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That relate to the city of Saratoga Springs specifically. The exhibit we will be going through is our orientation exhibit. It tells the story from prehistoric times always through the 20th century. The first part of the exhibit is one of the most important parts about saratoga is the spring water. They believed it had healing properties. There was a spring called high rock spring. The natives came to drink the water and also hunted in the area around saratoga lake. We have artifacts related to the native americans. Some go back thousands of years. One that we would like to show here is a piece of the deposit from high rock spring. If you were to visit the spring today, it looks like a small volcano. Through the 19th century the people would chip pieces away to take home as souvenirs. We were able to get this back and keep it as an exhibit in the museum. The First Permanent settlers in Saratoga Springs were in the 1780s. Gideon putnam built a tavern and boarding house on what is now broadway in saratoga. We have one artifact that relates right back to that building. It is a tavern sign that we have. It was painted by his wife in 1802. The sign depicts a relative of theirs. Israel was hanging upside down in the painting and it is that he was going into a whole where hole where a wolf had climbed in. He went out with a Hunting Party shot the wolf, and pulled it out with his bare hands. This was so important to the family and the community that at the hometown in connecticut there are historical markers talking about it. That is the first art you would have seen if you came into downtown Saratoga Springs. Throughout the early part of our exhibit we talk about the early settlement of the city. Especially the spring waters. This is a portrait of john steele. We took samples of many of the mineral springs. It was determined that what your ailment was you could drink a different spring to try and treat it. You need things to do besides drinking water. Major hotels were constructed. There was an opera house, there were plays, there were dances you could attend. Also other things you could do for fun including gambling or watching horse racing. In this area, we still focus on the spring water. That is what we are here for. In this area here, we have original saratoga water bottles. One is from Congress Springs. It has the original water in it from somewhere around 1870. This stick is a called a cipper a dipper. At the mineral springs, there would be boys and girls who would work and would put the dipper into the water. You would give them a tip. If you came to Saratoga Springs, the mineral water was always free at the spring. That was very traditional. It was a rule. If you were to purchase a bottle, it would have been pretty expensive. It put saratoga on the map. These bottles worship all over were shipped all over the world. Most of the springs had Diuretic Properties and worked as a laxative. That went along with 19th century medicine. If you came here from the south, or from new york city, you have a prescription from your doctor. The doctors used these analysis of the spring water like dr. John steeles. In the morning, you will go to Congress Spring followed by a risk walk. All of this was to try to create a healthy body that to alleviate any digestive issues you might have. So, Saratoga Springs had a history of gambling. In the late 19th century we had gentlemen gamblers. They went to clubhouses owned by the wealthiest men in america. After their closures in the 20th century, we have a period where gambling quieted down for a bit. In the 1920s and 30s picked up. Then the gangsters came to Saratoga Springs. The most aim is two, was arnold the most famous was arnold rothstein. In 1919, he opened a gambling house called the brook. It was located on the outskirts of the city. Rothsteins model was that they would have highend entertainment in the front rooms and in the back rooms gambling would take place. It was always illegal in Saratoga Springs but with the clientele, everybody looked away. There was a story about the brook. In the 1930s there would be a police raid, the police went to the front door around 8 00 p. M. And said they needed to check the place out. They went through, went room after room and didnt find anything. They got to the third floor and a locked door. The maitre dsaid there is a little old lady in the room and she is very tired and doesnt feel well. Everyone agreed and the police left. They say within half an hour at the place was up and running again. Everybody knew what was happening, but these places drew a lot of money in the saratoga. In 1953, the key developer investigations. That shut down all gambling here. With the demise of gambling and then soon after that the construction of the north way or i87, tourists no longer had to drive straight through Saratoga Springs. They could easily bypass us. That is starting to change the dynamic of the city. We had all of these massive hotels that could host thousands of people. In the 1950s, we call this the. Period of decline. It continued until 1966 which was a turning point. That is when the Saratoga Performing Arts Center was originated. It spurred a rebirth of the city. In 1984, a city center was constructed. That began to bring in more tourism and the rest really is history. The city revitalized itself and even through the economic decline in a few years ago, the art city was one of the few still growing. Today it still is. Now Saratoga Springs is a tourist destination. We are really proud of how our city how they have their ups and downs but how it has built is up to be one of the strongest communities. Our cities tour staff recently traveled to Saratoga Springs, new york. Learn more about Saratoga Springs and other stops on her tour at cspan. Org citiestour. Youre watching American History tv. A weekend, every weekend. On cspan 3. Afterwords, Washington Examiner editor on his book bannon. He is interviewed by texas representative louie gohmert. You spent a lot of time with stephen k. Bannon. Goals, talkedis about what he wants to do. You give him to be able to reach those goals . Oh, so, you want me to be utterly on a list or hopeful . I did come to agree with a lot of what he said. I think there is a decent chance, because i think bannon believes the electorate has already changed. Even in the general election, trum pwas the tories, despite victorious, despite obvious flaws in trump. Not a perfect person, would admit that himself and despite a lot of controversy. What bannon believes is that already the longing for populism and nationalism is there. He believes its already victorious among the base. Where it hasnt changed is in washington and in the leadership in some parts of the republican party, particularly the senate that he is going after now. Tonight afterwords at 9 p. M. Eastern on cspan 2s book tv. This sunday on american artifacts, we visit the Willard Hotel, located two blocks from the white house, it has been a witness to history for 200 years. Here is a preview. A very historic spot. There has been a bar going back almost 200 years. Henry clay came to washington in 1808 and along with him came barrels with shower sour mahs whiskey. The barrels he brought from Bourbon County were stamped with Bourbon County for tax reasons and that is how the name of all f evolved for bourbon. He discovered that washingtonians were drinking mint juleps with rum or brandy. He was appalled and decided to show case the proper way to make a southern style mint juleps and people to relish showing how to make a mint juleps southern style of kentucky whiskey. Bourbon we continue to practice that legacy here. We use henry clays original recipe. Henry clay traditionally, in the beginning of every new session of congress, would bring a a barrel of bourbon and invite on a bipartisan basis members of congress from both sides of the aisle to join him in toasting the new legislative session. That tradition continues to this day. Just recently we had a group of distillers from urban county in kentucky come here Bourbon County and with the assistance of the delegation of senators and connor smith from kentucky, honor the senator and that legacy that was started in the 1800s here at the Willard Hotel. Henry clay was known as the great compromiser. What better way to compromise after a day of legislative battling on capitol hill than to retire to the bar after at the will or hotel and have a mint julep . At the Willard Hotel . You can learn more about the Willard Hotel sunday at 6 p. M. And 10 p. M. Eastern on american artifacts only on American History tv on cspan 3. Cspan, where history unfolds daily. Cspan was created as a Public Service by americas Cable Television companies and is brought to you today by your cable or satellite provider. The civil war, authors Stephen Engle describes the military philosophy of Union General don carlos buelle and online outline some of the factors that shaped his reputation. This talk is part of pamplin park symposium just getting underway. Calling it generals we love to hate. Now im going to introduce our speaker. Hes going to be talking about don carlos buelle, the mcclellan of the west. E studies and teaches the political and economic e

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