. Its probably made in the netherlands and it opens up into a smooth playing surface. Or it also has a second hinge which opens up into a felted tabletop for playing cards and a little place for keeping your coins or tokens. Popular card games at the time might have been hearts. Or even poker. Here we are with james k. Polk, the 11th president of the United States. We have heard he is a letter seal that you would seal with a hot wax. Polk was known to be a very prolific writer. He and his wife sarah together, sarah would travel with him and actually would bring long her little secretary desk that she would write and work things out. The two of them had a very equal relationship together for all the letters that he wrote. The seal itself is made from ivory and brass. It is on loan to us from the philston Historical Society. This is Zachary Taylor. And on loan to is a letter. The letter was written by Zachary Taylor when he was running for president to a friend of his by the name of colonel webb. And hes writing him about his Vice President candidate miller gi gilmore. He is interested in their stance on slavery. Zachary was a slave owner, but he wasnt for slavery continuing. But philmore thought slavery was evil but that the government should have no involvement in ending it. Thats what makes it an interesting letter. The handwriting of taylor is pretty hard to lead which is sort of interesting because i think of these guys as having a lot more legible handwriting than a lot of people do today. Some people of this era had gorgeous handwriting. Not taylors. As Vice President he was essentially appointing a friend of his to a clerkship. So the letter that we have talks about is to mentor walter lyman wood, who actually got him started in law. And what i find interesting about this piece here is that im dealing with only one of millard fillmores, but as i do more research on the object, it becomes less clear who he is actually writing this letter to. He is offering to his mentor, who would have taught him law, a job as a clerk in a law office for 700 a year. That seems sort of like it might be a step backwards for mr. Wood, but this is a letter written in his hand on loan to us from the aurora Historical Society in aurora, new york. Here we are with Franklin Pierce. And what we have here is a letter that Franklin Pierce wrote to Abraham Lincoln, which is on loan to us from the library of congress. Whats interesting about this letter is that this is a letter of sympathy that is written from pierce to Abraham Lincoln upon abraham the death of Abraham Lincoln assess son willie who was 11 years old. Part of what makes this letter a really heartfelt letter is that pierces own son died at the age of 11 shortly before he became president in 1853. He died in a train accident that all three of them were in. While franklin and his wife jane both survived uninjured, they did see the crushed body of their son, which was pretty tragic for them, and it they were both became pretty depressed as a result of that. Im pretty sure it affected franklins presidency. A really interesting letter, how he writes and expressing his sympathy to Abraham Lincoln. Moving on to James Buchanan, we have on loan from the lancaster Historical Association a pipe. Another tobacco smoking pipe. It is made in london. By the Company Named thaden. Which is something which James Buchanan was known to smoke a little bit. There is not a lot known about James Buchanan other than that. So this is one of the harder president s to try to get things for. Here we are at Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States. Abraham lincoln liked to go to the old soldiers home. When he would go to the old soldiers home, he would take his items, his papers, in this portfolio here which we have on loan to us from the Abraham Lincoln library and museum in springfield, illinois. And it is thought that he car carried some of the documents he worked on the emancipation proclamation in this portfolio. In addition to the portfolio, we also have the seal that he used, the seal of the United States. It can be dated to about 1864 because of the number of stars that are on it. Its very tiny, of course, but it has 36 stars, which would indicate when nevada had become a state. And actually also with that, we have the storage box that was made. Im not sure when that was made. That came with the seal. Its kind of interesting because its almost like a little relic box for holding this item of Abraham Lincolns. And then moving on to andrew johnson. Andrew johnson was actually apprentice at the age of 10 to a tailor. And did not like working for the for who he was apprenticed to. He actually ran away and went off to be a tailor in a different town. Moved around a little bit, but he ended up settling in greenville, tennessee, where he started his own tailoring business. So what we have on loan from him are some of his sheers and a large iron. The iron weighs about 10 pounds. Also have a thimble he would have used. He was a pretty successful businessman at doing that. And made a pretty good living at it. Here we are with grant. A letter he had written to his sisterinlaw, emma dent casey. After the civil war is over in august of 1865 and he is talking about sending her a check of 500. Hes talking about family plans, but one of the things that is interesting in the letter is hes talking about how he does not want to have a big party, you know, at the end of the civil war to celebrate. Hed rather go fishing. One of the things that is interesting about the letter is that the grants signature is cut out of it. So somebody would write to the family and say, i would like a grant signature. And the family would cut it out of the letter but keep the rest of the letter for themselves. So a lot of people were collecting signatures at this time or a later time, and very its not an uncommon thing to see that. Youll see that in lots of different places where different famous people, president s, whomever, their signatures have been taken out. And given to somebody. And moving on to rutherford b. Hayes. What we have is a pair of his shoes on loan to us from the rutherford b. Hayes museum. And the shoes are pretty common shoes. Most shoes at this time, while they are considered to be were handmade, they are considered to be mass produced. Made in factories. You could still have shoes made for you specifically which would be a more comfortable fit. But this is a very common type of shoe. They dont appear to be left or rightfooted, though thats becoming less common at this time period as well. Here we are with james garfield, the 26th president of the United States. On loan to us from the western reserve Historical Society in cleveland, ohio, is a dressing gown. Now, a dressing gown at this time is not a bath robe, it was a less formal jacket that you would have worn at home around the house, maybe take it off take off your formal jacket when you got home from work and put Something Like this on. One of the things that they allowed in some ways was a lot of men to have a lot more color in their wardrobes, because it was pretty drab most of Mens Clothing at this time, but these things can be pretty intricate and pretty interesting. So very comfortable for around the house, though. Here we are with Chester Arthur. And what we have for Chester Arthur are two letters that are on loan to us from the new york state archives. And the letters are dealing with getting supplies at the beginning of the civil war. Chester arthur was working with the Quarter Master general for the state of new york and trying to supply the new troops as they were coming into the army in new york was a bit of a challenge. They had never had this many troops before so they were trying to get all the supplies, the weapons, uniforms, shoes, everything for all the people. It shows a little bit of confusion at the beginning of the war of getting that done. So the first one is from may the first letter is from may is the second one is from the beginning of june. You can see how in that time period things have actually gotten more efficient. Arthur was known to be pretty efficient at it, and actually he gets eventually promoted to becoming the quartermaster general for the state of new york. Never comes close to combat. But his serving his country in the best way that he is able to. Here we are with Grover Cleveland. The 22nd and 24th president of the United States. Hes the only president to serve nonconsecutive terms. And most people dont realize that he was an avid outdoorsman. He liked to go hunting and he liked to go fishing. What we have are some of his fishing bobbers that he would use when he would go fishing. These are on loan to us from the Grover Cleveland birthplace Historic Site in new jersey. And he was known for being very serious about his fishing. He was a couple of different times he said, if you want to catch a fish, attend strictly to business, which is something he said to one of his friends when they were out fishing. I think his friend was messing around or something, but he also believed that fishing is good for the soul and good for the country. But i think one of the funny things he said also, is the fishermans code of morals will not compel the holder of the bended rod if he exclaims damn that fish. Moving on to Benjamin Harrison, Benjamin Harrison, what we have for Benjamin Harrison is his postpresidency. He continued to be an attorney. And one of the things that he did was he represented the country of venezuela against british guyana. While he was in paris for the trials of that, this is the hat that he wore at that time. A different style than you sometimes see. Its not the straight stovepipe hat. It has a concave all the way around it, but he wore this hat around paris. While he was in paris, he spent 25 hours in the courtroom. He filed an 800page brief. And while he lost the case, he did get International Acclaim for the arguments, the legal arguments that he used. Here we are with William Mckinley. The object that we have for William Mckinley is from the William Mckinley home in canton, ohio. And William Mckinley, its an ice skate. As a boy, William Mckinley was not very interested in sports. However, he did enjoy ice skating. He enjoyed playing marbles. And he enjoyed shooting a bow and arrow. Items for William Mckinley are hard to come by. His collection was all disbursed. He had no living descendants so most of his things are around and theyre hard to come by. So to have an ice skate is a pretty neat thing to have here, and were glad to have it. Moving on to teddy roosevelt, theodore roosevelt, the 26th president of the United States. And what we have is one of his saddles that he rode when he was a rancher in the dakotas. And one of the interesting things about his time in the dakotas is he went out to the dakotas after his first child was born, alice. Two days later, his mother, Teddy Roosevelts mother died, and then his wife alice died, leave him with a newborn child. He was really stricken with grief on losing both of those people at the same time. So he went out to the dakotas. Had purchased a ranch out there named the maltese cross. He learned to ride, to rope, to do all of the things that a cowboy does out there. And did that for three or four years before he eventually moved back to new york. And this saddle is on loan to us. Here we are with William Howard taft. William howard taft is the only president to after the presidency go on to become the a Supreme Court justice. He was the chief Supreme Court justice. Up until shortly before he died. After being defeated for reelection, he went on to teach at yale law school. While he was there, we have two of his exams that he gave to his law students. We also have a document from when he was the summer white house was in beverly, massachusetts. And in beverly, massachusetts, we have an itinerary of the things that he did go for a drive, occasionally meet the public, go to church was a part of that. Those are the Different Things that he did there. And then moving on to Woodrow Wilson. Woodrow wilson, the 28th president of the United States, and the item that we have for Woodrow Wilson is a picnic set. And whats interesting about this is this is one of the picnic sets that he used when he was courting his second wife. His first wife had died during his first term, and he was introduced to this woman less than a year after his wife had died. And they fell in love. They would go on drives. They would take a picnic set like this and go out to picnic at a park in the washington, d. C. Area or drive. He also had a second set, which is only for tea, so they could do whatever they wanted to do that way. This continued up into the presidency as well. Here we are with warren g. Harding. Warren g. Harding, what we have for him is a some golf clubs and a golf ball. Warren g. Harding was an avid golfer. He was introduced to golf at the age of 51 when he was in the senate. He was had a 22 handicap. And considered golfing under 100 to be a personal victory. He golfed as often as his schedule would allow him to golf. He spent a lot of time golfing. The last time he golfed was two weeks before he died. One of the things that he would do is he would, like the social aspects of it, but he also liked the game of it. He would everyone always have a little side wager going on. He insisted having even the president paying up that obligation and paying the debt if he lost. He was always followed by his dog latty boy. The two of them can be seen doing that. Here we are with cal vvin coolidge. He was a lifelong fisherman, but he was mostly a bait fisherman. He learned fly fishing. We have some of his flies in the case here and one of his reels. In 1926, when his secret service chief took him out to a stream which he had freshly stocked so there would be lots of fish there ready and willing to bite, Herbert Hoover referred to him as a started out and not a very good fly fisherman, but by the end of his term he was passable. Here we are with Herbert Hoover, the 33rd president of the United States. For president that i worked for. So what we have for Herbert Hoover, though, is not an actual object, but some home movies that were taken of him which really show him in a different light. Thats the idea, again, of this whole exhibit for us, adding objects to show a personal side of the president. Included with the films which we are showing here are two colored films, which are the earliest colored films from the white house. These were taken by his wife. In a format called coda color. When run through a regular prodger, they look like black and white films, but when run through a special type filter at the time, they become color. Those filters didnt exist. They recently digitized and colorized by got a grant to do that. And they were just released to the public in february of this year. Now were with Franklin Delano roosevelt, the 32nd president. Roosevelt, said i owe my life to stamp collecting. What we have on loan here from the Franklin Roosevelt president ial museum is one of his stamps and the magnifying glass he used to explore stamps. As a child he would collect stamps. Taught him about geography and the world. As an adult when he had polio, it was a way that he could take his mind away from that. And that allowed him to recover quicker. As an adult, as president , his son commented how he had never seen him more relaxed when he had an hour or a half hour free schedule where he could look at his stamps. Thats what he loved to do. Here we are with harry s. Truman. Harry truman would spend some of his winters in key west, florida, at what was called the little white house. While at the little white house, he started wearing these button up shirts. We think of as a hawaiian shirt. They became very fashionable very quickly. He found them to be more comfortable in the heat. And it affected mens fashion. So a lot of men around the country started wearing these shirts. It was a real big boom for the Mens Clothing companies throughout the country. It became known as the key west uniform. He really liked the shirts a lot. Here we are with Dwight Eisenhower. And what we have from Dwight Eisenhower is one of his paintings. After golf, his second favorite passion was painting. He painted over 260 paintings in the 20 years after he was president. He first got started painting after watching a portrait being painted of his wife. And that got him interested in painting. Though when his stuff was on exhibit at a new york art gallery in 1967, he said, and i quote, they would have burned this exploitive a long time ago if i werent president of the United States. Here we are with john f. Kennedy. For john f. Kennedy we have on loan from the john f. Kennedy president ial library and museum a model of his pt boat from world war ii, pt 109. It was important to him because it was the boat he commanded in the pacific which was sunk by the japanese. And he and ten of the crew survived. They were able to swim to an island and were able to get rescued that way. As a result, kennedy received the navy and marine medal as well as a purple heart. Here we are with lyndon johnson. For lyndon johnson, we have the telephone from his desk at the white house. If you look at the telephone, it is massive buttons for different lines and everything. There is even an extra side panel for more buttons that were add on the side because he needed more to contact more people. Lyndon johnson was always on the telephone. He had a telephone installed in his bathroom. He would talk with people. He would bring people in there and talk with them in the bathroom, which i think would be a little bit disconcerning. He also recorded telephone conversations he had. Those were supposed to be not open to the public until 50 years after he had died. However, that changed in 1993 with related to john f. Kennedys assassination. As a result of a commission looking into that, they opened and they started transcribing or even releasing the public the Public Recordings of those. You can find them on the internet. Anything to be desired. Hell, i dont know why theyre so interested in what the votes up here are. If i can get along with a senator from texas, it looks like yall could. And ive bet hes insulted me more than he has anybody else. If i can endure his program, if i can take charlie hearing, it looks like yall can. If i can get along, i dont know why you have to run the washington end of the deal. Yall go on and run washington. A lot of them are at the Miller Center in virginia. You can just download them and listen to them on your computer. Theyre very interesting to hear just the way he talks to people. The way he coerces people. And how he goes about his business. And here we are with Richard Nixon. For Richard Nixon, we have on loan from the Richard Nixon president ial library and museum a pair of his reading glasses. Richard nixon did not like to be seen in his glasses so there are very few photographs of him wearing his glasses. However, whats kind of fun about these glasses is if you look at the right ear piece, you can see where they had been chewed on as he held them in his teeth. Mere we are with gerald ford. For gerald ford, the object that we have is one of the ski outfits that he wore when he was president. This is on loan to us from the gerald ford president ial museum in grand rapids, michigan. Whats fun about the ski jacket and the ski outfit is that he was an avid skier. He loved to go skiing. Ford is probably our most athletic of all president s. Despite what the saturday night live had done to him in the 70s, he really was a gifted athlete, but he learned initially how to ski in the 30s when his then girlfriend phyllis brown, who is also a model, had taught him to ski. And he and her appeared in look magazine and cosmopolitan magazine. In look magazine, there was actually a photo spread of him skiing with phyllis. Its kind of a fun thing there. As president , he was such a good skier that the secret service was unable to keep up with him. So they had to hire people whenever he would go on his vacations skiing in colorado. So that they could keep up with him and protect him. And here we are with jimmy carter. For jimmy carter we have a number of arrowheads that he collected at his farm in plains, georgia. He loved collecting arrowheads. He had a large collection of them, which are at the jimmy carter president ial Library Museum. These are on loan to us from there. As a result of his love of picking up artifacts and arrowheads that he found on his farm plowing or untilitilling t soil. Included the jimmy carter clause which made it it was not illegal toic up and collect arrowheads. We have on loan from the Ronald Reagan president ial library and museum in california. We have a pair of his riding gloves and work gloves. When he would go out to his ranch out in california just north of los angeles, on the coast in the mountains there, he would spend time relaxing. He thought it was as close to heaven as you could get without being in heaven. It was a place he really loved to go and enjoyed being there. And the gloves are interesting. It looks like sheep wool lined. Then the little buttons at the wrists are actually horse heads. Here we are with george h. W. Bush. And what we have are george h. W. Bush is from the george bush president ial Library Museum are a pair of custom cowboy boots which were made for him. They were given to him by the secret service in 2000. And whats unique about them is they have golf cleats on the bottom of them. What most people may not realize is that his father and grandfather were both the head of the United States golf association. So golf has been a big thing in his life for a lot of his life, but i think the mixing of the golf cleats and the cowboy boots is a very texas thing. Then moving on to bill clinton. For bill clinton, what we have is a pair of his Running Shoes made by nike. The Running Shoes are a size 13. They have the president ial logo on the tongue. These are on loan to us from the William Jefferson clinton president ial library in little rock, arkansas. Bill clinton was known for running eightminute miles, which is pretty good, a pretty good pace. He would run at least three miles a day. Additionally, when he was out running around washington, d. C. With his entourage of secret service guards, if other people were out jogging, he would holler over, come on and join us. Theyd come and talk. The secret service wasnt very excited about that because youre bringing in unknown people into the presence of the president there. He seemed to enjoy it. Got along just fine. And here we are with george w. Bush. For george bush, we have some baseball cards, which he collected as a boy. Im guessing 10, 11, 12, 13. And what he did with these baseball cards is he would tape them to a card, a selfaddressed card, and he would put it in an envelope and mail it to the baseball player and had a little note, handwritten note on them saying, please sign these cards and return. These cards are the ones he got back. It shows his early love of baseball. The president at one time who owned a baseball team, the texas rangers. And now barack obama. The 44th president of the United States. What we have borrowed from him from the barack obama president ial library is a chess set which he got as a gift from the beginning of jordan. Barack obama is known to play chess. He enjoys playing chess. Occasionally, he and his wife michelle played chess with each other. I dont know who wins more often or how often, if she plays willingly with him or not. He is known to have played wit this chess set. And here we are with donald trump. What we have for donald trump as an object is a one of the red baseball caps which he wore during the campaign. And the current president this early into an administration, its really hard to get objects for that were theirs. The National Archives at the time we were putting this all together did not have any items yet. The White House Gift unit had not received anything when we were working on this, so we were able to acquire a red hat, which we think represents is definitely representative of donald trump from the campaign and what hes trying to do as president. You can watch this program and others from our american artifacts series by visiting our website at cspan. Org history. Governors from across the country are gathering in washington, d. C. This weekend for their annual winter meeting. Throughout the day saturday, the National Governors association will host discussions on jobs. The Opioid Crisis and the future of agriculture and food availability. Our live coverage starts saturday at 10 00 a. M. Eastern, right after washington journal on cspan. Join us saturday at 9 30 a. M. Eastern on American History tv on cspan3. At the American Civil War museum in richmond, virginia. For live coverage of the civil wars impact on americans. Speakers include peter carmichael, director at Gettysburg College civil war institute. James robertson, author of the untold civil war. Jane schultz, author of women at the front. And amy morell taylor. From the Georgetown University law center. Guest speaker thomas west talks about his book, the political theory of the american founding. In a American Government based on consent, virtue is needed in more than any other form of government because in a republic the people themselves pick the rulers. Sunday at 4 00 p. M. On real america, the 1956 film a city decides about the historic Supreme Court decision brown v. Board of education. Group youth had delegates from all the high schools in st. Louis. Well, all i know is at our school some kids just dont like colored people. Well, heck, some of the kids at our school dont like white people either. Well, i think its the individual that counts. How are you going to get to know a person unless you meet them . When the Supreme Court ruled that segregation was illegal, these children were ready. And at 6 00 p. M. On american artifacts. We look at a collection of clifford berrimans political cartoons from the early 20th century. Clifford berriman continued to draw for the washington evening star for the next 42 years. His cartoons appeared almost daily. Usually on the front page of the paper. Very prominently placed. He had quite an ill plus truss career. Watch American History tv every weekend on cspan3. Each week, american artifacts takes you to museums and Historic Places to learn about american

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